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It went VERY well...did a whole lot of sobbing, though, especially when she gave me THESE at the end. The first time I met her, I told her I just LOVED these flowers, they are my favorite color, so cheerful and vibrant. So she gave them to me. I'm so glad we had this last session together...we almost didn't...and now I'm realizing how much I'm going to miss her. She was there when I really needed someone and really believe she was sent to help me through some really hard stuff. I'll post more in the Stories part of the forum but just wanted to share this picture of her flowers. They are just the perfect symbol of our time together. (click on the Comments link to read the full account of our session Smiler ) (edited to add, click "Add Comment" at the bottom to "Reply" if you want to)


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Okay...still trying to figure out how photos/comments work Smiler was a really great session. She gave me a big hug right away, because it's been a long time since I've seen her, about 5 or 6 weeks. We sat down and I asked her when she's leaving. She said next week. This week she'll wrap up with all her clients and then next week she'll be packing up her stuff and leaving next Thursday. I asked if she has a new place yet and she said no, but she'll be staying with her best friend until she gets situated. I said at least you'll be closer now to "that" and pointed at the beach pictures that have always been hanging on her walls. She laughed in agreement.

She gave me one of her business cards with the name and website of one of her colleagues on the back, and also her email, and said she'd love it if I would send her updates once in a while. I said I sure will...including a picture of all the snow she'll be missing this winter (that was a joke, she hates winter and is moving somewhere she won't have to deal with snow anymore).

She was super graceful about the fact that it had been so long since I'd been in to see her. She said she knows what it's like, how busy it gets, and then when you haven't been in for a while, it gets harder to break back into therapy again. But she also said we'd done some really good work together, so she just couldn't leave without at least asking me if I wanted to get together one last time and say a proper good-bye. I thanked her several times for sending the email and said I agreed and was really glad she had contacted me so we could talk one more time.

I explained that part of it, too, was that since being on the prozac, my difficult feelings of irritation and depression seemed to be less of a problem, and I seemed to be coping better, which is another reason I hadn't made more of an effort to come in lately. And I was hoping to come in and tell her everything was peachy and thanks for all the help. BUT for what happened this weekend (which I talked about on my Overwhelming Shame thread).

So I started talking about that, and she was WONDERFUL as usual. One of the biggest gifts she's given me all along is this space to just express the feelings that are there, without fact she usually has to stop me from judging myself in the process. She totally got why running into the old BF's wife and kids was triggering, especially how I saw their vehicle as I was they had all these bumper stickers from all the places they had vacationed on a container on top of their of them said Boulder...and that's when I just lost it with her. It hurt so much to see that sticker, because one of OUR dreams was that someday we were going to live in Colorado, after we were married. Anyway she totally gave me permission to feel this, and I was able to just let go and really cry about it. Then of course I started getting down on myself about how "I really should be over this by now" and "get over it already" and she had to stop me from doing that. She asked, is there anyone you've been able to really share this grief with? I said I'd been talking about it here...and she was glad about that...but she asked, how about anyone in person...and I said she said it's no wonder it's still in there, it needs to be expressed and felt and SEEN in order to eventually dissipate...and I said will it ever?...and she said yes, you can share like this.

Another thing she focused in on was what I felt when I ran into his wife. As I described it, she totally pegged it as shame. And she validated that it IS really just an awkward situation.

After that...I talked a little about my daughter and some similar difficulties that she's been having, letting go of someone who WAS a good friend, but for the last year has been rejecting her more and more...unfortunately we've also become friends with his parents and we've been spending a lot of time together...and it worked out great as long as our kids were getting this summer I was hoping this kid would change his tune, hoping the way he was acting was due to peer pressure...but it hasn't changed...and it's REALLY hurting my daughter, who (just like me!) does NOT understand how someone can be crazy about you for a while, then turn around and tell you in various ways to get lost. My T's take on it was very much that we need to take care of our daughter first, and I totally agree. We're supposed to get together with this family this weekend for the state fair, after picking my daughter up from camp, but I've decided we're not going to meet up with them after all. This is probably going to result in some kind of confrontation, and might mean losing them as friends...but if that's what happens, then so be it.

It is really important that I do the right thing here for another reason, too. My mother maintained a relationship with the ex-BF I'm talking about for many years, because she lived with his dad after both our parents got divorced...he was killed in a car accident over six years later...but I always felt like she chose that relationship over me...she'd put their family pictures up in her place, next to the pictures of us kids...she told me every time they had another baby...sometimes I wondered if she was purposely trying to hurt me or was just that clueless...anyway I just want my daughter to "know" that if there's a choice to be made, I choose HER, even if it means I lose a friend. That's a really important message I want her to get.

At the end of the session, that's when my T said there was something she wanted to give me, and gave me the flowers. She explained that she remembered how I noticed them the first time I came in to see her, and how I'd commented on them many times in our sessions. And she felt it was the perfect symbol of our time together, how she wants me to keep allowing that little girl inside of me to be heard, to grow and the flowers I grow in my the flowers I once gave her...and then of course I just started bawling...because she couldn't have done anything more perfect.

She said she really felt that we had been brought together for a reason. Then I kind of looked up (at God) and said, jokingly, so why do you have to take her away now? Then I looked at her, smiling, and said, there must be someone who needs you in (the state where she's going) now. She just smiled.

Then she gave me one last very long hug, smiled at me, and I left.

I just feel very very lucky to have had her as a T.

Thanks for reading Smiler

It's a little hard to figure out how to post a reply here, but I think I have it...I hope. Thank you so much for sharing your last session with your lovely T, SG. It was very bittersweet, and so moving to read about. The flowers she gave you are perfect, so lovely. I'm so glad that you have had her in your life. You are very brave! I think the way you are handling things with your daughter is perfect.

Please keep posting and sharing all your feelings here as you need to- and I also hope that you will find that "in person" someone safe, to express and share your grief with.

Much love,


Your last session was really touching. It is so clear that she valued your time together. That's so nice to know. I love the flowers too. They are gerber daisies, aren't they? I wanted them for my bridal bouquet but they were out of season.

I love the fact that you chose to stand up for your daughter. I love that. I have similar issues with my mom choosing to maintain other relationships over hers with me - but nothing nearly as hurtful as what happened with you, your mom and your ex-bf. You are doing an amazing job. I'm so glad she asked you to keep in touch with her.



What a lovely ending.

I am so glad that I logged on this morning to read your post as in 1 hour I too have my last session with my beloved / young / The Terminator / Therapist. Reading your story has got me focussed on what I will say.

I have written out something to read to her and it will be so difficult.
Oh, no, SomeDays...I am so sorry. Frowner Now I feel terrible for going on like this.

FWIW, before this T, I was abruptly terminated by a T who told me I could discuss transference feelings, but threw me under the bus as soon as I actually did. Frowner So I really do understand those awful days and weeks after the ending...the comatose feeling you described on your other thread...I literally felt like I was dying.

This T that I ended with today arrived in my area shortly before my termination with the other T, so it really does seem like she was put here just so she could help me recover from that awful termination, and also could begin to heal.

Here's hoping for the best in your session today, and very much hoping that the renewed partnership with your former T brings you all kinds of new healing. I'm sorry for how painful this transition part is. Frowner

Hi SG... that was so nice to read. A last session with such nice memories and real caring on both sides. She seems like a wonderful person who understands what parting from a T really means. I'm glad she gave you those flowers. The gift was lovely but the fact that she remembered how you commented on them and how much you liked them really means so much.

You will have good memories of her to sustain you. That is so important.

Thanks for sharing,
Thanks everybody Big Grin

Monte - These are silk flowers that were always in the same place on her windowsill - they were often a focal point for me in sessions, practically right across the room from me - so no pressing needed - they will last forever Smiler

I still can't believe she actually gave them to me. Smiler

I'm realizing now that I was actually avoiding this last session. Now I'm wishing I hadn't done that...wishing I had gone in weekly before she left...realizing she's really, really gone...why did I do that...I don't know, her giving me those flowers makes me realize she really cared about me...before this, something kept telling me, she probably doesn't really care...but she showed me all along, that she actually did...I feel like a big jerk now.
Hi SG,
I am SO very glad that you went to see your T (and very grateful that she cared enough to push a little for that last session). That was an awesome parting gift and I hope it continues to provide hope and security for you. I think both of you were able to honor and recognize the work you did together which is such an important part of the process. Please don't feel like a jerk. Saying goodbye is difficult for any human being, but for people with significant loss, especially loss that still needs processing, saying goodbye can trigger enormous pain. Which means unconscioulsy and consciously sometimes, we try to avoid it. That would be called being sane Wink healthy human beings don't usually move TOWARDS pain. Instead of regretting not going all those weeks, give yourself credit that you did go to that last session and not only did you go but you opened up and were vulnerable and allowed your Ts care to penetrate. You've experienced that now and will carry it with you always. Be gentle with my friend.

love, AG
Thanks for sharing this with us. It is so beautiful and moving. You completely amaze me with your insight and strength and very good heart. I really like what AG just wrote, that now you will always carry her with you. Because you know if she were reading here that she would have to stop you again from beating up on yourself! ((((HUGS))) SG!
I have just read your post, it made me smile despite it's bittersweetness, it was so good of you to share this, it was very moving to read in a good way. What beautiful flowers and a lovely way to remember you t. Your post made me miss my t a little bit less today because it summed up what its like when that relationship works - so thank you for sharing
I too had to say "goodbye" to my T, whom sounded alot like yours. My T was not afraid to give me hugs when I needed them. On the last day, she gave me a book she wrote in and signed, and told me to read it when I was ready. I know she really did care about me, my new T told me so! Looking back now, I wished I would have started seeing her earlier as requested by my OB/GYN. That last session with her was very difficult! I cried alot! I hadn't felt this much pain since my mom passed away 6 years earlier. You sound like you're handling her leaving well? I am still having a rough time. My T also moved to where the beaches are! I see your location is MN, I am from one of your neighboring states! Good luck and Best wishes!
Hi Forever Grateful! It is nice to meet you. Love your name! I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your T. I agree that it sounds like she really cared about you. The book sounds like a really special wonderful that she gave you something you can always keep to remember her by. It's pretty normal to feel sad for a while after your T leaves! I'm so glad you were able to have a positive ending with her, though, that will help. Keep talking here and don't be afraid to talk to your new T about it too! I look forward to getting to know you better. Good luck and best wishes to you, too! Big Grin


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