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Does you think that a therapist needs her own therapist?

My therapist and I are discussing DBT (dialectical behavior therapy). So, I've done some reading on it, and here is a quote from

Linehan is particularly alert to the risks of burnout to therapists treating these patients and therapist support and consultation is an integral and essential part of the treatment. In DBT support is not regarded as an optional extra. The basic idea is that the therapist gives DBT to the patient and receives DBT from his or her colleagues.

So, yes, there are cases and times when therapists need their own therapists. I think that in general, therapists are supposed to have "supervisors" which they can consult with as necessary.

What do you think of a therapist who says "you are fine and don't need therapy"?

I think it's possible that the therapist is unable to see your struggles, either because of you or the therapist. Or, maybe you don't need therapy. If you think you coult benefit from it, then I think it's probably worth keeping at it for a little bit though.

My husband presents a picture of someone who doesn't need therapy to every therapist he talks to. This makes me crazy because I'm sure he could benefit from it if only he would talk about the stuff that bothers him and try to form a relationship where the other person will tell him what he's doing to drive people around him crazy. Instead, he presents what he thinks are the "right" answers, which results in the therapist telling him that he doesn't need therapy. Anyway, that's sort of a rant on my part, but maybe it helps.
Hi Samy,

I agree with HB and Z. I know that my P has a 'supervisor' (which can be a therapist or a counsellor)that she visits when she needs to work through something. I'm sure they visit often after the wringer I put my P through some times LOL.

I think that everyone can benefit from therapy at one point in there lives or another. you don't have to have a major crisis happen to talk to someone about an issue that you are experiencing. So for her to say you are fine (assuming you are asking about yourself) isn't really appropriate because only YOU know if you are fine! Does that make sense?

This is a great topic Samy. If your friend doesn't "need" therapy then why is she so defensive? That's a tellatale sign to me that there's something unresolved underneath. Otherwise, someone would be fine with what you're suggesting.

When I hear therapists say they don't "need" therapy then I start to wonder if they really get how powerful it can be. I suspect they only see therapy as a means to "symptom reduction".

I see therapy as something you want because you want more from your life. I mean therapy changes lives and in often profound ways. Why wouldn't a therapist want some of that?


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