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I guess i am feeling brave tonight, Starting two posts and responding to another.

I don't post often but i come and read the forum everyday. I try to keep everyone straight but sometimes I struggle with the details. Like what kind of therapy your doing.... etc. I think that is part of why i post so little. (plus i don't usually have alot of value to add.

What would people think about having some basic info in there signature at the end of posts. Some references to help us put things in order as an example mine could look like
Canada - psycho-dynamic therapy - 4 years of progress
One therapist, one app't per week, in person

Comments ideas, yes, no, you're f888King crazy CNC?

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Hey CNC,

Good to see you, and I can totally see how these kinds of info tags would be helpful. It *is* confusing trying to get to know people and keep their backgrounds in mind here.

I have some qualms about the tags though, and for this reason I don't think I will use them myself. I would like to sound out those concerns so that others have the chance to think about them.

I think if this kind of info is on the bottom of every post, it will easily trigger certain kinds of reaction: insecurity about our differences, competitiveness, feelings of being an outsider or not welcome for those who perceive that they don't 'fit in' with the info they see often. Who here is immune to thinking they don't fit in, because they don't have enough therapy experience, or they've been in therapy too long, or they've had too many T's, or not enough, or they are doing the wrong kind of therapy, or whatever? Granted we can do that anyway, but having to encounter each other through our stories alone makes it harder to do those leaps, I think.

Although it is hard to keep track of people, there is also perhaps a blessing in the way that people are just people when we see them on here - we don't have too many ways of categorizing them, except by getting to know their stories in their own words. Sometimes when someone reaches out they are nothing more than another face, and that kindness from a stranger is special. I worry that these kinds of tag might lead to a change in that - not that people will stop reaching out or accepting care, but there could be a level of 'quick-filing' that goes on that alters that feeling: e.g. "oh, so only the inexperienced clients are talking to me" or "oh, she would say that because she's in that kind of therapy."

I know it sounds like I'm expecting the worst from people here, but it's not about any particular person - just the way I think the human mind likes to file stuff. Sometimes the quick-filing leads to good 'leaps', sometimes not. So I'm wary. But others are very free to do whatever works for you - for your consideration only.


Interesting points. I changed mine, but will see how it goes. It can always be changed back.

I'll add my info to stay in this thread in case I change my signature again. I've been seeing my current T since April 2009. She specializes in trauma and her orientation is eclectic. She is certified in EMDR and Sensorimotor Pychotherapy. I have 2 set appointments per week which are the same day/time each week and a 3rd floating session on an as needed basis which lately is most of the time. My session are 60-90 minutes long with the occasional 105 minute session. We have an excellent relationship even when we have our bumps. We are very connected and work well together. I should also add for those that are new and sometimes get confused by my posts, I have DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) so I often refer to my alters in posts.
Last edited by scaredtoriskmyself
Hi, CNC- don't think we've said hi before so - hi! I can see the pros and cons...great idea, though. For myself I'm gonna give it some thought. But, for right now I'll tell you that I am two years into therapy with a therapist who draws from many approaches. He does integrative, which is mind body and spirit. We meet over the web via skype. Currently having some fairly serious problems in therapy. Completely stressed out.

hope you are well-

I'll think about putting the info in the signature- for now I’ll just post it here. I think it would be good also if everyone just posted their info here and then we would have this thread to check back with once and awhile. I know what you mean about keeping everyone straight!

June 2009-Present with one male T, client centered/object relations, 1 or 2x a week


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