So I'm finding myself in that place once again. The place where I think "Ok, Forlorn, you will not succeed in therapy if you cannot and refuse to tell your T everything!" And then I decide, That's it, tomorrow I tell her. Even if I have to write it down, I will tell her that I love her, that I feel like I need her and it's scary needing her, but that she also makes me safe and that's why I am so attached to her, that she calming and kind, that she has many of the attributes I would like to see in my future grownup self, that even though we argue, I love that she has a healthy different point of view. I will tell her that I've been afraid all this time because I don't want my feelings casually cast off as transference as if I would have never admired her gentle ability to help others without this therapy relationship. I will tell her that I know she can't be the mom I want, but I will love her fondly as someone who helps nurture me into a better person, and that I feel, in my heart, there is nothing wrong with feeling like she is in my life to help me grow. I will tell her that I want to be open and trusting of her, that I will believe her when she speaks of me positively, that she has already helped me so much, and then I will ask her for that hug I've been waiting for. And I think, we'll get past this and be able to talk about and look back on it one day with fondness.
I tell myself, I'll get stronger, I won't need to hide things from her anymore, and I'll finally realize she DOES care.
And then...
I see her again, and it all gets blown away with the winds of my fears. I end up dodging anything related to talking about my feelings for her. And I keep thinking, "gah! just read my mind, please don't make me have to say it!
Well I'm there again. Tomorrow is the day. (I think/hope)
Has anyone else had transference or feelings for their T that they held back on telling? What happened afterward? Are they really okay with it, or will I start to see subtle changes in her behavior? Will she start to slightly distance herself and then more, and then more until it's all just clinical talk talk talk. BORING! My little one doesn't want to lose what I've worked hard to get and I don't either. I'd rather not tell her forever than lose any of the closeness (I perceive) we have. I want a gentler relationship where I can feel secure and where my little one can feel safe to come out too. I don't want an all-adult harsh reality/tough love one where my little child never grows or feels unsafe. Or am I totally off base here and am asking for and expecting WAY too much. After all, if mother could not provide a helpful foundation who am I kidding myself to even imagine that someone else should.
I don't think it'll go any differently tomorrow so any support would be appreciated. I just don't want her to freak. Please don't let her freak and aggressively push me away. What if she's been thinking this whole time that I'm gross or something? Or worse yet, what if she simply does not Want my love. Then I'm just left sitting there holding my broken heart?