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My family is sooo dysfunctional I can’t stand being in the same room with them for longer than an hour twice a year. Since my mother died, I have been dodging Christmas every time. A couple of weeks ago I couldn’t avoid seeing them because we were all attending my BIL’s funeral. It was horrible: they are loud, emotionally retarded and full of cr**. The only one I get along with is my big sis (there are five of us), but she can get on my nerves too at times. As compassionate and unjudgmental as I can be for anyone else, I don’t for the life of me seem to be able to be like that with them. So we don’t see each other and that’s fine with me. Sometimes it does make me sad though, my children not having fun uncles or aunts or grandparents.
Draggers - I understand better now! I'm sorry their weirdness feels isolating (and that coupon thing is weird - see with me I'd ask for something strange in return... Like all his soup can labeles for no reason).

My family is alien.., and it does hurt sometimes and makes me sad about myself but.,, I have to be okay with it to be okay with me. I feel like I make no sense to people - I laugh at my own jokes (they are funny just the reference is wrong - a microbiology joke can only work with so many people but yet I will still say it then laugh). My mom always sings in the morning, and my Dad would always whistle while cooking - I do both of those. Stuff they do and think is okay are hilarious and I can't help but ... I dunno, participate.
where one aunt actually..get this......scribbled out the name of the sender and recipient and added mine and hers!!!

OMG that is hilarious!! You should cross out your name and send it back to her with her name on it!! ROFL. And the coupons.... Yeah never heard that one before.

My family is just mean. Most are suspicious of others, judgemental, narcissistic, insulting etc. I am talking about siblings. ONe of my brothers tells all these wild stories that you just know are not true. And he expects you to get all worked up and laugh and go crazy over these horribly far fetched stories, most of which have to do with him riding his bike. And I swear he is having a romantic affair with his bike. He literally takes and posts pics of his bike by the lake every single night and I have seen flowers on it etc. When the chain broke he said that she broke her loins. It goes on from there but no wants to read fifty pages on my family. Yes friends are where it is at. You are a good mom Draggers by bringing in good people for your kids to meet and keeping away the aliens.

I know this might sound like a silly question but how do you find people to invite? I seem to always get involved with inaccessible types.

It's SO hard having to deal with not having a family anymore. I find it one of the hardest things to cope with and I dread the holidays because I don't have anyone else to invite over. Frowner

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