I asked him how he felt about his isolation. He told me he has days when he is alone, and does worry about 'performing' again and no one knowing about it. I suggested I ring twice a day when no one is expected to visit him. In that way I would know when something was wrong, and consequently contact his daughter to investigate. I set my clock alarm now to make those calls, and all I have to do is ask him if he is still standing to know all is well.
It seems there is more to it now, because each time I do call we both get into worldly chats about anything of interest. Some of it is psych stuff, but most times it is about spontaneous thoughts that interest us both. He is mostly the teacher in all subjects, but every now and again he learns from me.
This is the other side unknown to each of our selves, and one that I enjoy immensely. Chats about stuff last forty to fifty minutes, before we both realise they are more than check in calls.
The advantage for me is having a good connection with someone, and a few laughs. I'm looking forward to our next chat. It brings me back to today and out of the 'alone' for a few hours. I don’t know if T is aware of that, but to me it is a nice distraction from these barely tolerable feelings.