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Thanks DF for the reassurance. You have two Ts? How does that work?

Draggers, yeah dressing light is a good idea huh? This is almost always started off with nausea. Then I break out in a sweat. It is all around the physical abuse by my Dad when i was young. I am glad to be back and to be so welcomed is just what I needed right now. Thank you Draggers.

I think any body reaction when processing trauma is normal. I have been extremely hot, I've been extremely cold. I've nearly vomited, I have shaken uncontrollably, I've been stiff and unable to move etc. In other words, stress is almost always going to show itself in some way on a body level and I think however that happens for you is normal for you. I'm sorry it was so hard. I definitely understand that struggle of wanting to say it's not real.
DF that makes sense. One for the past and one for the present sort of. I mean they are both past and present but what you say makes sense.

Thanks so much STRM, your reply has been helpful. What you say makes sense too. After all it is stress to the hilt. I mean yeah reacting on a physical level seems inevitable. It's all just so new to me. In a weird way it is validating but it's painful too.

Hi Mayo thanks for commenting. Yeah I wondered about hot flashes but apparently I am not even pemenapausal yet. Plus they are happening when I talk about the abuse directly

Hi Beautifully I Like your forum name! Yeah it's a strange thing. It's not that I feel so hot as I just get this rush that then makes me sweat. It's strange. Kind of validating too but weird.

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