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Hi All,
I just need to ramble for a few minutes. This might not make sense. I need to type at the moment though.
I really have a hard time expressing feelings during sessions w/T. I usually intellectualize or just end up chit chatting with her. Our sessions turn out more like friendship chats and sometimes I'm not working on my issues.
I start school training this week to work toward becoming a T. Yikes! Eeker Smiler
I'm excited, scared and quite nervous about it all. I just looked at how much homework I'm going to have in the upcoming weeks. Why did I decide to do this? When did I think this was a good idea?

My ex has me back in court ordered crap again this week too! Ugh! ARGH! I truly hate him!

My kids are not feeling the greatest and my little daughter is having major issues with her father about to get married again. She keeps thinking that our family will get back together again and all will be fine. Frowner

The kids and I live with my parents and I'm having some issues with them as well. I am very fortunate that they are willing to do all that they do for my kids and me. There are disadvantages to living with one's parents when one is an adult though. The "rents" can sometimes act like I'm still a teenager and try and control certain things about my life. I feel major guilt if I "disobey" or feel like I'm sneaking around their rules. T has told me I'm not doing anything wrong and has tried to normalize things for me. T thinks that my mother is very judgmental and should talk to her doctor about valium. Hee hee Wink
That's a long story....

Anyway, about my relationship with my T.....
there have been times when I have gotten stuck in the process or pretending that things are going well, when I still feel that they are not. T usually tells me that she thinks I'm doing fine and that I don't have to see her for a while when that happens. At one point I'm pretty sure she was trying to terminate with me. We had some weird things happen in our relationship. She has told me where she hangs out at sometimes on certain nights. One night I had a really bad night after a fight with my boyfriend and a strange flashback/disclosure evening in a small group meeting, so I stopped by T's hang out just to see if I could catch a glimpse of her. I really just needed to see her face or say hi...not necessarily really talk.
I sat and talked to two people and about an hour later T showed up! She ordered a drink and said hi right next to me. Then, she sat at a table all by herself. I talked to a couple of more people and didn't approach T for a while, but just keep checking to see if she was still there. I couldn't believe my eyes that she was there when I felt I needed her. Anyway, I gathered up the courage to talk to her. She was having a bad evening as well. She told me about her life and then asked how things were going for me. I didn't say too much because when I first approached her I said I wasn't going to really "talk". It was really cool to chit chat w/T out of the office for a few minutes. We gave each other a wonderful hug! I loved that! I wish I could do that all the time. Then, I heard her mention something about someone else who was going to approach her. At this point things got a bit awkward. Then, she said she was going to go order a drink and asked if I wanted anything. I was thinking...Really??? I declined. Then, I felt really awkward. I just kind of stood there frozen watching her. I was starting to get concerned about T and asked if she needed a ride home. Embarrassed
T told me that she walks home if she feels to tipsy to drive. Then, she told me kind of where she lives. I remember mumbling something about clients versus friends (I don't remember exactly what I said). She gave me the weirdest look and told me that she was going over to a different table to talk to friends. I told her that I had to go anyway and that I was going to schedule a session to really talk. The session after that was wonderful and I felt soooo close to T. The next one after that though felt off and very distant. I have these weird weeks where I want to get so close to her I want to melt into her (sounds weird) and other weeks where I either feel pushed away by her or that I don't want to get too close because I could get hurt.
T doesn't seem to be the most stable person though sometimes. I know we have had at least 2 ruptures in our relationship and I feel like I we are still working on repairing somethings. I don't see her that often and that's hard too.

I wish I could some how tell T all of my feelings toward her and our relationship and all the other random things I think about, but some how I just can't bring myself to do it. I've heard that may mean we just aren't a good match.
I've seen her for over 2 years now and I'm incredibly attached and I don't know how to move through that. Right now I feel like I couldn't face losing this relationship.
I've consulted with friends who are T's or just got out of T school. Without using T's name I've told them some things and I've been told by them to find a different T and that I'm seeing red flags. I just can't take their advice though. Many of our sessions are productive just not all of them.

Ok...whew....thanks for letting me ramble some where.....

I need to get to bed. I have get up early to get ready for T training!
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I hope the training goes well, and I know the homework looks very daunting (you have your hands full being a single mom) but just take it one step at a time. I am glad you're so excited about beginning your studies.

Living with your parents as a adult is definitely a difficult thing to do because I think our parents can never quite completely see us as adults. (I know I struggle with my kids) so I'm glad you're getting support from your T about that. I also have a deep respect that you are sacrificing some of your autonomy to make sure that your kids are well taken care of. You sound like a really good mother.

As far as your T is concerned, wanting to melt into her and then wanting to push her away, tend to be typical behavior when we are differentiating and learning to be our own person. You said that you have been struggling and I must tell you that I am concerned about your Ts boundaries. Her behavior at the bar is really blurring the line between being your therapist and being your friend and that kind of lack of clarity can be damaging in therapy, especially for people who are struggling with learning to be their own person and to work through dependence.

I know it's really scary, but I think if you could address some of this stuff, and talk about your feelings, it could really help you. If your T gets really defensive or doesn't want to discuss it or acts like this is all you, I think those are red flags. OTOH, if she's open to discussing what happened and how you feel about and focus on your feelings, that's a good sign you have a good therapeutic relationship in which your free to talk about what you need to. Boundaries land in different places for different relationships, including therapeutic ones, so the best way to get a feel for what is going on is your freedom to talk about what is going on.


I'm sorry things are so difficult right now, Athenacus. Sounds like a lot going on. I know I would be overwelmed!

As far as the T thing goes, I felt I could relate a little. I don't have the impression my T is necessarily the most stable/mature cookie in the jar, either. She can be disorganized and scatty, has made a few stupid mistakes, occasionally says things that seem off the wall. And after inadvertently reading some of her diary online Roll Eyes I was not left with the idea that she has her life together any more than I do.

On the other hand, I do think she's really good at "doing therapy," at least with me. She's intuitive, attentive, attuned, insightful, empathic, all the good stuff I'd want in a T. She's caring. She's also just a good conversationalist, which makes being around her fun if nothing else. I've improved a lot. . .

I sometimes wonder if being able to conduct therapy effectively isn't simply a learned skill coupled with an innate knack with people plus a good shake of caring. And like, maybe a T isn't necessarily a super person or even anything above average when it comes to having their act together and stuff like that.

Sometimes I wonder if I should be noting more red flags and taking alarm, but it's hard when therapy seems to be working and I feel so attached. And then I'm like, "Why should I be expecting perfection, anyway? She's just a person."

On the other hand, I guess if it's seriously affecting your therapy that's another matter. AG's advice sounds good. Talking about things can clear up a lot, although I know that can be really scary!

Best wishes to you in your healing journey,
Thank you AG and HeldinCompassion for your responses. I can't write any more at the moment, but I wanted to let you know that I love my T classes so far! I actually got to pretend to be a T and a client in a practice T room. That was sooo hard!! I don't know how T's make it seem so seamless and normal. It was very awkward to be a pretend T. The client part was easier, of course.

I'll write more at another time.
Thanks for reading my ramblings.

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