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She got flu-like symptoms, which have been better (except her cough) for a couple of days, and then a rash, which has been spreading all over from her back to upper arms, upper legs, now a little on her face, VERY mild, maybe just a little itchy. The doctor saw the ones on her back yesterday and said they looked like bug bites. Obviously, it's something else. I'm wondering if anyone knows what a breakthrough varicella would look like (they are really light and mild, except when she is in the bath, just pinkish bumps, not crusting over and not too pimply). She had her second varicella vaccination about 10-11 days before the bumps, 8-9 days before her fever. Oh, varicella = chicken pox, in case no one knows what I'm talking about.

She feels fine, super energy like always when sick. I just feel horrible, because she has missed one of her three school days this week and will miss another tomorrow most likely and is pretty bummed about not getting to go see her teachers and friends. Frowner I'm doing the mommy stuff: validating how sad she is about missing out; talking about how important it is to get all the way better, take care of ourselves, not get others sick; trying not to let my empathy for her sadness/frustration escalate into devastation (i.e. encourage her that it's OK and her friends and teachers and activities will still be there when she gets back and we can do fun stuff at home until then).

Anyway, guess I'm just looking for some mommy support her from others who have dealt with sick kids and know how hard it is when they aren't feeling well or are missing out on stuff they love. Frowner
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Sounds like measles or German measles (Rubella)to me. Even if you have been innoculated you can get it. Cough is a sign of both measles and German measles together with flu like symptoms. German measles is a milder form of measles. Rash is not always itchy. Although rash is supposed to start on the face it doesn't always. My kids and I just had German measles about a year ago, so it is fresh in my mind.

Maybe it is not that but it's worth having a look into.

Good luck.
Thanks you guys, for the suggestions, and for the support in being a freaked out mommy. Advice nurse believes it's a reaction to the vaccinations, as it falls within the 5-26 day period under which some kids will experience a rash. She says as they aren't weeping, and Boo has been fever free since early Monday morning, she is safe to return to school. YAY!

The rash (so far) does not look much like fifths disease or german measles. So far, what it looks most like is a bunch of flea bites and a couple mosquito bites, lol. Only on her upper arms are there any real "clusters," everything else is like a single bump spread out from the others. It's literally so mild. But, between the doctor yesterday saying she was fine to return to school and the advice nurse verifying that even with it spreading, she should be safe, I am just relieved I don't have to make her miserable tomorrow.
I'm glad to hear the nurse thinks it's only a reaction to the vaccine and nothing serious. I know how anxiety provoking it is when our kids are sick. I know I have always struggled with over reacting to my son's illnesses and injuries. I am the first one to rush to the ER when he gets hurt. OldT was working with me on calming those reactions and I really do try not to scare my son with my own fears. My current T is very open to hearing from me when I'm scared or anxious when child is sick. He says it's good for me to reach out for him to regulate myself so as not to instill fear into my son. I'm trying to do the opposite of what my mom did with me.

I'm glad she will go do school tomorrow. Getting back to normal is the best thing.

(((TN))) ironically, I don't get too freaked out with my kid being sick. It was her missing school and her feelings about missing school that I found so upsetting and had to seem OK about while venting my fears privately to H. If she were seriously ill I would be worried. But this was more because school was always my safe place. It was rare that staying home was appealing, to the point that by my teens, I would attend with a 103+ degree fever to not have to stay home. So, I was having anxiety attacks about how it would feel to her to have to stay home. For her, a minor disappointment...for me, devestating. Frowner

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