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During my last session on Monday, I told my T that I was not sure I wanted to continue with therapy. After being so badly triggered by seeing his wife in the parking lot and struggling with my injured, defective hip I was feeling very low. I just could not see putting myself through the agony and fear each time I went to see him that I could once again bump into the wife and be horribly triggered into emotional flashbacks. My T seemed a bit surprised that I was so serious about this and he asked me to take a few days and think it over and decide if I could continue with him. He told me we could "process" what was triggering me so badly and get past this. I was really doubtful.

So I left and thought about what to do for a few days. I thought about our relationship, how hard we worked to get to this point and mostly I remembered that my T has taken such good and wonderful care of me. He does so much for me that he does not have to do. He does it because he genuinely cares about me.

It hit me that leaving him was much more scary and painful than staying and working through my junk. The core of what triggers me with regard to his wife is my self loathing and my feelings of worthlessness. I look at her and she has so much of what I want and what I can't be and that throws me into the black hole. I abandon the relationship with my T before he can abandon me... because why would he want to be with me when I compare SO unfavorably with the person he chooses to actually LIVE with. It's a horrible place to be.

I picked up the dragon he gave me to keep over a year ago and remembered how he told me to keep it until I decide to leave. I put it down and thought NO... he is not getting it back.

I went in today and he was just standing there by his desk when I walked in. I said hi we shook hands and sat down. It got right to the point. He reminded me of our last conversation and the decision I had to make. I wonder if he was nervous or worried. It's hard to take in. A friend of mine who knows my whole story said she thought it was deeply troubling him to think of my leaving. I have been with him for 3 long, hard years. So I told him I gave it a lot of thought and I realized that no one has ever taken such good care of me and I didn't want to leave him. He smiled and said GOOD! This means we have done our work well and have succeeded. The attachment, connection and our relationship is what won out over my fears of facing my past.

We talked a little about my fears of his wife and how it made me feel. He said although I feel fear I was never actually harmed by her. I said yes I was because it spiraled me into emotional flashbacks. He said but that comes from your past and your history with others. Then he said something really important. He said that if he really felt that I was truly hurt or harmed by her then he would make changes. That told me how important it is to him that I am protected.

I mentioned to him about holding my dragon last night and what I was thinking. He said that he was thinking about the dragon this morning. I said wow that is a coincidence. I asked him why. He said he was wondering if he was going to get it back today. That really touched me.

We did some work on my self acceptance. I still am a bit mystified how he is going to make me feel okay about his wife being in the office. What I did get from our talk is that I need to EXPERIENCE his feelings and his opinion about me (essentially he is reflecting who I really am back to me) then I will grow/heal and be able to stand up to her and walk tall. I had told him that I wished I could walk to his office with a blanket over my head. My way of disappearing myself. I am terrified of HER knowing I am there or who I am or recognizing me in any way. He said that makes him sad because he is very proud of me and he likes and cares for me and does not want me to hide.

So he told me that Monday I have to walk up his stairs repeating to myself 5 good things he has told me about me. He said that will remove some of my fear. So I see him Monday and hopefully I can remember this and the fear will subside enough so I'm not in panic mode walking into his office.

Thanks for reading
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I'm glad you were able to make the decision to keep working with your T. I am glad your T showed you that he cared about continuing to work with him. I think it is important to make note of those moments that you commit or recommit to working through your junk. I'm headed to bed but I wanted to tell you how good it was for me to hear about your session. It is inspiring to me to hear how honest you are with your T about the positive things in your relatioship.
You did really great work TN.

Something Monte said stood out for me and it is really relevant to us. But painful.

That's the key isn't it? It has been the only reason I have stayed to face the pain of my past these last few years. Who would subject themselves to such pain otherwise? Sometimes it angers me that I cannot walk away from this relationship...but then I realize that is the point of it. The emotional tie has to be that powerful in order for us to stay with the process. It is cruel - the relationship triggers the very pain we have been trying to escape all our lives, but the thought of exiting it triggers the same pain. And that's just the way it works.

I am faced with a similar impasse right now. It is pain upon pain and honestly I think - what else can the world throw at us. It was F'ing painful living through our lives when we were young, innocent children and now as grown adults - we have to go through it again and relearn the childhood stuff as an adult. This is a new kind of torture on top of pain.

As I have said before. Attachment pain is the worst pain. EVER. I hate it.

And to quote you again Monte "It sucks to be us"

(((TN))) So amazed by how you push through all this. I had trouble, at first, reading about your thoughts of quitting...because I get there, to that impossible place where I don't feel I can keep going, but I don't know how to quit, either. I'm glad you were able to see the great work you've done and the wonderful relationship you have with your T. I know he would have been sad to lose you, but also that he wants you to stay for you, not for him, because unlike in the past, he's really always trying to look out for your very best, not his own.

(((everyone))) who struggles being in long-term therapy. It truly is both the most important and most terrifying work I have ever done, getting close to someone like this. Not that I'm not close to my H, or to my child, but it's an entirely different type of I had given up on by the time I was a toddler. You are all heroes in my book, no matter what.

So happy you and your T are hanging in there together. I'd been doing some researching on mentalizing for something my T and I were talking about and I thought you might find it useful.

I wondered if his wife evokes a sense of loss for you because of your past history with Old T. Here is a quote from the article:

But, at moments of emotional distress, particularly distress triggered by actual or threatened loss, the capacity for mentalization is most likely to apparently evaporate.

inevitably will provoke anxiety related to loss of a sense of self and that the ensuing emotional experiences will rapidly threaten to overwhelm the patient’s mental capacities, leading to escalating emotions and inability to accurately understand others’ motives.

Here is the article if you would like to read it:

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