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More happy birthday wishes to you, BG! Hope you had a fabulous day.

I'm 42, and my T is 4-5 years younger. Which weirded me out to start with (how can someone so young sort out someone as broken as me?!), and his being a dude felt wrong, too, but my four previous Ts were all older women and ranged in helpfulness from not-very to messed-me-up-even-more so I decided to give him a chance. 15 months in, I'd rate that as one of the better decisions I've made (even if I am still all over the place in terms of attachment).

I'm 43 and T is 64. And Yaks, I know my T's bday too, without any stalking on my part - ha!! Kinda weird having ET for someone close to my parents' age...!

(((BG))) Happy Belated! I understand that let-down feeling - when I turned 40 (& 41, 42, 43...) I was so disgusted with myself for not having reached my goals. But I'm working towards them at least, in baby steps that take me in the right direction, so I guess I'm okay with it now. Hugs to you on your life's journey.

Special note to CTL - you are toooo funny!!! Weight - oy vey!! Time to bring out that old 80's slogan - "let's not, and day we did!" Big Grin Hugs to ya!


What a diverse group we are, huh? And it sounds like for the most part, our T's are on the older, more experienced side of things. Which is good. You young ones keep me young and in touch with what's going on out there.


Who said you had to reach your goals by 40? Some people succeed early but then burn out by 40. Some people take a more scenic route. Success will come when you are ready for it. At least that's what I tell myself. I wasn't ready for success earlier on. I needed to work on my issues.

My friend's Dad is an incredible role model. He started his own business years ago (he's a physicist and has 12 patents) but never made a lot of money from it. He's 75 now and just told me that he's making more money now than he ever did.

Hero for the day: GRANDMA MOSES


P.S. Sorry your H was so thickheaded and didn't understand what would have made you happy.
BG,if it makes you feel any better, I hate my birthday too.

Regarding your goals though, sometimes I think we forget that what we see as goals are not necessarily the goals God intended for us. You have more than likely achieved so much more than what you give yourself credit for. You may have said something one or other day that COMPLETELY changed someones life for the better. Your words and actions over the space of 40 years, although not all acknowledged, would surely have made impacts along the way - how could they not have? "Love" and "forgiveness" should be goals for all of humanity, yet I've never heard anyone mention those two things as being personal goals, when they are asked to list what they would like to achieve. The worlds goals are not Gods goals. What the world sees as valuable, more often than not, is not considered spiritually valuable. Having successful relationships with people deserves a tick, helping those in need deserves a tick, not being judgmental deserves a tick, inspiring others to do better deserves a tick, hugging someone whose heart is broken deserves a tick, and so the list goes on.

BG, I'm sure you have achieved a lot of ticks along the way, and I'm sure you have achieved ticks you are not even aware of.

Happy Birthday for yesterday, and happy life for everyday!

Hug two

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