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Just want to say I'm missing all of you and hope you are all doing okay.

LL...what's been happening with your "psycho-T"? Have you been back to see him recently? And you also mentioned seeing a female T too and what happened with that? I hope you are okay. I miss your insights about therapy.

Monte, are you still out of therapy? Hope you are handling that okay.

Dragger... miss you tons! Are you still with that lovely new T you found? I know how hard this is.. I really do. Hugs to you.

MH...miss you too. Hope things are smoothing out with your T about her other patients, the texting and the other issues that concerned you. Hope you are okay.

Jane... are you away on that trip? I hope it's going well for you.

and Jones... I think I remember you saying that you were going out of town so I will not worry about you too much unless you don't come back in a week or so. Let us know how things are going with new T search.

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Hi all,

I am here, reading when I can, never enough time to say all the things I want to say and I get myself into trouble saying things in a rush! But feel lots of love and missing of you all too. Especially the long-quiet ones. CT too I haven't seen for a long while - CT if you're out there we're thinking of you. Lots of others, too. I get scared we'll miss the more quiet ones when we do this kind of roll call, there are many people who've touched my heart with posts past or present but I don't always have them on the tip of my tongue at these moments. Then sometimes someone pops up again and it's such a delight - Incognito, IHTS, SoulfulDaze, and others.

As for me... well, pretty much everything's shit right now, but I'm a survivor and I've been through plenty worse.

Hard to post when I don't know whether I'll have energy to follow up conversations, and don't want to leave anyone hanging or seem to 'ignore' anyone after they've extended thought & care. But hope you can imagine me here quietly in the background sending you all great positive energy and love.

Good to see you guys!
I was thinking also of What'sLeftofHim and Deeplyrooted...
and of course AG...

I worry too, because I always think how painful it would be to feel like nobody even noticed if you were missing. Frowner SO, anybody reading this who *might* feel left behind...please know that you are SO very welcome here, by everyone!
Hello guys and thanks TN for thinking about me. I’m really sorry I’ve been awol for the last couple of weeks - ended up not even being able to read forum let alone post.

Bad things going on with therapy - took an agreed break from psychoT in order to get some perspective (it was really scaring me the stuff that I was going through), to see another T whom I thought might be able to supply the emotionally caring side of therapy conspicuously absent from psychoanalytic therapy (disastrous move), left messages with psychoT a week later asking to resume therapy only to be sent a letter saying that he had no spaces currently available. WTF?????

The whole two weeks has been a nightmare - can barely believe what I’ve been putting myself through. I expect a Lamplighter mega post will be coming soon Roll Eyes .

All is not lost though as luckily when I hadn’t heard back from psychoT after a few days I went back to my interminable newT-finder searches and managed to make an appointment with a new T just before that awful letter arrived. And luckily she seems ok. Hard to tell after just one session but at the rate I’m ploughing through Ts I don’t have much choice anymore.

So sorry again for just disappearing - and I really appreciate that you’ve thought of me while I’ve been gone. Thanks Smiler


...i am so, so sorry to hear you`ve had to deal with all this pain...gosh, i cant even imagine how hard this all must have been, i am glad you will post more about it soon thoug, so i can understand more of whats been going on, it seems like you had two very hard and overwhelming weeks here. Hope there are better times ahead of you.

And i am SO GLAD that you are here again.
LL .. it's good to see you here but sorry that you were suffering so much while away from us. I hope you will feel able at some point to share what was scaring you so much in therapy with "psycho-T" (we really need a better name for him, unless you really think he was psycho!) and how things are going with this new T that you found. How long were you away from him? I cannot believe he sent you a letter like that but then... I should now believe anything a T does as I'm not sure any of them can be trusted.

Meanwhile hugs to you and hope to see you back soon.


I am very sorry to hear about the problems and that letter from your Psy T. Frowner I had really hoped that it was going to work out for you with him. Am hoping that the new T will be better for you.
As to your mega post, I have always found reading everyone's mega post in the past to be informative and brave through all kinds of diversities. Keep hanging on! Welcome back.
GOsh, LL...I just read what I wrote and it sounded really unsympathetic...I just wanted to say, that I meant that differently than it came out, but should have taken more time with my reply. I hope you can forgive me for sounding so callous. Frowner

I'm so sorry about what happened...and I hope we will be able to support you..!

much love,

Oh thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome. Smiler

Beebs gotta agree with Draggers, I read nothing but warmth and kindness in your post. (And yeah things are still shitty Frowner .)

I too wonder where some people are and how they are doing - I think Jane is on her holiday still?

MH hope you feel you can post some about what’s going on with your T - wouldn’t worry about not being able to post ‘uplifting and supportive stuff’ - it’s all swings and roundabouts isn’t it?

Draggers great to see you posting again too. And Jones I’m sorry things are so shit for you too.

There’s no pressure on anyone to come out of the woodwork but maybe if they are reading just want to say hi to others and let them know they are missed: like people have already mentioned: UV, MTF, CT, Seablue, Deeplyrooted, What’s Left of Him, and of course Monte. Others too as well - lol if I mention everyone that I wonder how they are doing I’d end up with a list of most forum members.

Was just reading a book about therapy where the author says that psychotherapy is not really a good idea unless you have a reasonable support network in place for outside of sessions - for me this forum is that support network. Want to give everyone a big hug and a smile for being here, and being so supportive

Hi All,
Sorry I am SO late to this thread, but wanted to say that it is hard when we don't hear from people and I often wonder about people who are missing and how they're doing. I also understand the danger in making list that you'll leave someone out but if I may add some of the people who have been missing longer, River, Just Me, Puppy Lover, Butterfly Warrior and the Dude, Open Windows, Lady of Shalott, and WhereamI. If any of you are still reading it would be great to hear from you about how you're doing. You are missed.

LL and Monte, thanks for dropping in to say hi, although I am sorry to hear that you're both having a difficult time. I just want to add to the chorus that we understand and look forward to a time when you'll be able to post more regularly.

And Draggers, may I say it's been utterly delightful to see you about the place again. Big Grin


I tend not to go on this channel??? I don't know why but I just found it and want to let you know that I read your post about your difficult psycho T .... and I'm sorry things are hard right now ..... was it you that said that some author wrote that people shouldn't go into psychotherapy unless they have outside support? I totally agree! Because, as we all know, things can get pretty wacky in that therapy room sometimes .... and we all seem to be really good at castigating ourselves ..... Anyway ... just wanted to thank you for your support on my thread ... especially when you are going through a tough time yourself .... and I will be here when that mega post comes through ....

HUGS ....
Hi All

I feel very sheepish Cool coming out to say "hello" after all this time - but yes, I'm still alive, still here and still having weekly appts with my T. Big Grin So nothing's really changed - except for the fact that I'm making good progress!!!

So a big hello to everyone and a huge thanks to those who continue to have the courage to share their therapy journey here - as well as those members who take the time, courage & insight to support & reply to the many posters here.

I'm OK

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