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Hi All,
Another update in the ongoing saga of my leaving therapy. Thanks to everyone who has asked me to keep you posted. I really appreciate feeling like I can come here to talk about it.

So last night was our last couples’ session. Gulp. Eeker It was difficult just driving down because I knew that this session would bring me one more significant step closer to leaving. My T let us in and was very warm when he said hello and shook my hand. I was having difficulty the whole evening feeling connected and feeling his care because I got pretty activated. But I was very aware that it was me who couldn’t take it in, he was there. He asked how we were doing and we were able to share a lot of positive stuff. The last time we saw him we were struggling with some money stuff and the work we had done really helped. Our T was very happy about what we told him and was talking about all the differences he was seeing in how we were with each other. So I turned to my husband and said, “that makes a nice segue.” So my husband, speaking for both of us (actually I became acutely uncomfortable and just wanted to hide as soon as we started to discuss it. A fact of which my T was not unaware. Smiler)

So my husband told him that we had talked it over and I had told him it would be easier for me if we weren’t still going to couples’ counseling, so we were thinking of this being our last appointment. My T started asking questions, most of which centered on checking in on how my husband was feeling (I mean, he already totally gets where I’m coming from so it made total sense.) He asked my husband how he felt and my husband was really clear that he was comfortable and then he turned and asked me. I told him about realizing that I made the decision about ending without really thinking through the couples sessions and that I had told my husband that. That my preference would be to not go because I thought it would make leaving easier if I didn’t have to see my T at all, but it was important to consider my husband’s feelings and that I was willing to continue going if he wanted to even if it made things more difficult for me. That it only seemed fair that the decsion to end was made by both of us. I even told my T about having difficulty being able to hear from my husband that he was ready to end, because I was so worried about bull-dozing him into it. My T then asked how my husband felt about me ending therapy, had we talked about it? And we both said yes, and I told my T that I actually talked to my husband about what he thought about me ending therapy before I contacted him to tell him I was doing so. He looked pretty impressed about that actually. My husband talked about what a big step this was for me and how courageous I was being (which was nice to hear because I pretty much thought his reaction was “it’s about time!” Big Grin). My T asked him if he was scared about it at all. And my husband said he wasn’t, which was good because he knew there was a time when he would have been. So when it became clear that my husband was really on board with the decision, my T started wrapping up couples’ therapy. He told us that normally he would take more time about ending but that he felt comfortable that we were ready, and then he kind of launched into an overview of where we had come from and all the changes (I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this but the man can go on quite a tear when he builds up a good head of steam.) The longer he talked, the more his “I usually take longer than this” haunted me. I sat there feel guiltier and guiltier, that I had been incredibly selfish and made this decision to end and I had rushed my husband and my T into it without any time to process it (and I just realized as I was typing this, the fact that my T was able to let go so quickly was scary). So I finally made a time out signal with my hands. And told them both how I was feeling and that maybe we needed to reconsider. My T definitely got the stuff that was getting kicked up and he turned to my husband and asked how he felt about what I had just said, how did he feel about ending? And my husband said, “she may not like my answer, but I’m really ok with this.” And then my T turned back to me and asked “do you understand why I just did that?” and I nodded yes (because I knew he was pointing out the boundaries and that my husband was capable of making his needs known. It was nice that as soon as I nodded he moved on trusting me to understand ). Then he told me that we had handled it very well. That I had made my needs known but had offered to make room for my husband. That my husband was able to be clear about what he wanted. My T pointed out that we had acted as separate caring people with no enmeshment. (Not something that could have been said when we first walked through his door.) Then he said, besides, if a month down the road my husband decides he’s really angry that you left, you can always call and come back. Then he laughed and said but it will be on his head, he had his chance to speak up. Then he tied it back to some stuff we had dealt with. My husband then told him that he had some stuff he might want to work on but he wanted to sit on it for awhile and he’d call if he wanted to come in. My T told him he was welcome back any time. Then my husband thanked my T for how much he had helped our marriage and him. I was having a very difficult time not breaking down at this point, so I wasn’t saying much. I feel guilty that I’ve thanked my T so many times but don’t remember doing so about the couples’ counseling. I want to remember to say something at our last meetingsince I really believe he helped save our marriage.

OK, the reason I’m babbling on at such length is that at the end was the really painful part. We got up and DIDN’T go to my T’s desk to make an appointment and leaving just got WAY too real. And my husband and my T very calmly shook hands and said goodbye. I was so activated that all I was trying to do was not break down. It was hard to even connect with my T when I shook his hand and we left. I ended up crying all the way home. My husband was being very supportive. The poor guy, at one point my daughter, who is going through her first break up, called and was sobbing on the phone to him while I cried next to him. Quite the evening for the poor man.

Part of me just felt so stupid that here I was getting practically hysterical but my T and my husband were able to say goodbye so calmly. When I finally had a chance to really think about how I was feeling, I realized a couple of things. I think, deep down, I was hoping beyond hope that either my husband or my T would demand that our couples’ counseling continue. And as hard as that would be, at least I would get to see him. And that didn’t happen. And when I realized that didn’t happen and I was really going to leave, I got triggered. There was this very young voice inside me just wailing “He’s letting me go, he’s not stopping me. How could he let me go if he really cared?” which gets followed by my “I knew it, I really am completely unlovable, of course he doesn’t want me, no one would.” Now I’ve completely dealt with those feelings in the course of my work with my T and I am able to realize that they’re irrational and not true, but they were still overwhelming me.

So yes, two hours after our session ended, I made an emergency call. My T called back about 10 mins later and I told him how I was feeling and he was really clear that it wasn’t true, that it was about growth needing freedom and that I needed that freedom. I was holding it together ok as we talked and then my T said, “are you ok AG?” (if I’m not moving to end the call he’ll usually check before he gets off) and I totally lost it. I mean sobbing uncontrollably, with a great deal of noise (which is actually a little unusual for me as normally I work really hard to hold all sound in.) He just kept telling me to take my time and let it out and it would be ok. I think it lasted only a few minutes but it felt longer. So then I calmed down and we both said take care and hung up. So I called my sister because I knew I was triggered and feeling really small and my sister totally gets what that’s like. So when she answered the phone I started crying and she actually said to me “you sound like you’re about six years old” and I told her that was probably a little high. Big Grin We talked for awhile and I did feel better and when we got off the phone, I went to bed. I didn’t sleep really well and am feeling sad. Every once in a while, it’s like the pain breaks through and I keep wanting to call my T. But I have started feeling better as the day has gone on.

But the feelings are really intense. And I’m scared because I have so much to say to my T at our last session, I want to read him a poem I wrote about leaving, and there are other things I need to say and a few things I want to give him, but I’m worried I’m going to walk in, start sobbing and not be able to stop or get a coherent word out. I know I’m going to get through it and even that when the first shock wears off I’m going to feel good about accomplishing this, but it’s really painful. I am also struggling to not shut down, or shrug off the relationship. When I was done crying on the phone and my T was reassuring me it was good that I was able to pay attention to the feelings coming up and reach out for help when I needed it, I actually told him “could you please stop being so nice, it’s not helping” To which he replied, “I can understand that, it would probably feel better if you could get angry with me.” Old pattern of mine. So I am torn between wanting to see him again and never wanting next Wednesday to come.

Thanks for reading. I really do know that everything will be ok in the end. It’s just painful right now and it helps to be able to talk to people who understand why this would be so painful.

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I just wanted to add something to this that I really should have done up front. My heart goes out so much to those of you that have had abrupt painful endings with your Ts. I am keenly aware of just how very blessed I am to have had this man in my life and to be able to heal with him. And he has been note perfect in being there to support me and provide what I need to get through this, and the pain can still threaten to overwhelm at times. I have no idea how all of you who didn't have this, but instead have had to bear up under failures from your therapists, can face this pain and still be standing. You have my deepest respect, and admiration. My prayer for you would be that someday you can find the healing that I have.

I think you are handling this very well and appropriately. Especially allowing yourself to feel and to reach out to your T and discuss those feeling with him.

I'm also glad things are working out well with your husband too. Though you're scared for your last session, I have the confidence in you to be able to say what you need to say then. Could you maybe email him the poem prior to the session so even if you don't want him to read it, he'd have it and would know that you want to have time for that?

Was this the first time you cried intensely about leaving? (sorry if you may have mentioned somewhere before)

With my old T I cried hard for 3 days, then I got bitter and angry with her (she termed me). So I understand using the anger to avoid the sadness.

I think you'll do well. You really are admirable AG.

Please keep letting us know how you're doing as Wednesday approaches.

Congratulations and well done, AG!!! Big Grin Just the act of walking in to that session, knowing it was the "last" couples session, was a huge leap of faith and act of bravery. It sounds like both your T and DH are being really supportive of you and your feelings throughout this. I'm really glad your DH said out loud so you could hear, that he sees how courageous you're being, because you really deserved to hear that. Big Grin I was especially touched reading about how your T worked with the two of you clarifying your boundaries - how you made your needs known, but then offered to make room for your husband, too, and then he had to let you know what he needed. That's really an amazing skill you've developed there, lady!! Big Grin

I'm glad your T was available to help reassure the little AG who was wondering why he let her leave, thinking she was unlovable. Frowner You deserve to hear that over and over again, you ARE intrinsically lovable, and this is an act of love and kindness on his part, to let you continue growing in your own unique and beautiful AG way. Big Grin I can see why it is hard to be mad at him when he is so nice. Bittersweet...very much so. Frowner

I swear, as I'm reading your words, I'm thinking, this is so HARD. It sounds like it might feel a lot like childbirth. Many childbirths. Frowner Frowner Frowner I think it is amazing that you are continuing to move forward through the hailstorm of pain, and even able to see the beauty waiting on the other side. Please keep posting as you need to, keep telling us about the intense feelings. You are right, this is a safe and supportive place to share the pain you are going through, and more than anything, we want to support you as you go through this transition.

Lots of prayers and hugs to you,
I just wanted to add something to this that I really should have done up front. My heart goes out so much to those of you that have had abrupt painful endings with your Ts. I am keenly aware of just how very blessed I am to have had this man in my life and to be able to heal with him. And he has been note perfect in being there to support me and provide what I need to get through this, and the pain can still threaten to overwhelm at times. I have no idea how all of you who didn't have this, but instead have had to bear up under failures from your therapists, can face this pain and still be standing. You have my deepest respect, and admiration. My prayer for you would be that someday you can find the healing that I have.

All I can say right now is that you are an amazing person, so gracious and a total class-act. I'm fortunate to know you.

Wow, Ag...thank you for sharing this with us...all of those feelings of intense pain, the temptation to disconnect, to be angry...turning to your husband for support..hoping that possibly, your husband will say he needs to continue...and then dealing with those feelings and working through them...not giving into the old fears that it's because you aren't lovable or wanted that he isn't pressuring/forcing you to stay there (well, I interject and say with some trepidation, that your T's door remains opened for you, that is clear-and probably presents it's own set of feelings and problems)and allowing yourself to cry bitterly, like a all very beautiful stuff...and I have to say, that you seem to have become now somewhat of a "virtuoso" at feelings, and allowing and dealing with them! So congratulations, AG...on your last couples session. Something interesting happens in my posts to you...I find myself, I want to shy away from saying something out like that the pain it evokes, well, I naturally meself want to avoid, skirt it...but, with you it becomes possible to say things as they are without I'll say it again, eep, congratulations on your last couples session, AG. It is sad. Frowner And I'm sending many comforting hugs for you.

Wow, AG.
A lot to process and more to come next Weds.

I think my small me would kick up a fuss right at the last minute and need LOTS of reassurance right now, so I am watching open mouthed and with all fingers and toes crossed for you. I guess you can always have an emergency phone call after next WEds too. Take gentle care of yourself. And keep the mature adult working so beautifully, it is LOVELY that he has helped you grow up so much. I feel proud of you and of him and I hardly know you!
I know I am new here but just wanted to say that I think you are incredibly brave to handle this the way you are and to share it in such amazing detail on here. I have read a few of your posts and have found them to be extremely insightful, it sounds like all your hard work in therapy has paid off. I can understand your pain of having to leave therapy as I too am having to do it but having to do it twice both in couple and individual therapy must be doubly hard.
I think it is natural to be scared about your last session and worry that you won't say all you want to but I do believe that you will share with him what is needed at the time. I also understand how your T being nice to you makes it harder, almost like he is hilighting what you will be missing about his secure relationship. From what I have read it sounds like you are learning to be kind to yourself which is a huge lesson to learn and you are letting yourself reach out to others when needed. You are an inspiration AG!

I really hope it all goes well on Wednesday.

maybe i am just not in touch with my feelings, but reading your posts here just made me so happy for you, ag. not jealous, but happy and understanding at the emotions you are cycling through. i like that he said something about it would be easier to say good bye if you were angry with him, and that you are healthy enough to not repeat this pattern here.

it is really good to hear that even you, who, i am sure you are a bit sick of all the flattery, can just fall apart and cry like a four year old and need to get pointed back in the right direction...and still be healthy and appropriate to ending therapy. your strength will continue to grow here, and it is also nice, and the sign of a really good t that he is 'letting' you leave, without a prolonged phase out.

i do know those old feelings about 'i can't believe he is letting me leave, he must not love me'...and the fact that you can see them for what they are and let them go, like that mindfulness trick of putting that thought, recognizing it, accepting it, and putting it in a boat and letting it gently drift away, down the river of your thoughts. not judging it as 'bad me', but knowing it is a thought, has an illogical base, and you are not giving it an all encompassing power of letting it rule in your mind.

i think you are at a really good spot, and, your words about all us out there without this kind of t are appreciated, but, right now, for me, i feel only joy for you to be where you are, and, i know, i will get there, too. so, thanks for your generous thought, but don't feel like you can't revel in your enthusiasm here on the boards, good news is welcome too!!

now, go get your cap and gown!! jill

I am constantly amazed and in awe of how you face these issues and are able to plainly see your growth even in the continued pain that you are feeling over leaving your T. Every time I read your posts I have mixed feelings of being proud of you, happy for you and sad at the same time. Not sadness that I think you aren't ready, but sad because I know how deeply important this relationship is and how it cuts right to your core to be ready to leave, but yet have to leave anyway even though it hurts.

I hope that the time leading up to your last session isn't too difficult and that the last session is exactly what you hope that it will be. ((((hugs))))
Dear AG,

My heart ached to read about that wish that your T would not let you go. It comes from such a young place, and one that I really identify with. The number of relationships I've walked away from with that feeling. But this is different. You know all the rational stuff - and you know that you leave while taking his love, support, and full gladness in your growth with you. That won't change.

Sometimes I wonder if those stray old thoughts (in this case 'he doesn't want me' etc) just attach themselves to feelings of grief because the grief is there, overwhelming and empty of words. Maybe even because the grief needs to gather its own momentum to be released. I don't know.

I can imagine the huge swell of feelings, including trepidation, as you think about that last appointment. I think it is so, so important that you give yourself all the time you need to cry it out as you move towards that. To write and reflect and cry and talk to your loved ones and process. You're already doing this and I think that this will stand you in wonderful stead for the appointment itself. You will be ready. Don't worry about it, dear AG. All you need to do is just be present in each moment as it comes to you. I feel pretty sure that the appointment will be exactly as it needs to be. Let yourself go into the grief now, and you will be able to let yourself go into the attunement and presence at that time. It will be exactly as it needs to be.

Thinking of you.

Thank you all so much for reading and replying in such supportive ways. They all helped so much, and I have been feeling much more grounded today and more in touch with all the good stuff so to speak. When I’m not triggered, I have such a deep, abiding sense of my Ts presence and I am clear about him going with me when I go. There is so much to be grateful for about this relationship and all the good that has come from it. I am once again feeling this deep sense of joy that it’s time to launch, that there’s so much waiting out there. When the stuff from the past gets triggered, I forget that I have grown wings. Getting all the support here helps ground me which is when I can remember. Smiler

I want to reply to what everyone wrote but don’t have time right now so I’ll be back when I can find a chance to post. I am seriously swamped at work, so I’m staying late which is cutting into family time, so posting time is getting difficult to come by. But I just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate the support and that I was feeling better. More to come (I know, I know you’re all shocked! Wink).

Thank you AG. I have learned so much from reading your posts. Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us.
Sometimes, I think I will be in therapy for the rest of my life. Then I read your posts and I feel wow, someday this might happen for me. It sounds like you have a great T and he will always be there for you. Good luck to you on your last session and I'm glad things are going well with your H.

Hi Forlorn,
This is not the first time I've cried intensely. Honestly, my T and I have been working on me leaving for probably about a year. This just came from a very young place this time. I am very grateful that my T is making room for all my feelings. The real upside of me leaving for my T is the fact that his Kleenex bill is going to go down. Substantially. Big Grin

I was going to read the poem to my T last session but we ran out of time and he gently suggested we save it until the next session so that I didn't have to rush through any feelings that come up. I have never read one of my poems to him, I usually just email them. But this one I really feel the need to read to him. But I'm taking a hard copy for him, if I can't get through it, I'll just give it to him.

I'm sorry about your T, I really meant what I said earlier in this thread about my admiration for people who have been through bad terminations.

You always say the most incredible things to me, thank you! Both my DH and I have learned to create space for each other, its quite the improvement. Smiler And I really do know that my T only wants me to go because he cares about me and wants what's best for me. It really is very similar to me sending my daughter off to college. It's just that those old messages about being unlovable run deep. But we both know it and it was good to know that I could both identify it and reach out for help. I think the most miraculous gift my T has given me is that I now know my own worth in a way I've never been able to. Those old feelings can still get triggered but I'm much quicker to tell them to get lost.

It is hard, SG, I don't want to lie about it, it can really hurt. But it's also such a milestone and a culmination of so much work, and love and trust. I really do have such a deep sense of accomplishment. The truth is that I would not be capable of facing these feelings if it had not been for the work we've done together. Like a good parent, my T has done what he's supposed to and put himself out of a job. I know I'm ready, but I shall miss him so. Thank you for all your support through my journey.

Thanks for saying I'm doing this, because all I keep thinking is "I can't do this!" Eeker My T told me just a few sessions ago that I was so worried about doing something that I was already doing. Time to put that to the test. I'm glad it was good to hear about the progress in the marriage. I have to be honest, when we start couples' counseling I thought no way we were going to make it. Our T really helped us work through so many issues and things are better than they have even been.

Hi June,
I'm glad that my experience can help give you some peace about the ending with your P. And you're right that if love has developed, then it's just going to hurt. But one of the most important things I learned from my T was that pain isn't an integral part of love (a deep belief, actually wrote a whole poem about it( but that pain is inevitable in life, but love is the answer to that pain. This may hurt, but I'm not facing it alone. Makes all the difference.

(((((TN)))))) I cry every time I read this, thank you. And thank you, I would not be here, able to face this, without you.

This is your secret plan isn't it? You're going to say so many nice things that my head swells so badly that I won't be able to leave my Ts office. Thanks! Great plan! Big Grin (((SG))))

You go to the heart of the matter with such unerring instincts. When I started working with my T he talked about how I was always "checking" my feelings, not letting them flow. I likened it to a frozen river. So much of our work has been about teaching me that emotions flow, they come and go, but there is a consistent "I" who can have those feelings, let them flow through, and not be overwhelmed by them. I actually talked about the river breaking up and thawing as we worked. I once told him that now my feelings were sometimes like a little babbling brook winding through a peaceful sunny meadow, and at other times it's was a raging whitewater river threatening to overrun the banks. And that's when I called him. Smiler As much as this hurts, and I'm glad that you felt able to talk about it, I can honestly say that it is SO good to be able to feel it. These are MY feelings, this is MY grief, this is MY loss and I should be able to feel it and express it. I am so grateful I have learned to do that and have loving people who will listen to me. Thank you for the hugs. I can't get them from my T you know. Big Grin ((BB))

Thank you for supporting me from the place you're in right now. I really do trust this will be you someday. (((DF)))) And see above for what I said about hugs Smiler thank you!

Can I tell you that you are the queen of analogies! You always come up with the perfect analogy that goes to the heart of the experience. Thank you for the prayers, I can feel them, there is a strength and peace that I know is coming from God, and I know its because so many loving people are holding me up.

Thank you for saying your proud of us, that's really lovely. and for keeping all those toes and fingers crossed. I am NOT proud, I'll take all the help I can get. Smiler

Thanks for all your kind words, you have been supportive throughout this whole leavetaking process and I really appreciate it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write such a thoughtful reply to someone you've just met. And the things that you're noticing are definitely what I've been able to learn from both my Ts.

Thank you so much for being happy for me! This is a happy occasion and there is much joy. I sometimes get frustrated by the grief getting triggered because I worked really hard to get here (OMG, I just actually said that out loud! My T would be SO happy!) and I want to be able to enjoy it. I want my leave taking to be a going forward. One of my favorite quotes from General Theory of Love is

But the longer a patient depends, the more his stability swells, expanding infinitesimally with every session as length is added to a woven cloth with each pass of the shuttle, each contraction of the loom. And after he weaves enough of it, the day comes when the patient will unfurl his independence like a pair of spread wings. Free at last, he catches a wind and rides into other lands.

That's how I want to go, soaring off on a thermal! Smiler So I appreciate your very generous joy for me.

And Jill trust me, I can fall apart with the best of them. Honestly, I am quite often a mess. Big Grin

Thank you, it is SO affirming to hear that you can see my growth. I think the one of the scary parts about leaving is sometimes feeling like I'm making all the progress up, that when I walk out of my Ts office, I will leave all the supposed changes behind. But if you can see them here, then I've already left his office with them. Smiler

(((Jones))) Thank you for taking the time to reply, I know you're really busy. And I really appreciate what you said about allowing myself to feel the grief so that I can go into the attunement and presence. I am very focused on allowing myself to just have these feelings and am attempting (sometimes I even succeed Big Grin) to not judge my having them or try not to have them. And I think you're right that if I let them flow now, then there won't be anything to explode out of me at the last session and get in the way. And what an incredibly apt description "the grief is there, overwhelming and empty of words." That's it exactly.

Thank you. And trust me, if I can heal, anyone can!! This has been a very long journey for me. I started therapy at the age of 25 and I'm 49. I haven't been in therapy continuously, but for more of those years than I'd like to admit. Big Grin One of the reasons I so love my T, is that my first therapist helped me to live my life, but my present T actually helped me to heal. My insurance company is going to throw a large party when they realize I'm no longer going to therapy. Big Grin

I wish I had the words to tell you how much it means to me to read what you have all written, to know that so many are wishing me well and praying for me. This forum has been such a huge part of my healing, a place where I could safely practice the new things I was learning with people who were kind, compassionate, and above all, understanding. Thank you all so much for all that you have given me. I could not have done it without your support.

Hi AG,
Just a quick question How many T did you have during your journey? I know you mentioned your first T helped you live your life and your current T helped you heal.
That made me realize that my first T helped me grieve for my losses but my current T is helping me heal. They both have very different styles. My first T was CBT and my current T is more eclectic. Thank you for your insight. It makes total sense now.

Hi PG,
I've technically had three therapists but really only worked with two. I'll explain below. Big Grin

My first therapist was a woman, whom my husband and I actually saw for pre-marital and some post marital counseling. We left after a few months because things were going well.

A few years later, I was having difficulty dealing with some issues in my life and decided to go back. At that time I had conscious memories of my dad's alcoholism, rage and abandonment, which seemed enough explanation for my issues. Big Grin We did a lot of work surrounding my having a voice, learning some of the basics about boundaries. At the end of this period of therapy, I did a 15 week group therapy with my T as one of the facilitators. This proved crucial as it brought me face to face with my anger. I was able to acknowledge my hurt, but anger was too frightening. My father's anger had caused so much damage, not to mention that my anger would draw the wrong kind of attention, that I had buried it all. And there was a LOT to bury. The upshot of which was that when the group therapy ended, I fled. Disappeared without a word, just didn't call again.

A few years later as a young mother, I was struggling with anger issues (my husband would tell you I came nowhere near it but I was terrified I was going to lose control of my anger and abuse my kids. My worst nightmare, becoming my father.) So I called my therapist and went back. She was very gracious about my disappearing and I promised myself I would never to that to a therapist again. This started our longest period of work which continued through until she retired four years ago. There were times where we really slowed down (appts once a month) and even some short breaks, but effectively, it was one long working period.) During this stretch, I recovered memories of long term sexual abuse by my father, from around the age of four until my parents separated when I was nine. My dad disappeared from my life completely when I was 11, I didn't see him again until his deathbed ( which I've actually posted about somewhere on here.) So a lot of work that I did with her was recovering memories and processing the trauma.

When she retired I took about a year off from individual work but eventually came to recognize my attraction for my present T. A man, who was my husband's T, who we had started to see two years earlier for marital counseling. Long story, but again, I've talked a lot about it in other posts. It was when I started working with this T that he was able to realize my attachment issues as I simultaneously tried to cling and flee at the same time. This is where the third technical T comes in. Big Grin I actually went to see someone else for around five sessions when I was trying to run. Eventually we both came to the conclusion that I needed to be working with my present T and by that time, my husband no longer objected to me working with him individually (have I mentioned that my husband is a REALLY good man.)

This T helped me go to a very deep level and deal with all the unprocessed attachment needs and grief for all the losses in my childhood. It wasn't so much that I covered new ground, but I went much deeper into the ground. And because of his realization of my attachment injuries, my T was able to provide what I needed to heal.

Hope that helped, if you have any more questions please feel free to ask.

You're more than welcome. Glad to hear you have a good H as well. Although, I must confess that there was a period when I wasn't hanging on to that thought. Big Grin

Thanks for the well wishes and glad you could relate. I can understand it because you have such an attuned T.

I just want to talk a little about how I'm feeling. As Wednesday draws closer, I am struggling with the pain of leaving. My DH and daughter went to church leaving me home alone (my request), and I spent some time just allowing myself to weep. The only problem is that feeling all this only makes me want my T. I am come to the bitter end of realizing I really won't have anything beyond therapy. Although I understand that it would be damaging, emotionally, I really want my T to drop the boundaries at our last session, if just enough to let me know, to hear it said out loud by him, that he loves me, and that saying goodbye is difficult for him. On one level I believe those things are true. But not being able to HEAR it, leaves me struggling with feeling like I'm making it all up.

I stayed with these feelings for a while and made a major connection. I was fooled as a child SO many times, by thinking I knew my father's feelings about me, that moving closer was safe, only to be abused, time and time again. SO obviously, it's dangerous to trust my perceptions of someone's feelings about me. So despite the fact that my T has never used my feelings against me, nor exploited them, it is hard to believe that his care and regard for me are real instead of something he only shows me to earn his pay. In other words, he's faking the feelings only to get what he needs from me. I HATE HATE HATE that I can still harbor those feelings about him after all that he has done and how steadfast and trustworthy he has proven himself to be. Mad But I also know the feelings come from a very deep place within me. The ambiguity of the theraputic relationship makes these very hard feelings to hold at bay. But when I'm with him, I really do understand just how wrong I am.

This whole thing is like the monster in a horror movie, you think you've killed it once and for all, only to have it rise back up and attack. But it helped to make this connection because I can at least admit the possibility that my impressions of how my T feels are true.

Of course, then he goes back to being unspeakably wonderful. It hurts to leave.

BG & Starfish,
Sorry I think we cross posted so I didn't see what you had written until now. Thank you both for the encouragement (BG means even more knowing you're one handed Big Grin). It really helps to know that you see me doing this as the closer it gets, so does the feeling "Will I actually be able to do this?" The support I am getting here is helping to supply the courage I need. Thank you!


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