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One of the things I've noticed since I joined this forum is that I find it difficult to start my own topics but don't have so much of an issue responding to other people's and sharing in there - I don't know exactly what that's all about. Possibly it's to do with vulnerable feelings, fear of putting my self out there. Maybe it's also to do with internal pressure I place on myself to be healed already, when really we are all works in progress. I think finally it's to do with a smidgeon of not feeling worthy of care.

So I thought I'd have a go at posting about how therapy went since it was a pretty full-on session, which funnily enough was all about care and I would appreciate any responses people have - it doesn't matter what they are. They could be insights, or sharing if you've ever wrestled with something similar. Or even a gut feeling the post gave you. I'm kind of at sea with a lot of this still!

T suggested we review how we've been doing, which is what we do periodically and generally it works well. I wasn't expecting her to suggest that but it probably was about time, in hindsight. Without really knowing it was going to happen we got into talking about our relationship on a much more deep and fundamental level. A while back I revealed to my T that I was struggling with some very powerful feelings towards her; the first was that I was feeling as if I needed to be looked after by her and the second was a similarly intensely powerful sense of distrust.

I absolutely suck at revealing feelings without having first done some processing - it's a control thing - so I was aware that this was related to my experience of being cared for as a young child and presented it to her in that light. Without going into loads of detail, I know that I received inconsistent care and was often blamed and made to feel emotionally responsible for my parents, my mother in particular. I identify as having developed an ambivalent or disorganised attachment style, as a result, which has played havoc with my adult relationships! Being able to trust that my T can provide the assistance I need in a consistent way without turning into a furious, blaming whirlwind is massive - and something I am finding very hard to shift. I keep poking at it but it absolutely will not budge, which makes it very hard for me to begin talking in depth about some of the things I have labelled "the difficult stuff" and thus far have not touched!

We kind of played around with what role I've assigned her and she picked up and I agreed that I have kind of placed her in the category of 'wise elder' but that I really play down care in that role. It's okay and safe for me to work through my stuff with her in that context, for me to collaborate with her and get access to her expertise. But I hold her at arm's length and I consciously and unconsciously reject care that appears more maternal in nature. We kind of rolled some of that around and I told her we need a set number of times per session she was allowed to use the M word. Big Grin

There was a moment of clarity where she welled up in response to the realisation of the the extent to which I have not allowed her to care. I'm still not sure what to do with that. I know that it's true - my go to default is to sort everything out on my own and if I need help, I get that help on my terms. I felt the sadness too but in a weird second hand way, as if it was happening to someone else. It is sad that my ambivalence to feeling care from attachment figures is such that I cannot stand having it near me in case it turns into blame and anger and it hurts me. I cannot seem to get out from behind my self-imposed barriers to really feel that though. I couldn't really feel her care. I don't really believe in it.

Talking about it was immensely difficult and overwhelming. I started to dissociate once but caught it before it got too intense. Right now I think I am stuck sort of half in one old pattern, while trying to apply a new one and sort of flailing around like a tortoise on its back trying to figure out how to make the new pattern function without getting flooded with a deluge of fear, revulsion, shame and guilt.

My adult self thinks the session was probably very useful and another inch forward to bringing some of this immensely fraught and emotionally laden stuff out into the open. Other bits of me are screaming at me that I have to be utterly bonkers to be handing over the keys to the safe and this is going to end extremely badly.

The wonderful end to all of this is that last night I had an extremely vivid dream about my T, which has completely thrown me for a loop. I'll write about that later though.
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Oh Mallard,

It sounds like we had such similar sessions this week. I saw T on Tuesday and return this afternoon. I'm not sure what I'm going to discuss this afternoon after Tuesdays session.

I had asked her last week why she never mentioned my weight. She talked about how she wanted to go deeper than weight and talk about what was underneath all that. I left that session thinking she didn't understand. So when I went in Tuesday I thought we would just talk for a few mintues about that and then turn to other stuff. That is what I told her. Somehow we got to the place of me understanding that I will never get what I really want which is my mother to care about me. And T understood that I didn't want her to be happy about the 70 pounds I've lost. I wanted her to be concerned. All sorts of people IRL keep congratulating me and telling me I look great. They don't know that I am starving myself day by day. I desperately want someone to stop me from hurting myself and no one will. We talked about hospitalization but she and I agree that won't make me feel cared about and I will starve myself there just like I am IRL. She asked me what I want her to say when she sees me today and I got pithy with her. If I have to tell her then she really doesn't feel it and really doesn't care. I'm just her 2:00 on Tue and Fri.

I totally understand the idea of using my T to learn and get information from like a wise elder (even though she is younger than me). I do think I keep her at arms length most of the time.

At the end she thanked me for the session. She said sessions like these are why she went to 8 years of T school. She said I was really doing good work and she was proud of me.

I'm totally confused. I feel like I acted like a spoiled teenager not believeing she could care about me. I really don't know how we ended up there and I don't know where to go from here.

Just wanted to say I understand. I hope you find peace and calm going forward with the changes that are happening for you.

Hey Mallard,
I'm sorry you feel like this when it comes to being cared for - and I get it.
Somehow I don't seem to be able to believe it either, that I'm worthy of it. I crave for it, though. Carry real childlike fantasies about being cared for. But seem to have a tattoo on my forehead saying "don't need care, from anyone!". I'm the compulsive co-dependent type, taking care of everyone around me to feel connected. And of course it doesn't work that way. Deep down I'm so scared no one's ever gonna love me if I express my need to be cared for. I have told my T incredibly intimate stuff and have been met with acceptance, but I have not been able to ask her to care for me. I carry so much shame around it. Shame that relates mostly about my need for it to be unquenchable, too much. So I'd rather not touch on the subject altogether.
I hope you get on your feet (does a tortoise have feet?) soon, dearest Duck. I'll be thinking of you in class too, tomorrow. And in next weeks' session, when I struggle to bring up the C-word Smiler
It is really weird that I went nearly 2 weeks without touching this thread. Part of me wants to tell myself it was because I was so busy but in truth I think I have just wanted to leave it alone and pretend the conversation with T didn't really happen. But... I wanted to thank people for their responses and try not to disappear into avoidance land over how I am feeling.

{{Hollow}} I think you're right about not being able to feel care when it's so hard to care for yourself and the bits that are hurting. For so long I held a really critical stance and was very punitive towards what I considered flaws and weakness and that contributed a great deal to the whole feeling unworthy of care thing.

{{Peng}} Thanks, yes, that does help. I think sometimes looking for objective evidence of something even if you don't feel it is sometimes helpful. Sometimes I think the only way to move forward is to try to behave as if you believe something and hope that the belief will follow. I'm kind of hoping that suspending my disbelief in this case will help.

Also, I'm totally up for the teen, car-stealing, getting leathered rebellion fest. Bring it on. Big Grin

((Jillann)), I had some mixed emotions reading your post. I was sad you were struggling in a similar place but it felt hopeful that you seem to be edging into new territory, even if that feels really odd. I don't necessarily think 'spoiled teen' behaviour is cause for worry in our Ts minds like it could be if you were with a friend or something, even though it can feel quite embarassing or shameful. I think sometimes when we drop our carefully constructed 'in therapy' persona and show real emotions, that is when some work can get done, even if it's excruciatingly uncomfortable for our Ts see us in that state.

((Shaman)) Haha, do we have the same tattoo artist? I'm sure I have one of those too. It used to drive me batty that I could not seem to get the support or care I needed when I absolutely melted down at university in my 20s. It turned out I was so terrified of showing vulnerability I was inadvertently giving out "I'm ok really" messages. Gah. And oh yes I have the fear that I'll be too much too.

My T's been away for 2 weeks and it's been tougher than I imagined really, trying to process. I want to write some more about it at some point but I'm not sure I have the energy so will leave it there for now.
Mallard, I missed this post when you first posted but I wanted to tell you I think you learned a lot about how you prevent your T from caring about you. I hope that you can follow the conversation with your T when she comes back. Maybe in the future you will be able to allow care in when you choose as well as manage things by yourself. I think having the ability to choose is what is important.

I also think the conversation means a lot to me right now because of my session with my T yesterday. I feel like I am constantly asking T for care and he wants to analyze care but not actually care. I end up feeling so needy and wrong for that feeling. I can't imagine not allowing care in so it was an interesting change from how I see things.
((Cogs)) thanks. I have a really ambivalent relationship with vulnerability and care. On one hand I definitely long for care and then feel needy and wrong for having those feelings but on the other, there is definitely some rejection of care and probably some self sabotage, if I am really honest. I also do not think that I always recognise care when it is extended to me. This is especially true in my relationship and I have to really watch myself. I have a habit of picking a fight with Mr Mallard over perceived lack of care as I am especially sensitive to it. It is hard to distinguish what is my stuff from what is a legitimate complaint.

I read your post and felt for you. I really hate conversations about needs exactly because it can result in crossed wires and it is very painful to feel misunderstood over this topic in particular. I know it is important to have them but bleurgh!
I mentioned the dream I had about my T shortly after the session I wrote about in my initial post. It was so powerful that I wanted to write about it.

So, after the rather intense care-orientated session in my first post where we did connect on a much deeper level, even if I do feel like backtracking on that now... I had a dream the next evening.

I was in a session with my T and the only thing I recall is that towards the end of the session she came to sit next to me on the sofa and put one arm around me, just one. And we sat in complete silence until it was time for me to leave. During the session, there was none of my usual discomfort around emotional and physical intimacy.

I woke up in the middle of the night after this dream, which is really unusual. Once I'm asleep, that is it. I am out. I also do not remember my dreams very often at all. When I woke up, I was filled with this sense of being loved and cared for. It was like I was still being held. I must have been moving around a lot because Mr M woke up too and asked me if I was okay and I told him I was fine and went back to sleep.

There are two things that really stand out about this dream. Firstly, I do not do silence, as a client at least. It freaks me out enough that I desperately feel the need to fill it with needless prattle. The second is that I do not do physical affection or comfort unless I trust the person I am with and there are only a few people in my life that I trust with putting their arm(s) around me.

The sense of calm and comfort really only lasted for around 24 hours, at which point I was engulfed by the shame and fear chorus, telling me that I was vulnerable and about to be attacked and, worse, stupid, stupid, stupid for feeling as if my T really cared for me. Roll Eyes Unfortunately I then had a 2 week break in which to flip out and attempt to stuff all my crazy emotional spaghetti back in its box. By the time my T got back from her hol, I'd managed to shut everything down - Move along, nothing to see here...

It's left me feeling really confused about my unconscious and how I really want to proceed in therapy. Part of me thinks that I really do need to do this work into unmet need. It's where all my inner signposting is pointing to.

The other part of me is thinking that, no, actually this is too hard. I intellectually get where most of my issues come from. I recognise them and I can recognise my stuff when it comes into play in my relationships and step in when necessary. I am not sure if I have the strength to go this deep and, really, am I just being my usual perfectionistic self? Thinking that I need to be perfectly healed? I don't know. How good is good enough? I'm not sure if I have the answer to that right now.

Sorry for rambling... !
Just a question Mallard,

How can you help another down a path you haven't dared examine yourself?

I'm with you on the feeling that it is too hard. But at least for me, somehow once something shakes loose, I can't seem to stop myself from going there. It like the universe conspires to make all thoughts go back to that which I am so afraid to process.


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