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I put a lot of energy into avoiding the feelings I have inside in that vulnerable place - they're feelings like when I was a child that the kid I recognize inside now is always crying about.

But the problem with doing this is that I can go around for weeks with my nervous system lit up inside like a Christmas tree. With all these feelings building up I can't relax or think or learn at my job. I'm like a deer in the head lights mind is on high alert and I can't shut it off.

This morning I woke up the same way...wired. I tried to remember what helped when I was in trauma therapy. I've been so busy that all the stuff I learned before seems to be lost. But I remembered my therapist having me sit with a flannelette sheet I'd brought from home wrapped around me in a rocking chair and that the tears started flowing. It felt like a safe place with this sheet wrapped around me and my therapist close by. No one was holding me, I was doing it for myself and the kid inside of me and it felt right.

So, just now I rummaged around and found my yellow and blue flannelette sheet and sat in my rocker in the living room and it happened again.....tears came and I cried like that kid inside did when I was growing up. My fear was gone and it felt healing, like it was supposed to happen.

The amazing thing today is I did this for only 5 minutes and now my "Christmas tree lights" feeling in my body that I've had for weeks and gone. My body feels more relaxed and I just feel better, not strung out. The tears I"m so afraid of aren't so terrible after all. I think I should (and wish I would) take time to do this everyday just like I have a shower or brush my teeth...

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IHTS - When I reread my post later, I realized it might have come off differently than I probably understood my meaning correctly, but just in case: I'm happy for you that you found a way to relieve the stress that was building up inside of you. Of course, I wish you weren't going through this pain in the first place...but it sounds like you found a way to nurture the child inside of you who needs to heal.

Hugs (((((IHTS))))) Smiler Smiler Smiler

Thanks SG,

I read your post last night and tried to reply but I guess the site was being serviced. Thank you for seeing how important what happened yesterday was for me. I wasn't sure anyone would see yes, I got what you said and thanks again. It is painful to be in misery without relief so to find something that works and helps the kid inside is very cool. I am still totally amazed at how our brain/nervous system and body are connected and can work together to help us get better if we let them.


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