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Hello my old forum friends – it’s been a loooooooong time since I ventured this way on the open boards (or at least it seems like a long time). Certainly been some changes since I last posted, that’s for sure. Just got back from three weeks holiday and decided to catch up with what’s been happening on forum, thought it would be a good time to update on what’s been happening for me, seeing as how I sort of just disappeared and I’m assuming that some people anyway will have wondered what’s been going on for me.

What a long intro para! Not much has changed for me obviously, at least not in terms of verbiosity Roll Eyes.

Haven’t been doing very well at all for quite a long time now Frowner. Left my last T some months ago and went back to a T I’d seen for a few sessions two years ago – that seemed to be turning out to be a repetition of every other therapy I’d experienced except that at least I felt like I could just talk to her and she listened, even if she didn’t really understand anything I was saying.

She ended up suggesting that I go see a Pdoc because what seemed to be ‘wrong’ with me was turning out to be so incomprehensible to every T I’d seen – in fact I’d been thinking along the same lines myself, because it’s become pretty clear to me that the mess my head is still in, stems from an episode of out and out psychosis of many years ago.

She managed to get me a referral to a clinical psychologist (psychiatrists over here are IMPOSSIBLE to see privately, unless you take yourself off to Harley Street and who has the bucks to pay for that????) – actually clinical psychologists aren’t so easy to unearth privately either, it all seems to depend on who you know, word of mouth and having the contacts.

Anyway finally I’ve been able to talk to someone about all the mad shit that goes on in my head and actually be taken seriously. This woman, the clinical psychologist, whom I’ve seen twice now for assessment/diagnosis, has worked extensively with psychosis and off the planet type issues so I have some confidence in her, at least she seems to have some idea of the issues I’ve been dealing with. I start a trial therapy with her in a couple of weeks.

I don’t feel ok about any of this, it seems to me like I just came to the end of the line with therapy and being helped and trying to work my stuff out, and something changed for the worse since leaving my last T. This new clinical psychologist got me to do a whole raft of questionnaires and apparently I come out with severe depression, severe anxiety disorder, and having borderline personality traits. Hm yeah right. I agree with the depression and anxiety stuff, I’ve never really been depressed before but I do recognize that’s what I am at the moment, and anxiety, well I live in fear all the time so that’s not a surprise. But I suspend judgement on the borderline stuff, she might be right, after all how would I know how other people perceive me, for all I know while I’m seeing myself as being calm and reasonable others might be experiencing me as frothing at the mouth out of control livid with rage. Confused

Anyway that’s my update, but I also have some questions, some of which about BPD I’ll post in a separate thread, some of which about anxiety I’ll ask here, for anyone who can relate.

Anxiety, big thing. I find that I don’t even know that I’m scared most of the time, even though I am. Does anyone else live with so much fear/anxiety that they don’t even recognize half the time that they’re anxious or scared? That it’s so much the status quo it just seems normal to live in daily fear?

I also wonder if anyone else has intense anxiety associated with what they think? I find that I’m scared of my own thoughts, because I have this monstrous anti-me entity (like an inner critic only to an extreme degree) that jumps on everything I think and tells me how bad and wrong it all is and therefore I am. I’ve been fighting it for over thirty years and am still losing – it is based on fear and I’m only just beginning to see how pervasive that fear has been and how it’s shaped my world view and all my perceptions. I guess I am wondering how others deal with having such a terrifyingly vicious inner critic type entity that because it lives inside your head, knows every single thing you think and feel. (I’m sure rather a lot of you know what I’m talking about here, sad to say .)

LOL another thing that hasn’t changed, I’m still writing mega posts.

I hope to be around a bit more now, but as I’m feeling so crap all the time, chances are I’ll be doing a fair bit of coming and going. Just to let you know in advance that I might not be posting as prolifically as I used to... Wink

Lots of hugs to everyone here, I hope everyone is doing ok, or as best as they can, considering what they’re going through.

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I also wonder if anyone else has intense anxiety associated with what they think? I guess I am wondering how others deal with having such a terrifyingly vicious inner critic type entity that because it lives inside your head, knows every single thing you think and feel.

I can so relate to this (((LL))). My T often reminds me that my thoughts are not truths, they are just thoughts. She also says that thoughts can't hurt me... which makes me think that she's never been in my head! That inner critic is vicious, I agree, and I'm working my ass off not to listen to it as much, which is hard. Sometimes distracting myself works, sometimes it doesn't.

Not much to offer except my understanding. Welcome back!
Awww thanks Draggers, and R2G, for the great welcome back.

Draggers you're right, I should have been trying to find myself a clinical psych ages ago when I was running around in circles seeing T after T after T and wondering why the hell none of them seemed to be listening to me. Question of experience and training I suppose.

She also says that thoughts can't hurt me... which makes me think that she's never been in my head!

Lol R2G, got to agree with you there - vicious negative internal voice can make the thoughts VERY hurtful in lots of damaging ways. I'm glad you have been able to not listen to your critic at times - I am still definitely in the loser's corner at the moment. I have what I call a shitfight going on in my head all the time - there's me, there's anti-me, and for the last couple of decades there's anti-anti-me (note, not pro-me, which would be a far better way to be), and it all gets very very wearing and hard to live with Frowner.

I suppose I'm also asking for ways people deal with the anxiety of having a vicious self hating entity in their heads. I keep spinning on a pin trying all sorts of different things, and nothing seems to work. Great ideas but when it comes to putting them into practice, anti-me has it all stitched up already because of my fear.

Anyway, it's good to be back!

Hey Lampers, good to see you. I used to have a lot of problems with the inner critic stuff. The best thing I ever did was to stop arguing with it and trying to ignore it and start listening to it. By listening to it, I don't mean agreeing with it, but trying to understand its concerns and intentions. Even though it has an awful way of going about it, I believe even a harsh inner critic can have a positive, however misguided intention.

Here's a book that might help you with it. I haven't read it personally but it is based on IFS (Internal Family Systems) which is an approach that I have found really helpful and easy to understand, and similar to what I just described about listening.
LL! Glad to see you and glad you are still searching for what you deserve, which is somewhere that helps you understand what's going on inside and heal. I really hope working through stuff with a clinical psych helps that process.

But yes, anxiety is my default setting, so much so that I too see it as normal.

Agree with Monte here; I feel the same. I mostly notice it on the rare moments when I am NOT anxious, like not realizing how tense you were until you lay down and relax and everywhere just hurts from how tight your muscles have been all day. I have found I learn more about my anxiety through paying attention to my body than trying to pay attention to my emotions, which I am largely clueless about.

I do have HUGE anxiety related to inside parts that feel threatening, accusatory, etc. Mostly littler parts deal with this, because they are the ones with feelings and needs that are perceived as threatening. But, when these threatening parts or critics or whatever makes most sense to call them are activated, and begin invalidating, attacking, punishing, whatever, it's like a "better this come from inside than outside" thing. It's protective. I guess they hold all sorts of rules about what feelings, thoughts, actions, etc. are allowed and enforce them. So, if I approach a boundary, a rule, even if I don't know what it is, or why, there is this, "I'm going to be in trouble" (from inside) feeling that paralyzes me. I don't know if that's relatable, but it's what I thought when I read your post.

Monte - Ugh, I have that same thing, interrogating my motives all the time, especially when T responds positively to how I behave, think or feel about others. But, because my motivation isn't perfect, it is tainted, corrupt, and valueless. Frowner I'm sorry you experience something like that. I often think my not feeling like a real "human" and my inability to accept the natural failings that go along with my humanity are somehow linked, but I can't quite tie it together yet.
Monte, thank you for the welcome back. Lol yeah I was seeing a guy who called himself psychoanalytic, I thought it would work but he terminated me Roll Eyes.

any good I do is not motivated be a spontaneous desire to do good, but by hidden agenda to fulfill my selfish needs.

Snap. My toxic anti-me tells me the same, because whatever good I do or think about doing is learnt, not spontaneous, and is always at bottom selfish and self serving… It sounds like we have similar thinking, unfortunately for both of us Frowner. I get also about the physical manifestation too – now that I’m older it’s all really starting to show in physical symptoms. There’s a sense of urgency about getting my head stuff resolved before my body packs it in.

how do you unlearn to ride a bike, y'know?

Exactly!!!! Once you know something, you can’t ‘unknow’ it. Oh for the days of innocence and ignorance again. I’d rather be a happy cabbage than a farsighted knower, anyday. Maybe that’s what all the inner child work is about? Regaining that sense of innocence and not needing to know everything anymore?

Hello BLT, thanks too for welcoming me back Smiler.

Funny you should mention IFS, I actually looked into it seriously a while back on exactly the premise you are making – that instead of fighting anti-me maybe I could see its positive intentions and stop being so terrified of it and needing to defend against it. I just couldn’t get enough distance to separate myself into parts, and anti-me is so toxic that I really struggle to deal with it on my own (hence running around in little circles trying to get therapeutic help). I’m glad it worked so well for you though, I think it’s a great idea.

Anon, hello you too (took me a while to work out who you were Wink)

I have found I learn more about my anxiety through paying attention to my body than trying to pay attention to my emotions, which I am largely clueless about.

Now that’s an interesting idea. You know, I think if I paid attention to my body I’d flip right out – all part of having to be in control of the negative feelings I guess, ignore the tension and its physical manifestation, ignore the actual feelings, live entirely in my head. It’s SO hard to pay attention to the body knowing that the feelings which will emerge are all to do with fear and anxiety. All kudos to you for being able and willing to experience yourself physically. If I manage to find a T with whom I feel safe, maybe I could do it too...

And yeah, the way you describe the threatening invalidating internal parts' thinking – pre-empting negative stuff from outside, that resonates with me (though I don’t have parts as such, just this permanent awareness of everything I am and could be doing wrong). I’m sorry you too have that internal attack on your motives – it’s very hard to live with that on such a fundamental and precognitive level Frowner.

(((((( Luci ))))))) thanks for the warm welcome back Hug two

Hi Lampers,

So good to see you again Big Grin and hear how you've been doing too. I am glad you have found yourself a Clinical Psychologist too, who can help you understand the theory and reasoning behind what you are thinking and feeling as well as the practical side of it too. You have always been searching and questionning Lampers, so I'm hoping that you might get some of the answers with new T.

Good to hear from you ...I've thought of you with our dreadful wet summer and the abundance of slugs and snails. I remember they were the always the bane of your garden Wink

hello LL, so nice to see you!
but i'm really sorry to hear you aren't doing so well and that your old T terminated you... Frowner i really hoped that he would help you, i thought that the thing that you needed the most would be for someone NOT to give up on you and i am so sorry that he ended up doing just that..... Frowner can you tell me where he lives so i can leave a little 'message' on his front door?

i hope it goes well with the clinical psychologist, it sounds like she's got the right expertise and experience.

keep us posted! we missed your long posts Smiler

Lol puppet, lovely to read your reply. And nice to see you around too!

You can leave your message on that T's door anytime (actually that was an old T who terminated me, from a couple of years ago, not the most recent one who I terminated, but I very much appreciate your being on my side here Smiler

keep us posted! we missed your long posts

Lol again,you may well come to regret having said that Big Grin but thank you very much all the same.

Hi LL,

I'm sorry that you feel you have come to the end of the road with T's and that none of them have been of any help. I know how defeating it can be to find someone to work with. I hope that this clinical psychologist works out and that she can prove her worth.

I do suffer from anxiety, I find that I tend to over analyse peoples reactions to the point that I work myself up, though I am not sure if that is the same as what you are describing so sorry that I cannot be of more help.

Let us know how it goes.

Butterfly, thanks for replying.

I have just read your thread and see you are feeling something like I recognize in me recently – this sense that being unable to find a T to work with must mean something wrong with me. Will post a reply over there shortly.

Please don’t apologize for not being of more help - firstly what you’ve said IS helpful and secondly, I think what you’re describing is very much a part of the anxiety/fear I’m talking about – being afraid of my own thoughts is very much tied up with how I perceive and interpret other people’s behaviour and attitudes etc.

I just wondered if anyone felt similarly in terms of experiencing the ‘enemy’ as being inside one’s own head rather than in external reality. (To really compound things for me though, I fear both anti-me in my own head AND others’ judgements thoughts criticisms and silent perceptions of me – double whammy.)


p.s. I don’t get to see this clinical psychologist again until Thursday week, which now seems like a very loooooooong time to be waiting. SIGH perhaps I should go hang around the Countdown thread for a while...
Hello Starfishy, you might just see me over in Countdown soon at that too Smiler

I expect clinical psychs are more busy than 'normal' therapists, but I'm seeing this one privately, so she ought to be just as available. It's something that came up next week for her that meant she couldn't see me during that week, but when you've only got a once weekly appointment, missing one appointment means a two week wait. Which suddenly seems like a very long time...

Hope things are going well for you ((((( Starfishy )))))


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