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For those of you who live in the U.S. and have HBO cable, In Treatment is beginning a new season on October 25-26 at 9pm EST. Two episodes each night with all new patients for Dr. Paul Weston. This is just about the only TV that I make sure to watch. My old T used to watch it too. I tried to reassure him that I was not HIS Laura but in the end... maybe I was. He ran from me just like Paul ran from Laura. Laura's episodes were riveting and despite the drama some of them were painfully true to life. The intensity of feelings that run through therapy when there is attraction/attachment going on in there.

Laura's dx was never really mentioned but I believe she was either complex-PTSD or Borderline based on her troubled childhood and feelings of abandonment. I wish they had explored more deeply Laura's attachment to Paul and perhaps her seeing him partly as the good father she never had. Laura knew a LOT less about Paul than I knew about my T and she did not get to experience him in all the situations I shared with my T but the feelings in that room were definitely real ones.

I hope season 3 lives up to the prior 2 seasons.

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Ohhhhhhh Nooooooooh. This is so unfair!!!!! Where I live we can’t get digital or satellite so even when UK tv showed In Treatment over here I couldn’t get to see it. Ended up buying the DVD of season 1 (of which I’m up to week 6 now Smiler ) and am eking it out because I know I can’t get my mits on season 2 yet and now season 3 is out groan moan complain lol

I shall avoid this thread though because I don’t want to know what happens before I watch it Big Grin

Did want to post though that the Israeli version on which In Treatment is based, called Be ‘Tipul, is available as download on internet (for free) - it’s subtitled so ok for English speakers. I watched a bit of the first episode and actually think it’s really good. Here’s a link if anyone wants to check it out.


Hope you guys enjoy Season 3. What I’ve seen of season 1 so far is great. (Not sure I’d like Paul for my T though!)


favourite show nr 1 of all times! It inspired me to start in therapy, so i am so thankful for the show! I cant wait to get season 3 over here. I have to download it somehow Big Grin ow.

Yeah, like LL, the isreal version is very good! The "Laura" is amazing in it... The T is also quite likeable, though i prefer Byrne.
It makes sense now! Thanks UV. That’s probably why I don’t like Alex… He reminds me of my dad and all his narcissistic traits. Actually, he probably reminds me of myself and that’s why I don’t like him. Hmm…. Lots to think about!

I’ve watched season one week one now. I have to say, I really like Paul as a T. A lot of little things, such as his facial expressions, remind me so much of my T. I also loved his session with Gina. So fascinating. At first I felt like I was watching something I shouldn’t. Maybe because I know my T has a supervisor? Even with how Paul reminds me of my T, I still wasn’t surprised by any of the things he said about his clients… My T is so good at keeping a blank face sometimes that I hope he’s able to let out all his true feelings.
just spent the better part of the afternoon watching this on HBO on demand.

really engaging. really enjoyed it. just following the 'women' on past seasons, as there are too many stories for me to follow otherwise.

anyone watching this? it might be interesting to have this thread follow it.

some seems a bit 'hokey' too, seems his (gb) reactions are so much more visible than any t i have ever seen, and i've seen a few!!! i guess i am so out of it that i am not observing them too much, but then, i am so perceptive to even the most subtle threat or change, that, i think i would notice.

anyone watching?? jill
I've watched all of season 1.. I love Laura and Sofie.. I can relate to both of them. Didn't like Alex at all and didn't really like Jake & Amy either. I can't say exactly why but I do not like Gina as a therapist.

I've watched week one of season 2 and I don't like it so far. I don't think I'll watch the rest. I saw that season 3 is on HBO on demand so I might just start watching that. Has anyone else seen season 3? Is it any good?
june, yes, i can see me going to the window (for effect)....NOT! maclove, i did like what i saw of season 2, and the few episodes of season 3. like i say, i just followed the women (not men or couples), but i think it is worth looking at if you are half as therapy obsessed as i am. actually, week 6 of season 2 was really good. a heck of a lot of interprettations for one week, but really insightful, i thought.

i wish some didn't seem so how they decide the session is over, the walk to the door, the close focus on his nervous hands, her quickened breathing...c'mon directors, we aren't STUPID, we can catch that without the close focus...but, other than some of that stuff, and the dad gum thirty minute slot, it is worth watching if you have the time. i am NOT a tv watcher, so, for me, it really has to capture my interest. so....see what next week offers. but, without hbo or tivo, it would NOT be something i could just bow out of my family's life to watch 'my show'....
I don't want to "spoiler" anything but I just finished watching the first 4 episodes of season 3. I'm just going to mention a name or two, I won't reveal any plot. Every season there's always someone who I identify with--(sometimes 2---Laura/Sophie) This season I can see it's going to be Sunil. Have any of you seen anything of season 3, and if so, have you picked your favorite person? It's a bit disappointing that there are only 4 days of the week instead of 5, but anything is better than nothing. And this Wendy...hmm...I don't see her lasting very long.
Nice to see a thread about In Treatment! I must admit I have been completely obsessed by this show. Somehow it had a very therapeutic effect, mainly because I could identify with (some traits/problems of) some of the characters, and seeing how they coped with their issues made me see mine in a different light. Sofie and Laura in Season 1 were my favourites. Adele is my overall favourite, even though she is, obviously, not a patient. I find the way she challenges Paul to look at himself very refreshing, and it helps me to think of my own T as 'just a human being' and not some sort of idol.

I must say I was disappointed with how the 3rd season ended. Not very realistic, I thought.

Do you think there should be a 4th season?
Cheers, Mayflower

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