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Dear LL

I am really sorry to hear the sad news, there is little I can say to make things any better I know, there will be a huge void in your life at the moment. I am glad you had those days together when you were able to really care for him when he was so will take many more days now to stop listening out and looking for him, that is so hard Frowner

Take time to grieve and remember him, he was an important part of your life and gave you so much. Animals are amazing like that - intuitive and caring, but demand so little in return. You will in time have many happy memories of your days together,

Hug and love,

Lamplighter, so sorry for your loss. I know your cat was very loved and spescial for you. Take your time and greif and know that we`re here whenever and if you need to write about it. No poster or reply can "fix" the loss, but let us know if we can help within the limitations of this forum in any way.
Thinking of you.

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