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Many of you are my lifeline and I've just got this awful feeling in my gut that many have withdrawn and 'though I know it's the holiday season and everyone is dealing with huge amounts of feelings and situations, I just want to put it out there that if there's a problem, let's deal with it!!
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Hi Morgs,
Nothing wrong on my end beyond holiday season madness and the subsequent physical collapse. Big Grin

I've been on the forum for about three years now and these lulls are common and don't have a lot to do with the forum, but instead with what is going on in someone's life. Sometimes that problem is with the forum, so it's not a bad question to ask, but in my experience, people not posting is almost always about other stuff in their life not leaving them the time and energy to post, not about them having a problem here. And if there is a problem here, it's because they are finding that reading here can be too triggering. Again, no one's doing anything wrong, someone just needs space. So try not to worry too much.

Hiya, Morglets! Just in case I was one of the ones you were worried about, I will tell you I got triggered by something really random, and also that my h is home and gets (silently) angry/hurt when I post, and also I am pretty much out of contact with my T anymore so just feel generally disconnected from therapy-type stuff and havn't got much useful to offer since I'm in a weird place without him- so I just have a few reasons to be away for the time being. Nobdody has done anything wrong, and as far as I'm concerned everything seems as ok as it can be on the forum, though I haven't been around very much lately, so I guess I don't really know what might be happening...

Big hugs to you- and everyone- miss you all, so much-

Dear ((AG)) ((BG)) ((JD)) ((BB)) ((PG)) there's a certain cadence here eh?
Thank you for responding and for the reassurance - it's a difficult time of year - so many are charged up dealing with their families and so many of us are charged up with aloneness - ain't that life though - too much of something or too little Eeker
I hope you all can recoup your energies soon as you are missed Smiler
Be gentle with yourselves - Lots of
I guess we'll all just hang in, look after each other and get to know each other more, until those we're all missing are ready and able to come back Smiler

frosty - I know you're not going anywhere - thank God Big Grin What you pouring for my dog ?? How did you know he likes tea?? dududududududu Eeker Eeker (twilight zone music theme attempt!!) You're too young to know but look it up!!

I'm here too just not as frequently. One because my son is home from school for the holidays and needs my time and also because I was very unexpectedly knocked down again by oldT who sent me that letter that I am never supposed to contact him again. That took the wind out of me and my Christmas holidays which I was already hurting from. He just has such impeccable timing for slamming me... my birthday, my anniversary and now Christmas. Somehow he missed Easter....

So I am here and will probably be around over the weekend since New Year's is triggering me so badly. I have missed those who have taken breaks but I totally understand.

Draggers, I'm so sorry you have crashed. We are all here for you when you feel you can share. Safe hugs to you and hope you feel strong again soon... because you ARE strong. Hang in there.

Hiya ((STRM Draggers Marsh TN Kashley Starfishy)) So good to see you respond to this thread Big Grin I know many are posting a little and sure do understand what a triggering time of year this is, but hoped by starting this thread, we could all get together and share/help/vent or just to say "I'm still around" or whatever Smiler Also I'm running around the boards trying to catch up and running out of puff Wink
MH - I think your comment was meant for me not Marsh - people who go MIA are missed, whether friend or acquaintance - although you're right as I don't know you you weren't uppermost in my mind Smiler Having said that, I'm sorry you are going through such a rough time Frowner
Thank you SG for clarifying that - I was a bit confused too!
Got to go for a little while
to all

It is ok, I really wasn't offended. Smiler
I actually was more confused than anything.

It did make me do some head scratching to try and remember when and where I had said that to you. No harm has been done. Wink I deleted my post as well so don't worry, accidents happen.

I am sorry that you are having a rough time right now. Please don't stop posting.

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