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I have felt it coming for a few weeks now, the whole turmoil with having to choose between spending time with my H and spending time with my family, including siblings who are like children to me, for the holidays and my upcoming birthday. They are more willing than last year to let H come around and ignore each other, but that turns out to be almost more painful for everyone. I tried to check whether they were comfortable having him around for Thanksgiving, but no one answered me, so I ended up choosing to have Thanksgiving with H's family (which is only fair as the last two holidays have been with mine). I was fine through yesterday morning. I talked to T about it, told him how intellectually, I know there is a lot of hurt in there about the incident that caused this and the being trapped and the sense that no matter what I do, I am causing pain to those I love.

He reinforced to me that while I am trapped in a position to make choices and others will be hurt by whatever choice is made, that I am not the cause of the pain. That I may be the only one in this situation who is completely without responsibility for the current state of things. Basically, he kept trying to explain that it was not my fault, these horrible things that happened and the hurt that is still there as a result.

Ever since then, I feel pretty miserable and like I want to fight that statement, because I did have choices to make, still do, regularly, all the time, about how to invest my time. If it is my fault, then maybe there was some way I could have prevented things. If it is my fault, maybe there is a magical right combination of choices that makes everyone else happy, even if I have to destroy myself to make it happen. If it's not my fault, then I am utterly helpless, torn and completely alone in bearing a responsibility that shouldn't exist. If I have, as T seems to think, consciously weighed every decision I have made since then, considered everyone to the best of my ability, minimized the pain I cause to others...and yet there is still so much brokenness, and I let the reality of that weigh on me, it will crush me. I have enough heavy things now, that I feel "It's not your fault," is not something I can deal with at all. I'd rather it be my fault and thus make sense.

Not seeing my younger siblings this Thanksgiving was fine on Thanksgiving day and the day after. But, as soon as T gave compassion to this situation, I was flooded with this feeling of rending inside, of being torn apart, of not being able to love anyone quite like I aspire to without the tug of unfairness to the other party. It's just too much. I want to crawl in a hole and hide until the end of January, but that would be the most unfair to everyone. Frowner

Sorry. I don't know if I'll leave this up, but I'm hurting and just needed somewhere to vent it where no one knows the parties involved.
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Oh Yaku I am so sorry you are in so much pain right now. It sounds so unbearably hard on you. I can not believe that even if you could make everything better at a great cost to you that would be the right thing for you. But how you do make this situation right for you I haveno clue. I wish I did. I just wanted to post so you know your pain is heard here. I'm sure others will have more wise words for you.

Hang on in there.

Hugs xxx
Hi Yaku,
I'm so sorry you're hurting right now. I completely understand how it's almost worse when it's not your fault, because then things just seem to be so senseless and it does weigh on you.
I also understand feeling torn apart about the people you love. I hope that your T and others can help you salvage some of the quality time and good feelings we all like to have at the holidays--before the end of January. Smiler

Yaku I'm sorry for your pain and for the corner you find yourself in being torn between your own family and your husband. It's a terrible place to be. I think your wanting it to be your fault is somehow connected to having some control over the situation. If it's your fault and you can JUST figure out a way to make this all work then it would be okay. It would be in your power to solve everything, just like when you were a kid... if you could just figure out how to be the perfect kid then your family would all be okay and things would be "normal". By accepting that it's not our fault we have to give up the power that we can "make" things work out perfectly for all involved and sometimes that is just not possible.

None of this is your fault and your T is correct. I know that is hard to hear. You can only do your best and you need to think of yourself in all of this and Bo too.

I'm sorry I don't have a solution but I hear you.

Many hugs
Serenity - Thank you for your words. You are right that making things better at cost to me would not be the right way to go, but I still seem occasionally go to the idea that if I could just suffer enough, no one else would have to. It was a martyr sort of thing that happened a lot, I guess, without me realizing. That if I could just take things on that didn't belong to me, that other people didn't take responsibility for, others could be happy, conflict would be minimized, and I could feel safe. I'm kind of in that place now, so thanks for making me think through it a bit.

Quell - Thanks for understanding and for your empathy. I do have a really great weight of everything being so senseless right now. T is being very supportive through this as is a close friend who knows the situation. If I ever learn to turn off the part of me that is constantly monitoring others and taking responsibility for any unhappiness, hurt or anger, big or small, I will have made some real progress.

DF - I know you so totally understand how it can be harder to hear that it's NOT your fault, rather than just letting it be. My H is still in therapy every other week with the same T that I see. He's doing a lot better on everything that seems not physiological and I am getting better with boundary stuff too, which is good. I place no expectations on anyone else to be accepting, but I hope eventually the others involved will be willing to go to therapy themselves. I hate to see much hurt around people that I care about and wanting help for someone who isn't ready to seek help.

TN - You're right about wanting the fault is partially about control, and it's exactly what I have never, ever had when it comes to my family. I always tried to make things about me, because if they were about me, there was something "right" I could do to fix it, even if I couldn't figure it out...and I never can. Maybe because... Eeker it's not really all about me? Wait, that can't be right!!! Wink Thanks for the hugs and thoughts!
That if I could just take things on that didn't belong to me, that other people didn't take responsibility for, others could be happy, conflict would be minimized, and I could feel safe.

Wow, boy have I ever been there, yaku. Neither of my parents took responsibility for themselves, so into that vacuum I jumped time and again until it became a habit. I can still feel myself thinking sometimes that I wish I could be in the wrong just so everyone else could be right and comfortable.
Alpaca - So sorry you can relate to those feelings, but thank you for sharing that I'm not alone in them. Frowner

Last session was hard. T walked through the early timeline of stuff that I "know" happened from other people telling me (namely oldest sister, some from my father) but don't actually remember. Little Yaku got very upset, which was confusing to me, since I don't even remember the experiences she is upset about. A very weird, swimming inside myself place right now where the intellectual knowledge of what happened and the dissociated feelings about it can't seem to meet anywhere that helps them make sense together, be connected to one another...trying to be patient, but I am back to wanting to run and hide, because this work just hurts too much. Take a step toward T means take a step toward pain. Why do I keep going?
Take a step toward T means take a step toward pain. Why do I keep going?

Oh gosh, Yaku, do I know about this! I guess we keep going for our kids. Because we have this hope that if we can just get past all the pain and muck we will feel ligher and more free and able to live better lives and in turn be better more involved and connected parents. And then our kids won't be repeating the pattern. We are the ones who break the chain.

I'm thinking of you.

Yes, for my kids sometimes, but also for me. There is so much joy, I think, that never gets experienced from my dissociation and numbing out. Right now, therapy brings more pain than joy. I guess deep down, I somehow believe T or at least hope that bringing this stuff out into the light really does allow it to get cleaned up. So, someday, maybe that balance of good and bad feelings will swing the other direction. Obviously, one can never be without pain, but maybe if I can learn to move through it, I won't have to avoid all the good things that come with trusting and connecting with another person, having deep, meaningful, interdependent relationships of the type I've always avoided by instinctive understanding of their triggering nature...I think that's why I keep going, if I had to answer my own question.

I had such an intense session today. T very deeply connected with Little Yaku in a way I could never have imagined and almost question whether or not it was real, because I wasn't all there, so-to-speak. This deep sense of connectedness between T and her is very beautiful and tender, but not only tender as in sweet, tender as in sore, like doing something that makes you ache all over in ways you can't explain from the exercise itself. I don't know if that metaphor is discernable, but that's how it feels inside right now, like my whole soul hurts from the contrast between what she has with T and never had before, should have always been available to her by nature of being someone's child. It hurts so much, but it is the sort of pain that feels like it might lead somewhere, if I chase after the trail long enough.
I guess deep down, I somehow believe T or at least hope that bringing this stuff out into the light really does allow it to get cleaned up.


I really believe this to be true. It's as if the pain is all there but unprocessed and so you can't move around it. It's like a dead weight. And any new pain just gets added to the pile. But if you take it all out and process it and acknowledge it, it still hurts but somehow takes the edge off and hopefully you can learn to do it as the pain is happening the present so the pile doesn't build up anymore. And hopefully, you will be in a better position to be able to filter through things and not take on anyone else's pain and add that to your pile. I guess I was thinking about your dilemma over Thanksgiving. While it was painful for you because things are not like they used to be, the pain between your siblings and your H doesn't belong to you and that pain isn't yours. The fallout from the pain does affect you. Does that make sense? But if you are like me, all the pain gets added to the pile whether or not it is mine.

So glad you had such a connected session with your T. He sounds just absolutely lovely.




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