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big scott were drivin the car, and we stoped fer a train in a long line up of cars, and lidle scottie comed out to look at something we boughted, and then the cars started up but none bigs around (bigs is what we cal insiders who is older) so litle scottie started forward in the car, and then slamed brakes on and swored cuz the car in front of us stoped. so first, none kids is alowed to drive, and second him not alowed to swear. and him were very scared cuz him couldn't find no one else to drive. big scottie is havin trubles and is what we call 'loopy' meaning not so clear on stuff. so we showed lidle scottie the red hazard light switch so next time he can press that and just wait for a big. but him still scared.

samy (again on behalf of lidl scottie)
and now him afraid to be in trouble for it from the T, and that her not would want to talk to him abouts it.

I am sure that your T will want to talk to Scottie and help him learn how to live in a DID system. SOmetimes we make oursleves feel wors thinking our T's will not want to talk to us or they will be mad at us. But they usually want to talk things out cause they know that's what we need.
I'm so glad that Scott was able to talk to your T (he takes really good care of everyone doesn't he) and that everyone will know what to do if that happens again. I want you all safe. Smiler

And it will make me think twice about getting upset if I see something like that. My mother-in-law was a very slow driver near the end of her life because it started to get very scary for her, so now whenever I'm behind someone who is going to slow and getting impatient with them (which I way too easily do because I'm ALWAYS running late) I just tell myself that that could be my mother-in-law and how would I have wanted someone to treat her. Then I can be patient. Funny how knowing all the facts makes it easier to be patient and understanding.


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