Thanks Kansas and Liese,
The one thing that I can say is that I am moving and growing through this process. I've been realizing that my feelings have been snowballing and I'm trying to get a better handle on them. Feeling fearful of being abandoned is a horrible feeling to try to calm.
I've actually kept in contact with my T once a week since her absence - I send her weekly 'healing energy' e-mails, where I express get well wishes and update her as to ways that I have been taking care of myself. She replies by letting me know how she is coming along with her healing and tells me that she is pleased to hear of my self-care.
I realize that part of what is coming up for me is that even though I have been taking care of myself during this period, I have not been feeling 'well'. I feel like my T feels as though I am well and so I've been feeling anxious and deceitful on some level as a result. I think I have gotten confused around the semantics of 'being well' 'keeping well' and 'feeling well'. They are all a bit mixed up to me and my T believes that I am 'keeping well', which somehow to me does not feel like wellness given that I hurt so much around her absence.
So one suggestion that has come up from my T's colleague (who has been provding with an immense amount of support), is she's suggested on numerous occassions that I simply write to T and share with her some of my feelings. I thought that I would never do that given that I felt that it would be such an invasion on my T's personal life and healing time. My colleague and my T are in regular contact, so I have decided to trust the colleague and her perception that it would be an appropriate thing for me to do. So this morning, I drafted a brief e-mail and sent it off to her. I didn't want it to be too intense or too long so I was able to essentially tell her that although I have been taking care of myself, her absence has been really painful and very difficult for me and that I am feeling a lot of anxiety around her returning. I addressed a comment that T had made in one of her e-mails...indirectly expressing some concern that I'd drop her. I assured her that that was not the case but that I'd need to slowly transition back into therapy and would like to talk about it more once she returns to the office. My T has responded briefly to my e-mail, essentially saying that she's received it and has appreciated my honesty but has a busy day and will get back to me when she's freed up a bit. I imagine that I'll probably feel more centered and a bit calmed once I hear from her again. I feel pretty good about sending the e-mail though and think that it might (hopefully) be the first step towards working my way back into therapy.