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i have been cured. heres how.

i told my family i have depession, they all came to visit and showed me attention and showed me how confident they are, and told me to do do do get out. they are nto the people i thought they wrre, and therapy helped me to see them not so black and white, theyre amazing! my sister and dad travel, stay up to date on society through work and personal interest, not only this, but they did this in my personal space, my room at halls, where i hide away from everyone, like them in my childhood where all the thoughts happen. my sister and dad are out there, totally outgoing and confident, and encourged the same. my mum was there listening, all together for me. theres no prison anymore because of this, and ive gone from a mouse to a girl about town talking to all, starting dating, living, making friends, and believing in action because my big sister wouldnt think like that, i dont need to now either. their support is what you need.

if you can, tell your family to support you together in your private space. let them get in if theyre strong people who take action and live, you will change. i have broken out of my prison finally for the first time in 21 years, after unintentional but no doubt stupid parental neglect. a sense of family and not judging them harshly but seeing their good sides amongst the faults as they support you is what you need.

they have to tell you start getting out there and do things, running, zumba, a festival, down the local bar, taking a trip, anything, just get out and feel part of society!
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It sounds like this was a very important breakthrough for you. I am very happy that when you opened up to your family, you got a such a loving, supportive response which has created such a dramatic change in your outlook and life. And it sounds as if stepping out and getting more involved in life was the solution that seems very clear to you now that you've realized that.

It is very kind of you to want to share your experience with everyone in the hope that they would find it helpful. Unfortunately, most people who post here do not have families to which it would be a good or healing thing to open up to. For you, it sounds like you have realized that your perceptions of your family were the problem and once you saw them clearly, it made all the difference. For many here, we have to struggle to perceive that our families are actually more hurtful than we realized, and deal with the grief of not being able to seek support from our families because they are incapable of providing it and in many cases are the source of the pain we are seeking support for. I am very happy for you that this was not true in your case.

That's so inspiring, misdell- thank you for sharing. It's so good to know that there is love and support out there in this crazy world. I'm so glad your family came through for you when you needed them the most. And you are right- generally when we think positively about others, they are more able to live up to that expectation especially if they are people of good will, like it seems your family is. Smiler Love really is the cure to depression!

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