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hi samy.
i know my T sees "children"(at least 15 or 16 year olds) because I had my session after a boy of this age this week. As I was sitting there in the waiting area, they were behind the office glass talking as they were scheduling his next appointment. It sounded like my T was talking to him just like he talks to me(and I'm 37). Of course, I'm sure they talk about "deeper" stuff behind the closed door of the therapy room, but the dialog sounded pretty much the same as it does for me--just an understanding, accepting person LISTENING and helping the client to hear what they are actually saying and learning the motives behind our sometimes confusing behaviors(or thoughts). I know that probably sounded confusing. But, yes, there are other people your age in therapy, probably more than you imagine. We all have issues. Good luck.
Hi Samy,
I want to echo what JM said, we're happy you're willing to talk to us "old" folks! And JM's a spring chicken, I've got four years on her. Friendship knows no age boundaries. Smiler

My only personal experience of a child in therapy was a 16 yr old I know who was struggling with SI. We've talked about therapy alot and hers sounded very similar to mine with many of the same feelings. It's a safe place to be able to express all your feelings and to be free to be who you really are without fear of being punished for doing that. I'm not sure there's a lot of difference. And I'll let you in on a secret about adults in therapy, we usually feel very little. I go from feeling like a two or three year old to on a good day around 13. It's really not very often that I feel like the 47 year old woman that I am when I'm in my therapists office.

I think the real difference with children in therapy is that depending on their age communicating can be handled differently, especially with small children. So things like play therapy allow them to express their feelings because they may not be able to speak about their feelings the way an adult would.

Do you mind my asking why you asked? What did you want to know?

I think I wanted to know because older people talk about stuff that I don't get. Like all this 'transference' stuff, well, what's that all about? Sometimes I think older people make it very complercated actually. I wonder if what me and me T do is ordinary? Sometimes I think it is, and I tease her cuz her can go like all 'heady' and stuff. Sometimes we just sit together and hold hands. I think I got more issues than most 14 year olds cuz, well, most not in a 44 year old body! (*HAHA) Sometimes I say stuff and people think it's 'sweet' or 'touching' and I don't always get that either cuz, well, I just saying what I think. Sometime i feel a bit left out cuz, well, I'm the only teen here I think. Not to say you guys aren't nice to me or nothing.
You know Samy, one of the hard things about growing up and maturing is that you can forget how it looked when you were a kid. And you're right, sometimes older people can make simple things really complicated. But sometimes when we get older we learn to see more aspects of issues that we didn't when we were younger. I find it completely understandable that you wouldn't get some of the adult stuff and that what you do with the therapist is different from the others.

It sounds like you can just sit still and experience being with your T without having to get all "heady" about it. I'm envious. Smiler Most of my struggles are about learning to do that and experience it on an emotional level.

Sometimes I say stuff and people think it's 'sweet' or 'touching' and I don't always get that either cuz, well, I just saying what I think.

One of the things that we can sometimes lose as we get older is our ability to be open and honest and vulnerable. So "just saying what you think" which seems so straightforward to you can be something really difficult for a lot of people to do. So it's an endearing quality to adults because we wish we had that ability more often.


You’re right sometimes adults do make things more complicated. I wish I could have worked out my issues when I was a teenager. But I’m sure it’s not easy for you and like you said your being 14 in a 44 year old body makes it more complex in many ways. I like how AG admitted that sometimes in therapy adults “feel like little children.” Sometimes when I get in touch with my childhood experiences I feel that same age all over again. To be 43 years old and wanting to sit on my 54 year old therapist’s lap feels so silly and embarrassing to relate. So I guess it’s a good thing I don’t do that huh? LOL

I am glad that you say what you think and I’m sorry if I ever talk down to you because of your age. I don’t mean to do that and you certainly deserve to be treated as intellectually significant as anyone else and you add just as much meaning to the forum as anyone else.

As far as transference, do you know much about it? Looking back I know that I expereinced transference feelings for certain people in my teen years. It's not always about our T, but it is the best place to work it out. It usually involves very old feelings and experiences that get worked out in therapy because they feel very current.

As far as transference, do you know much about it?

isn't it when like you acting towards someone like you did in the past? like if me T reminds me of me mom i'd act like that? is that right?

i had a miscommunication with someone (haha! won't say who) and it got figured right fast! and i didn't call names or even call me T! i just asked questions mostly and the person replied right fast and not been angry or nothing.

good for me (haha)
Yes Samy ,it is like acting towards someone like you did in the past.

There are ways that I feel like my T is my mom, although I have to say it isn't because she is anything like my mom. She's better in a healthier and happier way than my mom ever could be. There are some similarities that I shouldn't discount. For instance she is barely 5 feet tall like my mom. (LOL) Basically I feel that my T is my mother by extension.

That sounds like you've made some really good progress yourself. Having a miscommunication with someone and being able to work it out quickly without calling names and getting too angry is very good! I am finding I am able to do that better too.

Good for you! Big Grin

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