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Just wanted to start a thread where anyone could post any thoughts or feelings or memories or anything about Preppie Girl. Sort of like a way for us to have an online memorial of sorts?

PG's sister posted the thread titled "Hi" started in PG's name, letting us know that Preppie Girl passed away.

for me, I know from recent experience, that when tragedy strikes, having a space to say goodbye and come together and grieve is important. It's why we have memorials and funerals and such.

maybe this can just be a place, a thread, for people to express anything now or in the time to come, that they feel about losing sweet Preppie Girl and say goodbye as a forum community...?

(p.s. please, someone tell me if this is a terrible idea to start a thread like this. you can private message me or public message me. I intend good here, but may be missing the mark on what is right.)

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same." ~F. Weedn

I don't have many words right now. I can say that I for one, will never be the same for having known PG for the time that I did. I will miss her much.


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Thank you so much JD- I'm so glad that you did this.

It is very difficult to find words. PG was special to me. I feel so sad. She was sweet and gentle and funny. I'll always remember the ice cream thread when she first started posting here- we had some laughs.. People's personality really shows through on this forum. You can get a sense of what people are like, even just through their written words. She was quiet, didn't have lot to say about herself, and was always a kind and peaceful presence around this place. A suffering and uncomplaining soul.

I'm so very sad to have this news, but I am so grateful to her sister for posting, as I would have worried about her not replying.

Our thoughts love and prayers go with her- and out to her family.


Jane this was a lovely and caring idea. Rituals are so important during times of grief. It helps us to remember the person we lost and in coming together we can celebrate her.

PG was a very sweet person who didn't ask for much but was always offering support to others. She was there for me when I was going through a horrible time when I was abandoned by my T. She had a quiet yet caring presence here. I will always remember how much she loved ice cream (I love it too) and how she would delight in discovering a new flavor.

Perhaps we should all have an ice cream this week in tribute and honor of our PG. I am sure she is with the angels now. She will be missed.

Dear PG's sister - thank you SO much for caring enough about us to give us this closure of knowing what has happened, and what is happening with her account.

Dear everyone,

I know a number of you knew Preppie Girl better than I did, but like everyone I felt her very much as part of our community - loved her presence and her little icecream jokes, and I miss her.

I also want to say that for those of you who had a closer bond to her, I know the grief will be very much present at the moment, and the sense of the community changing somehow is with all of us. We are here for each other. Don't be afraid to reach out, or just to take time to come here and have a little icecream and a little quiet reflection.

Mine is Caramel & Sea-Salt. Tastes a little bit like tears.


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