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hi - im in a raw spot, a bit weary and just plain worn out. and fighting some kind of stomach bug. sick of being sick! i'm still processing and catching up on other threads. feeling small and somewhat a bit silent. yet i just wanted to post this to say something that happened today w my T. i have posted about the really crappy parts of my therapy when I'm one-on-one with a T, but today was good. just easy and good. and it really surprises me because i'm so worn out and we talked about tough subjects.

We talked about a lot of subjects that are normally hard for me to talk about at all. I have no idea what made it easier today. We talked about my old T and it was helpful. I also had a confusing experience with a doctor that triggered me yesterday. My T summarized it back to me: I asked for help and then he offered it and said he would provide that help, I said ok, and made decisions counting on him coming through, and he didn't and when I spoke with him again he was very authoriatarian, abrupt, almost mad at me for no spoken obvious reason ... and I was left there not only feeling bad and like a fool I trusted him but a little like what the heck? what did I do wrong here? I was struggling with feeling like it was wrong for me to even ask for help in the first place or ask for help in dealing with the medical consequences of his change in plan. (and my T summarized it well!)

My T asked if I had ever felt penalized for asking or needing help as a kid and my first thought was no not really, then I thought of 4 examples pretty quickly. :/ (ah, denial, my famillar friend-enemy.) I shared one with her and she said it really was "striking" and helped her understand my father a lot more and helped explain why I responded to this doctor now by feeling so vulnerable and small.

I am defensive about sharing about trauma or childhood stuff because I struggle with the idea that I'm damaged, or broken. In a way I am. Everyone is to some degree. I'm afraid I am inhernetly broekn to thw point of deserving things no human deserves. (just the icky stuff talking.) I'm trying to learn it's ok and I don't have to frantically try to fix everything that feels so broken inside or always be on the defense and never vulnerable.

In talking about what happened in the past and my response to the doctor yesterday, my T held it all in a way that didn't make me feel like I was just simply broken and damaged. She focused on how good it was (in her opinion) that I noticed how hurt or vulnerable I felt and listened to that and found a safe way to somewhat meet my desire to feel comfort - instead of my default response to stuff it, or get intensely angry and blaming of myself (and/or of the doctor), or just run away, or desperately try to fix it all in a controlling way... (shiesh, I could go on and on about my bad ways of coping.) She said she was proud of me. For feeling small? for letting myself feel that and being nice to myself.

Probably won't seem like much of a good thing, but to me, it was good. not intense good. just good and safe and comforting. Smiler
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janedoe, i am so happy for you!!

i wonder if being somewhat sick right now, you mentioned, and a bit weary, that you let some of your protective defenses down, and she was able to get inside and do some stuff, that had you (i am talking about how I would be) been feeling stronger, maybe you wouldn't have let her inside as much?? the relaxed wall you had, from sheer weariness, let you see it is ok to let her in, and that some good stuff was done in this session?? i wonder too, that letting her see 'the real you', and her accepting and supporting the healthy things you do have inside, and massage the weaker things...turned into a really productive session??

i relate to your interaction with that doctor. for me, a HUGE trigger, is being in that dependant and trusting environment, when 'on paper' this person IS to be trusted (dr, parent, etc.) and for that innocent and vulnerable part of you to not be handled right...sooooooooooo reminiscent of childhood. anyway, for me, that is a big old TRIGGER!!

also 'being needy and asking for help as a kid and being penalized'...glad your t put it in those words...YES, DAILY!! shunned, ridiculed, humiliated for it, all in very subtle ways, most, anyway....but YES, that sure leaves it's mark. i admire how she asked you that and find it interesting that your initial response was 'not really', but after you thought about it, 'striking' examples were offered. sounds like a good t, i love when they ask questions, as i am so warped, i don't know what is relevant...


i didn't even know the sexual abuse i encountered really 'counted' as there wasn't penetration. i think i am going to ask my t to ask me more questions, to round out my picture...

anyway, so glad it was a productive day, and i wish you to get well and somehow, leave those walls down a bit for her. glad you saw how safe you were in there!! many hugs!! jill
Jill - what good insight! I do think that by being so worn out I probably did let my defenses down a bit more than usual. I know I slowed down and was more relaxed, mostly out of sheer tiredness - and yet we talked about more than usual. go fig.

sad to hear that doc's are hard for you too - but it's reassuring too. I always feel so weird that it's such a hard thing for me, and I don't know anyone else who has such a problem. It makes sense - they "should" be good and helpful and kind... and are not always that way. Frowner I'm tired of the bad ones taking away the effot of the comfort of the better ones!

so sorry to hear of the abuse. I had some experiences as a kid that for a long time I just figured I was messed up in feeling about. then one day I googled something like "what is sexual assult?" and took it into my T what I read. I couldn't even talk but she said yeah, that is wrong too. I've been through the whole range of experineces - the worst right around age 20, but the kid stuff sorta helped me just stuff the adult stuff even more.

my denial about my needs being ignored or a source of punnishment as a kid is huge. HUGE. I guess I'm learning. My T really did put it in a good way - like it really was ok to need... I know it was, in my head... I guess I just need to hear it too. Maybe some day my heart will get it.

thanks for the feedback jill! ((((jill))))

Most the time when I go into therapy I have questions I am struggling through, but I'm learning to let those go, and let my T ask more and lead more and let go.

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