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The PsychCafe
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*******Trigger warning End of therapy, leaving T and facing loss

DISCLAIMER: Most of what I'm about to say is about how I'm FEELING, not about what I know to be the truth, so there's a lot here that I know is irrational, but it IS how I'm feelng. I just don't want to to keep explaining that I know this stuff isn't true. I get that, I really do, there's nothing new here, there's just the actual feeling of the loss.

It's been a really long crappy week. So bad I haven't been able to post, either to write my own or to comment on other people's. It took awhile but I got hit with a kind of long rolling trigger starting with the fallout from the last time I saw my T. I talked in my last post about it sinking in that the boundaries were really going to stay in place. That I think deep inside I had been carrying a magical belief that I would finish therapy and leave and do well and then my T would say "well done AG, you've passed the test, NOW we can be friends!" Talking with my T allowed me to see this for what it was, that so hard to kill longing to get what I didn't get. As much as I get the fact that it's not possible to do so, I can't seem to quite let go of the hope.

Recognizing that I still needed to grieve the loss and let go led me back to the post-therapy grieving but I think I hit the anger phase. Angry that my T has let me go. After I posted about that here, I started to notice a lot of anger. Then I had a few incidents happen (some of which was probably due to the fact that I was triggered and I think more reactive than usual). I shared something that meant a lot to me, and several people, one of them being my T, didn't respond at all. I was hurt and even a little angry with a couple of my friends (I want to emphasize no one here) because this was a situation in which I had been very responsive in the past and them just ignoring it hurt. So that added to the sense of abandonment.

So I was feeling both angry and needy, a combination of feelings which make me really uncomfortable with myself, especially since I knew the anger at my T was not fair. And when I was a child the only way to be safe with both feeling needy and being angry was to be alone. So I started really hiding. Which made me feel like a coward, and a hypocrite. That it's ok for me to be seen when I'm feeling strong and helping other people, but not when I'm feeling pathetic. So a lot of the anger was also being turned against myself. In trying to talk to a close friend about how I was feeling, there was a huge failure of communication on my part and they thought my anger was directed against them. They got hurt and scared and, very understandably, withdrew. But there is a long standing pattern in my life, reinforced for a long time in my marriage (one of the things we changed in counseling) that expressing intense need and/or anger would get me abandoned. So although it was not my friends intention AT ALL, nor their fault I felt that way, I felt even more abandoned. The snowball was starting to feel like an avalanche. (We talked and worked everything out with apologies all around.)

And then my DH and I got into a bad fight about finances while we were out on a Valentine's Day data (of course Roll Eyes) and ended up not talking to each other unitl the next day. (We straightened it all out and things are fine. Just one of those fights, but the timing was sucky. Although again probably part of the reason it happened was that I was in an angry, reactive state.)

BTW, I really didn't realize most of this at the time, it was just in looking back and trying to make sense of what happened that I figured it out. I would also like to make clear before the next part that most of my feelings and perceptions about what happened were projections on my part and distorted perceptions from being triggered.

So I came to the last place that felt like I belonged which was here, feeling wounded and hurt and alone, but not being capable of expressing it. So instead, I overreacted to a comment by UV and lashed out because what she said felt threatening to the forum to me because of where I was, not, I think, through any intention of hers to hurt anything. And I needed somewhere to place that anger. I'm sorry UV that you became the target of that. And then it felt like I really overreacted and made a big hairy ass of myself. So I apologized and no one responded. For what felt like an excruiatingly long 14 hours. Which isn't very long, but feels like an eternity when you feel like you've made a total ass of yourself. And then I heard from Liese, but never from UV (either because she thought it wasn't necessary or she was angry enough not to want to accept it. I have no idea and ultimately it's not really any of my business. UV, I'm not trying to put you on the spot, just trying to explain how I felt.) And no one else said anything, (except Jane. Thank you more than I can say.) more than likely because they didn't feel it was their place. But I was not in a good place, and it felt like the last straw of abandonment. (Again, I really have to say that this was my stuff, NOT anything that anyone actually did. I didn't say anything, how could anyone know I was even upset?)

And it all came flooding back, what it had felt like to be utterly abandoned and isolated. To have no one to turn to, no one to depend on, no one who could see me, let alone care when they did. I knew I was feeling really small because I so desperately didn't want to be seen, but so longed for someone to notice and come after me. But I'm an adult and have to speak up. And then I realized I was waiting for my T to notice how bad I was and come after me, a sure sign I was feeling really small. (I mentioned the irrational part right?) I was really angry at my T. Screaming in my head at him kind of angry. I was actually struggling with hating him (as we can only hate those we really love). How dare he tell me I was no longer alone, when obviously I was? How stupid had I been to ever believe it could really be different? How real could the relationship be, when he just let me walk away? It kept flipping from him letting me go out of care for me and wanting me to have a full life, to him being withholding and cruel and not caring (the perfect description of my father). I could even hear him in my head explaining the truth and I was telling him to shut the f--- up. I was not finding myself real pleasant to be around.

So I ended up emailing my T really late on Monday night (actually Tuesday morning because I couldn't sleep and got up to email him because the pain actually got worse than my wanting to be alone). I wrote an email Tolstoy would have envied for length. I heard back from him midday that he had been out of the office in the morning but would respond more fully later. He sent an amazing email in which he accepted all my feelings and made it exceedingly clear he would be there and that I was free to call or come in. He also recognized the deep loss I was mourning and that he knew he represented what I didn't and couldn't have. All of which reminded me of why I love him so and that the past was the past.

All of which really helped. Because so much of the intensity of my feelings is that the line between who he really is here and now and what he represents that I can't have can get very blurry. So, as always, he made it clear that my feelings, as acutely uncomfortable as I was with them, were perfectly ok with him. Which creates the space I can mourn in.

So I have been grieving. I thought I was done grieving this, I am frustrated to still be feeling this. I keep crying but can't seem to find the bottom. Several people have been working really hard at not letting me hide and I was on the phone talking about how I felt and what came out in a very little voice was that little girl I carry inside me asking "I don't get to keep him?" I got so much from my T that I had never had, acceptance and care and protection and understanding and encouragement and attunement, and most importantly, an experience of home, which I thought beyond all hope. Having all that held out the promise (to my long carried hope, not from any intention on his part) of finally having all those needs met. But it wasn't enough. What I had in therapy wasn't enough, nor would it be if I had a relationship outside of therapy. I'm enough of a grown up to know that he wouldn't look quite so alluring if we were fighting over the dishes and bills. So I am left with the loss. I don't know, it may be that I couldn't actually get to these feelings until I could really see there was no hope left. So I think what I'm doing is necessary grieving; I don't feel a need to go back and do more work (although I am keeping an eye on my functioning, if it gets too impaired I know my T is there to help me through the grief). But it hurts.

And I was hurting myself even more by keeping myself away from people who I know care about me. I'm sorry I haven't been responding to anyone, it hasn't felt like I've had anything to respond with. And then I show up to ask for more help.... but I'm trying to hang onto what I would say to someone else who was saying this. I do NOT want to be seen right now but it feels important to be seen. So there it is.
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I'm about to fall asleep but just saw your post and so wanted to say I'm so glad you are here, just as you are, and I'm so glad you shared where you are at.

I'm sorry your valentines was crummy. I'm super glad our T remains as responsive and steady as ever.

It's has to hurt so bad to let go of your T... The grief has got to be immense. You are not alone in facing it, and you are cared about here.

Just as you know you would say to others, of course you don't have to be responding and giving to others to lean on us here. You give people a gift in doing just that, even when it means being vulnerable and means sharing how you are hurting like you have here.

I don't really have any words of advice. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing and posting, and please keep letting us care for you and about you.

thinking of you and praying for you,
~ jane
So I was feeling both angry and needy, a combination of feelings which make me really uncomfortable with myself, especially since I knew the anger at my T was not fair. And when I was a child the only way to be safe with both feeling needy and being angry was to be alone. So I started really hiding. Which made me feel like a coward, and a hypocrite. That it's ok for me to be seen when I'm feeling strong and helping other people, but not when I'm feeling pathetic. So a lot of the anger was also being turned against myself.

Hey (((AG)))
i'll briefly come out of lurkdom to say i'm sorry for your pain and that we let you down and left you alone - seriously i didn't see your post and whether i would have been able to respond is questionable - it seems this last week has been a horror for many!

i so understand what you wrote above and when we're in need we don't feel we can 'shatter' our public image!!! but wdik?

AG you are just a human dealing with her stuff like all of us and for people like us who have been through things that should never have happened, it doesn't matter how well, more balanced, accepting of ourselves we become, it can all be toppled 'in a flash' by events outside of our control 'but not forever'!! you will come through this pain like i'll come through my current pain and other forum family members will come through theirs and we'll all be a little stronger and able to face the next unexpected knockdown!! just my feeling (talking to self big time here too!)

re UV - just talk with her - you're both 'up there' for understanding and knowledge and caring!!

i'll be off now.
be more gentle with yourself (((AG)))

PS: BREATHE!!! Big Grin
AG, you know I hate seeing you in pain but I am glad that you came here to tell us about it. To allow us to support you and share in your grief and to let you know that you are supported and not alone. Even the strong need support at times and no one is always strong. I think you expect so much from yourself and you are doing impossible work so there are times you will stumble a little... as we all will on this journey. Please don't keep yourself from us because having you here in whatever way you can be... makes us truly richer for sharing in your experience and in allowing us the priviledge of being there for you.

I wish I had some wise words for you or the magic wand to make it all better... but the only think I have to offer is my love and support and lots of hugs ((((((AG)))))).

As my wonderful T tells me... be nice to that little girl, take care of her and let her know she is safe now. That it will all be okay.

Frowner I'm new here and don't know if there are any virtual hug-boundaries for unfamiliarity, but I'll risk it anyway. (((((((AG))))))))

I actually started crying while reading. What you described is exactly what I'm afraid of. I've only been with my T six months and I can already sense a depth of being cared for and respected that I haven't really experienced elsewhere...and I'm so scared I'm not going to know how to let it go. Everytime he gets a bit closer, I'm certain I must run away to be safe. But you're taking it step by step and facing the hurts of life with truth and acceptance...and I aspire to that for myself. So, I really admire you and thank you so much for sharing your journey! Having read some of your previous posts on transference and this here makes me feel less alone. And I hope you are able to receive that same consolation and support from all these people here, who obviously care for you as well.

I'm sorry that you are having such a hard time, but I am very honored that you shared here and are reaching out. That is so important and is what we are here for! I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you, but it seems that even though you are in the midst of this consuming grief that you are wise about the process and what you need. (((hugs)))

I've been having a bad week myself and haven't been surfing too much. Just saw your thread this morning. I'm going to throw something out there because you know me well enough now to know this is what I do. Can you just go back and see him once a month? I don't see what's so wrong with that. Just wondering. Enlighten me. But I encouraged you to go back for this last visit and the fallout has been a bit rough. So, don't listen to me. Is it too painful just to have a part of him? I hate loss, can you tell? Will do anything to avoid it.



Thank you for letting us "see" you in your grief. I think you need to hear that you are just as welcome, just as beautiful, just as special and cherished and loved when you are in the dark places, as when you are in the light.

I am so, so sorry for the pain you are in right now. What you said about "I don't get to keep him?" just cut me to the quick. For that is the cry of the little girl inside me, too. The "him" is a different person but from what you've described, the feelings are very much the same. The tears do seem bottomless and I wish I had more comfort to offer. I have not yet directly faced the grief you are wrestling with right now and I just have to say, I admire you for the courage you continue to show in walking through it and in sharing your struggles so transparently and generously here.

I pray that you keep moving through this dark place and reach some light very very soon. Sending you many many hugs and much love!

Hi Morgs,
I was just going to respond to the thread when I saw this. Big Grin I am doing much better thanks, the outpouring of love and support has helped more than I can say. I KNEW it was in my head and not real. I appreciate everyone making that so clear. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to respond. Between housework, laundry, taxes and grocery shopping it's been a busy day. (Oh the glamourous life I lead. Big Grin). So I'm going to post this quick so you know there's no need to worry, then come back with a longer reply.

I want to say thank you to everyone for such an outpouring of support, and understanding and acceptance. I am so grateful that I can be honest about how I'm feeling and you all welcome it, and the reassurance has meant so much to me and allowed me to "experience" that I am no longer alone. I really don't know how to express how much it meant to me to read each and every reply. I am so honored to be part of this community.

I also want to emphasize again that no one has anything to apologize about. No one neglected or failed me, nor are my feelings anyone's responsibility here. You are a loving, compassionate group and as this thread shows, respond so quickly to a voiced need. But none of you are telepaths, nor was I even clear about what was going on, so how could all of you be? I appreciate you being willing to hear about how I felt.

I really do know that if anyone knew what to say to take this pain away, they would say it without hesitation. The fact that you would want to, in and of itself, helps. And I agree, the grief does come waves, this week was just particularly large one.

Your T is there for you and I trust that he will guide you through this if not in person directly but through all that he taught you and shared with you.

He's doing both. I wrote him an email pretty much detailing what I said in my post and talked about my anger and even occasional hatred for him, and got an incredibly compassionate, accepting, understanding email. One in which he made it unequivocablly clear that he is available, and will continue to be. And as much as I did keep my balance and see my way through to speaking up, was a direct result of our work together. His steady presence and depth of care is part of what helps me see this grief for what it is, the manifestation of a loss that happened decades ago, but was never faced, let alone mourned.

Thank you for all your kindness and understanding. You gave me a light in the darkness to hang unto. I appreciate the reassurance that I don't have be responding. It's funny just how very clear that is when you're looking at other people, but how it never feels like it applies to ourselves. So I am going to trust the truth of what you're saying. Thank you for being so generous and expecting nothing in return.

Thanks for coming out of lurkdom to offer me support. Sorry to hear you're also having a tough week. And you're right, it doesnt' matter how well balanced we are, we're occasionally going to wobble or outright fall over. Smiler I'm just still a little slow in exposing that. In many ways, as difficult as this has been, it's been a really good thing. It took me a while but I was able to step away from my feelings, realize what I was struggling with, then ask for help. Please believe me that it was scary to put that post up; my instincts were to just let it all pass and hope I could just forget about it. But it didn't feel honest. And the last impression I want to give is that I always have it together. Quite the contrary, I am often quite a mess. Only seemed fair to show that. Being able to express that neediness and having it met so lovingly is very healing. And thanks, as always, for the reminder to breathe. Big Grin

I love how authentic and honest your responses to me are, I really am grateful for you be so accepting of me expressing my messiness and pain, especially knowing that this is difficult for you to contemplate. I am sorry that I can trigger you so, but I appreciate you being open about it.

doesn't mean you can't fall in a heap and say, "I can't ..." or anything like that.

This totally nailed it. I didn't want to be mature and reasonable and hang onto what I knew to be true or try to understand what was going on. I just wanted to throw myself into the middle of the floor and throw a tantrum. I told my T that. It gets tiring sometimes trying to get it right. Thanks for understanding that. It makes me feel better about feeling that way.

But the freedom that awaits you at the end of this dreadful journey will surely be rich compensation for what you are suffering today.

Monte, I believe that with all my heart, for myself, and for you. I have the certain hope, even if I cannot always feel it, that there is another side to the suffering. Even now, being able to experience the love and support here, being able to be aware of and experience these emotions, even as painful as they are, being able to be help other people on the phone line are all gifts that came as the result of facing the pain. I think the most comforting thing I can tell you is that the grief isn't really about leaving my T. I do miss him, but he is still there, still present, still available. I have carried this loss, and the need to grieve it my whole life. I am facing it now because I am no longer alone and that makes me strong enough to go through it. My T is there every step of the way. Even if there is a fair amount of kicking and screaming on the way. Big Grin

Thank you, eveything you said really touched my heart.

Your love, support and lots of hugs go a long way towards making it better. Thank you for making it so clear that I don't need to this alone.

Thanks for letting me know I'm loved no matter what! And nothing helps like an all wing, all leg Dragonfly hug! Good for all that ails you. Big Grin Much love back, my dear.

Thank you for always being so encouraging about my staying where I am and experiecing it to see where it goes. You give me the same sense of space my T does.

Thank you, I really appreciate your confidence in me. Makes it easier to trust myself.

Sorry you're having a bad week also, I know you are struggling to deal with trauma, which can be really overwhelming. I appreciate you responding despite all that and being up front with your thoughts. And it would be perfectly ok for me to go back and see him once a month, there's nothing wrong with it. I just know that it's not what I need right now. I am still very happy I went back to see my T, but I don't need to see him regularly to do the work I'm doing right now, he taught me everything I need to know to walk through this. As I mentioned earlier in this post, I am not really mourning the loss of my T because in so many ways I haven't lost him. In the here and now, I can get sad at not seeing him regularly, I miss him and I miss our talks BUT I know, so know, that he's there and is only one phone call away. I know I can email him anytime. I did email him. So even though I'm not seeing him regularly, the relationship remains with me always. What I am grieving is the loss that happened years ago, it's about all the things I should have had from my parents and didn't get, but when that loss rears its head, I try to make it about my therapist because then I can continue to hope I that I CAN get that from him, and make it as if that loss never happened. But that's impossible. So the longing for something beyond therapy is actually about the fact that what happens WITHIN therapy isn't enough. So I can tell myself that if I could just have a "normal" relationship with him outside of therapy, friendship or romantic, then it would be what I had always been looking for, it would give me what I need and I could make the loss, and it's pain disappear. But that's NOT true. But to give up anything beyond therapy is also to give up the hope that I can get that which I did not have. And that's where the pain of leaving therapy intersects with the pain of childhood neglect. There's no way around this loss. I can either retreat into denial and continue to spend time and energy looking for something I cannot find or I can face and mourn the loss, so I can heal and use my energy to actually live my life and enjoy all that I can have NOW. There is so much that is so good about my life and I want to be free to recognize it and enjoy it and be satisfied with it. So going back to therapy won't change any of that. I hope that helps, I find this extremely difficult to articulate, it's much more of a felt truth.

I think you need to hear that you are just as welcome, just as beautiful, just as special and cherished and loved when you are in the dark places, as when you are in the light.

What a gift that is, thank you. It has never felt like that was true, which makes it all the more precious to have it now. And I'm sorry you understand that heart cry, but it is a comfort to know that you understand it, that I'm not alone in that place.

Thank you. It helps to know both that you're there and that you care.

Thank you for being so gracious. I appreciate you being so understanding. And you're right, thinking through what triggered me and why gave me a lot of insight. I am so much clearer about what I'm feeling and why and it's easier to let the emotions flow this way.

Thank you all again. I am still sad, but now I'm not feeling lonely, or isolated or ashamed. Dealing with only the grief feels managable without all the other garbage floating around. Thank you for meeting me in my brokenness with such love and understanding. You guys are the best, really.

love, AG
I'm so sorry, I copied everyones' replies into Wordpad (I hate typing really long replies, hitting Post Now and losing the replies, so I write in Wordpad, then just copy it to the posting window.) I just realized that I had missed copying your reply and so didn't respond to you. I really didn't mean to overlook you!

I'm sorry that what I wrote made you cry but I am glad that you are finding understanding here. And I understand the fear of getting closer, I fought it every step of the way as I got closer to my T. I can remember actually realizing that I didn't know if I was more scared to stay or to leave. This is really hard work but it's worth it, there really is a way through. Thank you for your kind words and the virtual hugs were very welcome. Smiler

Thank you all again. I am still sad, but now I'm not feeling lonely, or isolated or ashamed. Dealing with only the grief feels managable without all the other garbage floating around. Thank you for meeting me in my brokenness with such love and understanding.

how could we not accept you in any condition AG and you are most definitely not broken - you just got a bit bent in a gale of emotion (not garbage)? you accept everyone else no matter what!! all the 'stuff' you put out there about yourself and your remarkable T and your equally remarkable relationship with him, gives many of us enlightenment, insights and understandings that mostly wouldn't come from an ordinary T or an ordinary person Big Grin thank you for sharing yourself ((AG))
What I am grieving is the loss that happened years ago, it's about all the things I should have had from my parents and didn't get, but when that loss rears its head, I try to make it about my therapist because then I can continue to hope I that I CAN get that from him, and make it as if that loss never happened. But that's impossible. So the longing for something beyond therapy is actually about the fact that what happens WITHIN therapy isn't enough. So I can tell myself that if I could just have a "normal" relationship with him outside of therapy, friendship or romantic, then it would be what I had always been looking for, it would give me what I need and I could make the loss, and it's pain disappear. But that's NOT true. But to give up anything beyond therapy is also to give up the hope that I can get that which I did not have. And that's where the pain of leaving therapy intersects with the pain of childhood neglect. There's no way around this loss.

So where to from there? How do you deal with that loss? How do you look it in the eye and and move on?

It sure does sound like you had a rough week. ((((Hugs))))

Grief is such a tricky process. Just when you think you've made it out of the deep dark tunnel, you find yourself right back in it. Certain things can trigger you right back to the heart of the pain and it feels like you are processing it all from the beginning again. But the good thing is that there is always a light at the end of that dark tunnel. Things do get better. You will get through this and you will get a break from the darkness, I promise.

I'm glad to see that you have reached out here to us and also that you are aware of how your own issues may have affected your interactions with others here. This forum is a better place because of your presence here and I would hate for you to ever pull away or push us away. We care about you and are emotionally invested in your personal story and your grief over the termination of your therapy, even if it was a positive termination. We still know how difficult it was and are here for you.
So where to from there? How do you deal with that loss? How do you look it in the eye and and move on?

Reallly good question and I can understand why you asked it. I was so busy talking about what I lost that I wasn't talking about what I found. Smiler

When I say therapy isn't enough, I meant it's not enough to ake the losses we experienced as children not have been. We cannot find so much now that it will be as if that deprivation never happened. What you get in therapy is, however, enough to heal, enough to find the strength to mourn, and to allow grief to do what it does. Heal us, and let us let go of a loss enough to go on living and live fully.

My T, by consistently being there, by listening to me, taught me that I was worthwhile and worth listening to. That having needs was healthy and trying to get them met was even healthier. That moving towards people and relationship is the right thing to do. That the good I get from my relationships is worth the inevitable hurts. That to be open to life and all the good things means accepting that sometimes there will be pain but that I am strong enough to face the pain and live through it and have it never be the end of the story. By completely accepting who I was, my T created a safe place for me to be in and learn who I actually was and what I actually wanted. Doing what I actually want to has brought a deep contentment and a sense of fulfillment. He has provided the security of knowing I have a safe place to go when I need to. The relationship provided a clear enough reflection of who I was to let go much more often of the self-loathing and actually see myself as worthwhile and even *gasp* as actually having some good qualities (ok, I still feel vaguely guilty saying that, what can I say, I'm a work still in progress.)

I think most importantly, he taught me that no matter how well someone knows me they won't leave me. That I can stand in close proximity to someone and still be my own person. That not everyone will attempt to hurt me. That doing that allows me to get my needs met.

What I'm really trying to say is my signature line. He taught me that I am valuable, worth listening to, worthy of trust, and sacred to his touch (he never violated me, which is what I expected). And now I can risk curiosity, wonder, and spontaneous delight (my favorite!).

I know it sounds crazy after I just talked about so much pain, but it's been worth it.

Thanks for your kind words and a reminder of the light. I'm really glad I talked about what was going on, all the support has really helped me feel better.

Hi AG, thanks for your reply. I found it very interesting, especially about wanting to move towards other people. At this stage I just run away from everyone, I have to go to a wedding in a couple of weeks and I am absolutely dreading having to speak to people. Before I got sick I used to love talking to anyone and going out. Now I stay home and hide.

Also I am so frightened of the grief and the mourning that it will consume me and I won't come out the other end.
Also I am so frightened of the grief and the mourning that it will consume me and I won't come out the other end.

I also felt that way and as I worked through my healing, I came to understand that I felt that way because there WAS a time when that was true. I experienced such overwhelming things as a child, including those losses, that I was literally incapable of facing them, let alone mourning them. As a child, and especially a child essentially abandoned by the very people who should have helped me face it (even worse, usually had caused the very thing I was trying to face) I literally did NOT have the resources. So those memories and experiences got stored away for all those years. So it made sense that when I finally "decided" to take them back out and face them, they were accompanied by such a strong belief that they would destroy me. Our sense of time is on our left brain, the right brain is timeless. It doesn't matter than we can coginitively know that a lot of time has passed and we have more resources. When those feelings come up, they feel as dangerous today as they did then.

Which is why I needed my T there to help me face them and express the feelings around them. He helped contain and regulate my emotions so that I could experience them without being overwhelmed. And I gradually learned from him how to do that AND the fact of my own strength and resources in the here and now.

In some ways, we have to just keep chipping away at the terror a little tiny piece at a time until we can move through the grief.

Thanks BB, can I send some hugs and love back?


This is REALLY tough to answer (but I do want you to know that I think you have been drilling down to the heart of the matter with your questions.) This is difficult to answer because the way this happens is very much a right-brain to right-brain, attunement, not logical thing at all.

If I may digress for a minute, but it will tie in. Human beings have two systems to regulate themselves. One system revs you up in the face of danger, the other calms you back down. Our nervous system works to stay at equalibrium. One of the ways that our nervous system can regulate itself is by being in contact with someone else who is calmer. So if we're really upset, human being reach out for connection. We do this because contact with someone who isn't upset, or scared or angry, will literally help us to calm down and move back towards a calm state. That interaction is at the heart of therapy.

So much of what I needed to look at involved feelings I had been repressing for years because I was too afraid of being overwhelmed by them. My sessions would often consist of discussing something that happened between us or how I was feeling about the relationship and as we talked we would trace the feelings back to their origins so to speak. When I would make the connections, my feelings would often get quite strong. While we were talking my T was quite attuned, very focused on me and paying attention to everything going on. I remember once at the beginning of a session, telling him about something that had happened that weekend, that I had been really upset about but now I couldn't get to my feelings. And my T told me that I said I wasn't able to feel anything but my body was saying differently. That my body was rigid, my fists were clenched and my voice was breaking. When he said that, I got out of my head and started paying attention to my body. When I did that the feelings which were really intense started coming. So instead of shutting down or pushing them away, as scary as it was, I would let them come. And my T would stay with me, for lack of a better word. I could feel him right there. No matter how scared I felt, he never got scared. And as long as he wasn't scared, it seemed ok to go there. If I started sobbing, he would soothe me with his voice and tell me it would be ok and allow me the space to feel it. But he would be calm. Because he was right there and I knew that he was understanding how I was feeling but was not getting upset or scared, it gave me the feeling that things would not careen out of control, so it was safe to feel whatever I was feeling. It was a slow, gradual process and was often very scary, but eventually from doing that, I learned not to be scared of my feelings, that they wouldn't overwhelm and destroy me.

I hope that makes it somewhat clear, this is the part of therapy that was about us being together and being open to each other. It's kind of a mysterious process because it's not factual or logical, it's very subjective. It's funny, my T and I have discussed and we know that we understand it, but it's just incredibly difficult to describe.

A quick update: I finally, finally finished the beta release from hell today and did my final turnover. But I am also really struggling with the grief. I'm no longer feeling triggered about being abandoned or alone, and I stopped being angry. I miss being angry as it was standing between me and the sadness. I am also very clear that this isn't about my T. Leaving him is triggering it but it's about what it was like for me as a child. I have been feeling really weepy and very sad and I finally broke down and called my T on the way home today. I told him that I was very sad and that while I understood that in some way I couldn't get to this until I left and saw the boundaries hold, I was also feeling like enough with the grief, I've been doing this long enough. That I knew there really was anything anyone could do, but that I called him for comfort. He was very reassuring about how I was feeling, that it was understandable and it was good that I reached out to connect with him. It really helped to hear his acceptance and he was very gentle. He offered to do a longer call later (he was in between appts and didn't have much time). I wasn't sure so I said I would leave a message if I wanted another call. The last thing he said to me was "AG, it's going to be ok." I ended up calling a close friend and in the course of talking (she asks REALLY good questions) I realized that I was trying not to have these feelings because their memories of feelings. The feelings I had when I was young. To accept the loss is to accept how it felt. So I'm trying to let the feelings in, knowing that the only way to grieve and heal is to face the loss. I ended up not calling my T to ask for a longer call. I'm not completely sure I made the right decision,but I can always call again if I need to. This is all my really long way of saying that it's been very difficult to post. Between work and how I'm feeling there's very little energy left, kind of feels like trying to get water out of a dry well. I'm sorry I'm not really responding a whole lot.

Thanks for sharing how you are feeling with us AG. I'm sorry you are feeling so sad- so sorry for your pain. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and give you the world's biggest hug right now. And don't worry about no being able to post- we have all been there- I stop posting for really long times as you know, and nobody seems to hold it against me- least of all you. Sometimes it really is like trying to get water out of a dry well, and when that happens there is nothing left to do but reach out for support if you can, and if you can't manage that- that is totally ok too. Trust that when you are posting we are so happy for it, and that when you can't everyone really understands. Misses your posts- but understands.

Love and gentle hugs,


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