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OK, I know I am probably way overreacting here, but I am still reeling from my last session. Today would have been my phone session, except I traded it for my crappy Tuesday night session. It still hurts so much that T told me I was pushing the connection and felt like maybe he shouldn't have sat on the floor with me afterall. How did I hear it? "Your need to be close to me was too much and I was wrong to indulge it, so from now on I will stay far away from you and never approach or allow you to approach again."

Chances are that is not the case. But I never asked him to sit with me. I just asked if *I* could sit on the floor and he moved, I suppose, because he didn't like the height differential. Having had him "with me" like that, it would be hard for me to sit on the floor again, partially because it will remind me of his withdrawal, but mostly because my little kiddo senses he is uncomfortable, distressed even, by my "smallness" before him.

I know he said it is not necessarily permanent and that real connection, relationship and intimacy (yes, he seemed to use these words in the context of our therapeutic interactions as much as life in general) is about learning to tolerate both closeness and distance in a relationship. And big, grown up me, says, "Wow, if I could really learn to get close without running away in a panic...and then withdraw without clinging on for dear life, I would be free!" But little me feels the impossibility of such a thing, especially when no one will just give her sustained closeness, without withdrawing, without shaming her into reliving the rejection and abandonment of the past. At the very least, I was not ready for this. I have not been in so much pain since the week I found out about the incident with my husband's condition.

I don't know how I will be able to go to my session. I don't even know when my session is. Usually we would discuss it today in our phone call and he would let me know when it would probably be. Now, I have texted him my preferences and just have to wait and hear back eventually. I imagine myself in that lobby, and I'm unsure if I will be able to walk into his office. The idea of going into that room is terrifying right now. If I can even make it down the hallway, I don't know if I can go through the door. If I can force myself through the door, into a place that is filled with hurt, how do I pick a place to sit down? I can sit as close as humanly possible while respecting his (not even clearly expressed) boundary about the floor. I can be so afraid that I sit next to the door. When I imagine being in that room, I feel pinned away from T by that stupid coffee table. It makes me want to let him sit down first and then move the coffee table up against him and pin him in the corner, so he can feel how trapped I am. Honestly, I doubt I will even make it through the door without his help and I don't know how he can help me.

I feel like we will never be able to connect (emotionally) again, whether or not he allows me to physically approach. I *know* it is stupid. I know you will all tell me this is not so. That things are not completely broken like they feel. I feel paralyzed, like an infant who hasn't learned how to talk or crawl or even roll over. All I can do is cry out, but when he's so far away, I can't believe he will hear me or I am learning to stop trying to get my needs met and just trying to be quiet enough that I don't drive him away forever.

And still, I am forcing myself to tell T these feelings, to not give up on his care, and he is sending me supportive messages like, "I'm not leaving..." and "I won't quit on you, no need to worry!" It's like T is shouting passionately to me, "I'm not THEM!" and then Kiddo is yelling back at him, "Oh, yeah? Prove it!" except she doesn't have much patience for him to show he's different. I'm not ready to be left like this. I need to feel connected or I cannot keep going back there to do this work. But, I don't know how to make myself feel he is my safe, caring T right now. I'm not sure I CAN connect again, which seems like such an overreaction.

Early in Tuesday's session, I told T that I was "done," because I had admitted a need, allowed him to meet it, and now he was saying that doing it was wrong. I told him I didn't feel like I could talk to him anymore, and T asked, "Because it doesn't feel like I'm your friend now?" And I said, "That's not really the appropriate word." Then T said, "Because I'm not safe anymore?" and I nodded. T asked, with a lot of feeling in his voice, something like "Is that fair?" or maybe it was "Isn't that unfair?" And no, I was being completely unfair, but I can't help that T doesn't feel safe, no matter that what he was doing was an attempt to stabilize our sessions for me.

How long am I going to have to sustain this pain? I feel like I'm being punched in the stomach repeatedly. And I don't want to stand up anymore. I just want to curl up on the floor and play dead until the beating stops. And hopefully, it stops before it kills me.

Sorry if I'm being too dramatic for anyone. I have plans for all weekend, yet I still don't seem to be able to distract myself enough to void some of this pain. Frowner
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Thanks. You may be right, but I don't think I misinterpreted it, because we were there for two hours after that statement was said at the beginning of our session. He always "accuses" me of pushing my processing, which I don't feel like I am trying to do. The thoughts in my head just won't go away and getting them written down is the only way they don't drive me completely nuts (let me sleep at night). In this case, he was saying that I was artificially pushing for him to move closer before I was ready. Which, granted, obviously part of me wasn't ready, but I wasn't really pushing it. I was just being honest about how I felt when he was far away and when he was close and once I started feeling "good" feelings about closeness, I decided for myself that those good feelings were worth the pain to me. But, then it felt like he decided for me that they were NOT worth the problems I was experiencing...which, in reality, were nearly as bad before he let me experience his presence more closely. I have been sitting in my car freaking out after sessions since at least early December. Only, after he allowed me to have that closeness, I felt comfortable being completely honest about what leaving was doing to me and how needy I felt toward him specifically. The good part of the statement is that it implies that someday he will evaluate me as ready and it will be an option again? But, it seems like once he provided me with that, I felt like it was his obligation to make me safe in that space of closeness BEFORE withdrawing and injuring me in that way. Oh will resolve in time one way or another. I'm trying to tell myself that the worst that can happen is I freak out and cannot stand seeing him anymore. And I'm trying to tell the little one that it isn't the end of the world if that happens. I want to throw her back in quarantine so badly right now. She complicates my life and sometimes I can barely function.
Well I think what I am hearing is that this isn't about his readiness or willingness, but it instead about your readiness. It sounds as though you know this on some level as well as you stated that perhaps someday he will be more open to it when he perceives you are being "ready".

In light of this, I think it is difficult to adopt the feeling of being rejected or hurt because it indicates that he has your best interest at heart. Should a connection be pushed before you are ready (even if it is being pushed on your part), it could destroy the potential for connection in the future. It is better to go slow and at a pace that is in synch with where you are at mentally rather than push yourself to move too quickly. That could be damaging.

In other words, Ts willingness to sit on the floor with you is not a reflection of his feelings for you. It doesn't mean that he cares about you any more or less because he will or will not sit on the floor with you. It is simply about his perception of whether or not you are ready, but his feelings for you haven't changed and do not need to change in order for him to sit on the floor. The only that needs to change is where you are at...and that has to happen naturally.

I think its okay to be hurt about this, but I would be careful to make sure you are clear with yourself about what it is that you are sad about. In other words, try to be very specific about what you are feeling....there is a distinct difference in being hurt/feeling rejected versus being sad that you are not at that place of being able to fully connect yet. Being hurt/feeling rejected are tied to feelings of unworthiness and feeling undeserving. But feeling sad that you are not ready yet is does not mean you have been rejected or that you are unloveable or not worthy of a connection.
I guess the only thing I can feel about it is like I am very alone and it is scary. I don't really feel like he is rejecting me, per say. I feel more like I have needs with no resources to meet them, because he sees me as not ready to address them. And even though he's not trying to invalidate those needs, they feel invalid now. Like, I don't get to have them met by a person...but I feel like, even if there is a spiritual component to it, they are needs that MUST be met in the context of a human relationship. But I don't even know where he stands, because he is very good at keeping himself out of the equation as I sift through this stuff. I'm just tired of feeling so much need for his presence. And him backing away, even for my own good, is making it worse. Frowner
I kind of tried this before everything broke down. I spent two sessions trying to get him to understand that I needed to know he would offer me SOME sort of help when I am in pain, if I start crying, etc. It came from the whole zoo exhibit discussion, where I felt like he would just observe from afar and be detached, when I needed his presence to reassure me. The best I could get from him is him saying I absolutely wasn't a zoo exhibit and he didn't feel detached. But when I am like that, I need someone to DO something to make me safe. Even if it is not being next to me, I need to know he will react in some way other than just saying, "Oh, I can tell it hurts!" And then, Kiddo is like, "F--- yeah, it hurts. Why are you just SITTING there watching!?" Ugh. Trying to remember why I undertook this process in the first place.
I am afraid I almost chuckled with understanding - as i have this kind of feeling going on a lot of the time. I rage at sweetP in my head for just WATCHING Me. Arghh.
But actually recently he has
1. moved nearer when I asked
2. spontaneously offered to pass me my blanket so that I can feel comforted x 2
3. cried
4, sighed with the sheer pain of what I am telling

so there are other ways of offering, and your T is probably trying to work out what he can offer that feels in YOUR best interests.
And still, I am forcing myself to tell T these feelings, to not give up on his care, and he is sending me supportive messages like, "I'm not leaving..." and "I won't quit on you, no need to worry!" It's like T is shouting passionately to me, "I'm not THEM!" and then Kiddo is yelling back at him, "Oh, yeah? Prove it!" except she doesn't have much patience for him to show he's different. I'm not ready to be left like this. I need to feel connected or I cannot keep going back there to do this work. But, I don't know how to make myself feel he is my safe, caring T right now. I'm not sure I CAN connect again, which seems like such an overreaction.

mmm- perfectly normal stuff going on here. Smiler

He is trying very hard to work out what is right for you. What if you side stepped loads of work that is really necessary just cos you found that you loved him sitting close to you?

I only ask this as this is what sweetP implies when he says he won;t hold me.

It is a horrible place, but knowing you, you will sort it with him as you are honest and tenacious.
LG - Already covered actually. He has my journal entry in his email box and have been texting him, but starting to restrain myself, as it is Easter weekend. I was thinking of trying to leave him alone all Saturday and Sunday, but if he doesn't tell me WHEN my appointment is before then, my panic will make that very difficult.
Thanks, Mayo. T texted me today to say he knows I have had a brutal week and is glad I seem to be a bit more grounded. I have to wait until Tuesday night to see him, which he said he was sorry for (knows I want to go in ASAP). Frowner But, at least I know I have an appointment and he is showing he cares by acknowledging my pain. I replied since I had to confirm the appointment time, thanked him and allowed myself to use the opportunity to ask for him to pray about some triggering stuff with H last night. Hope he doesn't respond, because I am back to not texting the rest of the weekend. I am feeling like such a burden to him. And with the stuff that happened with H, I just want to be with someone who can be close to me and safe at the same time. And I am sad that T thinks I am not ready for it. Maybe I'm not, but otherwise I'm thinking no one can ever do it. There is just something about me that means no one can approach without being repelled or wanting to take advantage. Frowner I don't get to have safe care unless it is from far away, where I can't even feel it. Activated. Tired. H is sleeping in. I'm watching Boo. I just want him to wake up and take over so I can curl up with my kitties and get the only safe love I can have.
I tried something this morning that worked. I fell upon it by accident. As you probably know I have a bear, that is quite big, as big as a six month old child or maybe a small toddler. I hold Bear as Bear feels like the hurt little me. So there I was today, as part of my morning prayer, holding and cuddling little me as Bear. And I sit there and just kiss the top of Bears head and hold and rock and cuddle. And suddenly I feel like sweetP. I feel how he is so safe and kind and solid and caring and there for me and he is now in me holding my little me as Bear.

If you can follow all that ( I admit it might be hard to follow in the reading of it) - you can see that I have found a way for little me to feel held by sweetP.

It worked.

So thought I would pass that on and see if you can
1. get your mind round it
2. give it a go, with a bear or something.

(My bear actually wears a little smocked dress that my gran made for me when I was a little baby. It helps me really feel that it is the little me that needs so much care.)
Thanks, Sadly. Easter is going OK. Choir was fun. No one showed to see me sing, but that was fine. I had a coughing attack in the first service and people probably thought I was going to pass out, turning red trying not to cough during a whole song. Frowner Have to bring H to see family that doesn't want to see him. Then over to his family's house. All I want to do is lay in bed. Just need to make it until Tuesday night. I'm sorry you need to wait until Thursday. Frowner ((((Sadly)))) Thanks for "waiting" with me.
Thanks...I am hanging in. Trying to decide whether or not I want to text T today. I have gone two days without. I think if I don't text him today, I will just quit the "thread" he offered me. If I do text him, I will fall back into it. My motivations for avoiding it are very wrong, but I don't want to be a burden (although he says I am not).
Hi Yaku... hope you are doing okay. It's really tricky stopping the connection of text or email... one can get confused as to whether you are punishing yourself by withholding the contact, trying to not be a burden, or trying to wean yourself from needing so much contact. I have struggled with this in the past and there is no easy solution. I think eventually when we learn to self-regulate, we no longer need such constant contact and it just fizzles out naturally. Anyway, that is the ideal solution but not sure if it ever happens.

Thanks for checking in, TN. I sent him just a single text today to say I'm tentatively reestablishing the thread and projecting that he was glad to be rid of me and frustrated to be receiving my texts again and that feeling that way hurts. So, it is reestablished, but I am not feeling the need to send him anything else, which is relieving. That way, I am not avoiding him out of trying to manage HIS boundaries and not contacting him in desperation just to get by (which is OK once in a while, but when it becomes all the time is probably rough on both of us). Hopefully, that was the right decision...

I have some BIG stuff (regarding what happened in session last week and H's condition) I need to talk with him on Tuesday night, so I didn't want to risk cutting off entirely, because they it would be nearly impossible for me to talk. I am still trying to see my way into his office tomorrow night. I can't seem to get myself past the lobby and into the hallway and especially not through his doorway. Every time I think of walking in that room and deciding where/how to sit and worry about feeling disconnected and distant, I start to panic. Frowner

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