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Welcome and thanks so much for sharing your story with us. I'm so sorry. It's very hard to struggle with depression and ignored trauma and being a parent adds a different dimension to it. I'm glad that you are feeling supported in your therapy and you also found this place to relate to others and find even more support. Thanks for being here!

Hi and welcome, Ninn. I don't post everyday and haven't always officially welcomed newcomers (sometimes I can't get out of my stand-back-and-observe mode), so I hope any other newcomers who I haven't met are not offended by my greeting you. But I was moved by your introduction. We have some things in common, although the cancer is not one of them. That would be terribly stressful, especially in a young child, and I don't think I would handle that trial well. How are things going with it now? Is it in remission?

The things we have in common are that we are the same age, and I have lots of kids (5) and stayed at home with them for over a decade. I'm still not in the work force, other than teaching a few private piano lessons, but I do go to school full-time now. I sought therapy in summer 2009 for depression following the birth of my youngest child and some marital difficulties. It was not my first depression, but it was my first serious attempt at therapy. Since then, I've accumulated a few other diagnoses as well. Roll Eyes My H could probably benefit from some therapy too (who couldn't?) but he is not open to it.

I am sorry you've had a struggle with meds. I also tried Lexapro but had to change due to side effects. I'm on Wellbutrin right now, which I tolerate well.

It's great that you jumped right in, and I hope you continue to find the forum helpful.
Welcome to the forums, Ninn. I'm sorry to hear about all of the challenges you've been up against, especially your son's cancer. Also sorry to hear that you've had a lot of trouble finding ADs that are right for you, I hope you and your practicioner hit on the right solution soon. Glad to hear that you finally feel supported, and that your H is getting his own help. I hope you find the support you are looking for here, too. Smiler

Welcome Ninn and thanks for sharing your story with us. I'm so sorry it has been such a struggle for you for so long and that your little boy had cancer. That would have devastated me. I have one child, a boy. I hope your meds get worked out and that you will feel some relief soon. I'm glad you found us and now you have some place to come when you need support and you don't have to be alone.


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