I saw the Therapist a week ago and he is on a three week vacation. Last session, my goal was not to get unsettled towards him. I didn't want this to happen because I didn't want to spend the next three weeks pissed at him. I even cancelled the session and then a couple of days later, I realized I made a mistake. So, it was difficult to go in realizing he is leaving. He did give me a business card with the next appointment on it and what continent he would be on.
I want to tell him: "Either go and stay gone-or stay and never leave. Don't do both." I called and left a message if he would just call me and let me know he wasn't going to change his mind about seeing me. If he could just say, "I am planning on seeing you at..." He did not call but I figured he wanted me to believe he would not change his mind while he is gone.
In some ways I hope he doesn't come back because then I don't have to see him ever again. I get tired of coming to him only to leave again. I have to come to him-he doesn't have to come to me.
Then as time goes by he may as well not even exist. He's gone. When we meet, it will be as if he is not there and I will have to work at believing he is truly there. I hate this whole attachment issue.
I wonder if there is a way to approach therapy without involving attachment. It seems it would be easier and more formal.
For those who have made it successfully through their Therapist's vacation and returned to their next session, job well done!

All the best,