Thank you so much. It’s been really good to see you posting again and to know you’re seeing a new T, its very brave of you. Thanks for understanding and evidently dad not being here, does NOT stop me shouting at him.
And I so appreciate it having a safe place to be vulnerable. My instinct is always to go to ground, and I have been able to learn differently here.
(((Lucy))) thank you
((Hollow)) Never say never! I actually drove to my session before last, literally saying out loud all the way down “I am NOT going to talk about that, no way, I cannot say it” only to walk into my T’s office and talk about it. My T and I have been a long time building this relationship but I find it seriously astounding to experience the depth of trust I have in him. Makes it possible to do a lot of things I used to think were impossible. Thank you for your kindness.
((Mallard)) Thank you. I’m glad that BN is with me every step of the way too.
Quite extraordinary actually.
(((SP))) You said something and said it really well. Knowing that people can hear me and care about my pain is invaluable. Thanks for responding despite not knowing what to say.
((TAS)) Thanks for answering despite being triggered. I’m sorry that you understand this, but appreciate you reaching out from the midst of that pain.
(((Draggers))) Thanks Shimmerwings for always, always being there.
(((Pingles))) Thank you so much.
(((Jillann))) I so appreciate your responding and holding me in your thoughts. Thank you.
I know you deeply understand those desires, having struggled so valiantly with finding a solution. I am glad you asked this question because it reminded me that my T does manage it at times. He goes back with me when I re-experience the traumatic memories so that this time I am not alone. I recently went back to the moment in which I was totally enraged at my father and what he was doing to me, but too terrified to express it in any way. My T stayed with me and in that crucial moment, helped me see that now I could speak for myself and express that rage. I felt what it was like to not have to face that situation alone. So I think there is a way. It’s not perfect, but can be very effective. But its very hard and painful to get to. Thank you Monte, I always appreciate your thoughtful and insightful replies.
Thanks to everyone again. I am feeling much more stable this morning and contained, in no small measure because of the care and understanding here.