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Hi All,
I’ve made the decision to leave therapy. My last few sessions have been pretty calm, and I’ve actually run out of stuff to talk about (HIGHLY unusual for me.) I keep a list of questions I want to ask my T and I've been whittling away at it. Some took time to ask because they were too scary and some because there just never seemed to be enough time. I'm down to a last few I wanted to ask before I left and today my session on Tuesday morning seemed like a good time. There wasn't too much going on that I needed to talk about and I caught a head cold from my daughters and wasn't in tip top form where I wanted to wade into anything really heavy.

So I finally asked him if the no hug rule held for the last session. (Sorry for those who don’t know my T has a no hugs across the board policy for all his clients, although I do get a handshake at the end of every session.) I told him that I realized that the answer would probably be no, but that I felt I had worked through the loss surrounding the issue and that really it just felt unnatural to part with a relationship this important and NOT hug the person goodbye. He was wonderful as always. He told me the answer was no, and then he said it is unnatural, but the whole therapy relationship is unnatural. That it was perfectly ok to want to hug him and to ask about hugging him. I told him that as close to certain as I was that he would say no, I didn't want to NOT ask and then be haunted by the fact that I might have been able to hug him if I had just asked, but I also didn't want to ask at the door and have to hear a no then. He was great about it.

Then I asked a question I have been curious about for a VERY long time (and kind of can't believe I asked him Big Grin). I said I knew it was a long time ago and he might not remember but did he realize I was attracted to him before I said anything? His answer was great, and I must admit staved off a lot of humiliation. Big Grin He told me that he didn't think he was surprised. It wasn't like he was certain or even expecting it, but it didn't take him off guard.

When we finished discussing that my T asked me what kind of feelings came up about asking those questions? That I was talking about asking before I left and how was I feeling about leaving? We spent the rest of the session talking about it. I told him that after he told me not to worry about setting an end date, I really had relaxed and ironically, that was making me feel more ready to go. We discussed a lot of my feelings around leaving and I spent the rest of the day thinking about it.

I ended up emailing my T to ask him two questions to which I already knew the answer. Why then did I ask you say? Took me a while to figure it out. I asked him if he thought I was ready to go and for assurance that he wasn’t glad to get rid of me. He responded and directly answered my questions but in the blandest form imaginable. I was really frustrated with the answer even though he had answered what I asked (which him being the quintessential T does not always happen. Smiler) I was discussing my frustration with a friend and they pointed out that of course I wanted to know how he really felt and what it meant to him to have me leave. A VERY large lightbulb went off over my head and I realized that I had done something that had occurred a number of times throughout therapy. I didn’t need those questions answered, I already knew (his response actually started out with the fact that I already knew the answers) but I was trying once again to breach the boundaries so I could knowhow he felt. And as usual, he held firm (the friend I talked to has actually nicknamed my T the boundary Ninja which let me tell you, is totally apt and very funny. Big Grin) My T has often told me that one purpose of the boundaries, and I have experienced it this way, is that I am left with my own feelings. This made me realize that the only reason I’m really still going to see him is the desire to know him more fully and that’s never going to happen. I think I finally came to terms with that. He is my therapist and there is only so much I get to know. And no matter how much I want to know more, it would hurt me and my therapy to know it. I hate that fact, and can rail against with a great deal of passion, but that doesn’t seem to stop it from being a fact.

So very quietly, it just became apparent to me that it’s time to go. I’ve grown so much with him and am handling my life so much better. The sad truth is, I don’t need him anymore. Which is also a very wonderful truth. So I emailed my T back and told him what I had realized and set up to keep my next scheduled appt on Sept 7th and that I wanted to schedule our last appointment for the week of Sept 21st. My T replied to my email within an hour (which is totally unprecedented, he's horrible about email Big Grin) which was actually a huge indication to me that he knows just how significant this is for me. It was short, but exceedingly gentle. What was really nice was that I asked if I could have an end of day appt both because I wouldn't want to have to go to work afterward, and that it would just be easier knowing he wasn't going to see someone else just minutes after I left. Then I told him he didn't need to respond unless he had a problem with time table. Then I heard back so quickly and he told me that he would be sure to keep time open that week. And that he was sure we would talk more about the process at our next meeting.

All of which was very reassuring and off set that tiny voice from my past that was asking "He isn't going to stop me?" I’m glad that I’ve given myself a month as my emotional response to making this decision has been complicated and across the boards. It’s honestly a wonderful feeling of accomplishment to know I’ve reached this point and have it confirmed. (I had spoken to my husband before emailing my T to get his input and he was also clear that he felt I was ready to be on my own. (Not always true. Smiler) And so many things I have learned and so many wonderful moments of attunement and intimacy have been running through my thoughts. I am unspeakably grateful for what I have learned from my T, for the safe place he provided, for the comfort he provided as I mourned, for the clear reflections of who I was that helped me undo so many distortions from my past so that I could see myself so much more cleary, the good and the not so good. But I am also terribly sad and grieving about going. I will miss him so much. And like so much of therapy this leavetaking is unatural. We just don’t walk away from deep, intimate, life giving relationships just because. But I really feel a deep peace that this has run its course, its time for me to venture forth. It’s very bittersweet. I do take comfort from the realization that he is a part of me in a way I can’t remove if I wanted to, and he has made it abundantly clear his door remains open. I told him in my email that this was going to be a break of unspecified length. Big Grin

This feels scary and exciting at the same time. Sometimes I fear I’ll only last three days, and then call and tell him I’ve changed my mind. And at other times, I have visions of striding off strong and confident. Neither of which probably describes what it will look like. I know I’m going to need support through this because I can forsee it being really hard at some points. And I know that all of you will understand just how significant this really is. (I have some very well-intentioned friends who only see this as a really happy thing instead of the bittersweet experience it really is.) So thanks for listening.

I should probably mention that I’m back posting (as if you hadn’t figured that out by now. Big Grin) I spent a session or two discussing boundaries with my T (mine for once! Wink) and I feel like I can strike a better balance so I’m wading back in. Work is getting very busy though and will be for the next several months (part of why it seemed like a good time to leave therapy, I’ll be very busy) so I may be very intermittent in my posting. I’ve really missed everyone and look forward to getting caught back up.

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Hello AG and welcome back!

Well I know you don't see this entirely as a happy thing, but I have to say that reading your post (and having read ALL your previous posts on forum) I am very happy for you Smiler

I think you've been amazing and the way you describe and explain everything, and the hard work you've done (and the amazing T that you have) all comes together in what I think is a really inspiring post. It must be so profoundly moving to be at this point where you can say - it's time, I'm ready. Such simple words with so much meaning. I truly am happy for you.

And yes, of course it's not all a straight line, you know better than anyone that you can reach out here and you'll get as much support as you need (and more) in the time ahead.

Thank you AG, your story really stands out as a true inspiration.

Glad to have you back!


p.s. now i'm going to go and post a big rant about how AWFUL therapists are. Bit ironic really Big Grin

I a so proud of you, for your maturity and honesty in describing your relationship. You have done so amazingly to be able to walk away in such a wonderfully positive manner...a person that is T-less and perfectly ok!!! yea!!

Glad you are back - we are all here to wish you well and support you along the way, thank you for updating us, it's nice to have such a positive post amongst all the sadness and difficulties here, we mised you,

Hi AG,

I'm so happy to see you here again, and very moved by your post. Your relationship with your T obviously runs deep and I'm glad that your work with him has been so rewarding. There's a serenity in your post, and there's absolutely (and understandably) a lot of sadness there too, but you sound very at peace with your decision to end your therapy. I'm happy for you, and I'm sad for you too.

I'm feeling deeply moved in a way I can't really articulate, so I'll just say thank you so much for sharing this stage of your journey with us. I'm wishing you strength and comfort in the month ahead. All the best to you.

Last edited by agent
Thank you for such warm words, and yes, it's definitely ok to be happy for me. Big Grin I'm hoping that part gets stronger as time goes on myself. It's funny, but what you said about simple words really resonated with me because after a year or more of agonizing and talking and struggling, the decision came so quietly, but continues to reverberate. I am having a difficult time articulating what this is like but your description was so apt. And thanks for the welcome back.

And as much as I appreciate the irony in you posting a rant, I'm glad that there's room here to both celebrate the good stuff and be able to get support when things go wrong! Thank you for being so generous as to be happy for me when you're struggling so much! (((LL))))

Thank you, I so appreciate what you said to me (especially about being proud of me that means a lot Big Grin). Let's hold on the perfectly ok part until we see how I hold up. Wink And it's good to be back, thank you for the welcome.

Thank you for the tears, it means so much to me that not only are you willing to hear about my experiences but are touched by them. And it's good to be back.

Thank you for saving that you see serenity and peace as well as the sadness. I appreciate being heard about the sadness, but it's very affirming that you also see the acceptance. I think I'm a little scared that I'm fooling myself about that part.

Hi AG,

I missed this whole thread until now! I can sense how bittersweet this is for you, and I feel a bit of the same for you. Even with how much of a constant you are on this forum, it still seems like an honor to experience such a profound decision with you, and the weight of your choice is even easier to see and feel considering how amazingly open and honest you are in your posts about your experiences in therapy and, more specifically, in your relationship with your T.

Big hugs, AG -- this is incredible! And I am also glad you're back. Smiler
Congratulations, AG. Is a congratulations appropriate? I think it is. Like you said, the sad truth that you don’t need him anymore is also a very wonderful truth.

I really liked everything you said about boundaries and wanting to know your T better. I know all these things, but it doesn’t stop me from wanted to know more about my T, and know him outside of therapy. I guess this is just something that will be able to soak in for me overtime. It seems like you know these things and believe them. I hope I'm able to get to that place too!
Hi Monte,
First may I say thank you for all of your insight? "A victory that can only be claimed by experiencing loss" puts it so well. What you said about the using what I learned to survive the ending was a very apt description of what it is feeling like. I also appreciated that you understand the next few weeks will be difficult. I am continuing to experience a VERY wide range of emotions, both good and bad, and am sometimes struggling to keep my balance.

And I also want to say it's good to have you back. And I'm not sure what happened while you were away but may I say I "see" a profound shift in you. I don't know if I could quite describe what it is, but you have moved and in a deep way. Thank you for finding the courage to come back

The presence of that forlorn hope for 'something more' is such a massive distraction.

I just wanted to comment on the quote above. These feelings are not "just" a distraction. They are a key into understanding ourselves, what it was we missed and what we need to mourn. Throughout this process I kept looking at my T and asking what was the use of discussing what I wanted when I knew already that the answer was no. He kept telling me that the important part was being understood on a feeling level, that even if the answer was no, it was important that I understood that these were legitimate needs and I had every right to ask for what I wanted. That I could learn that the "no" this time came from a place of care and not of neglect as it did in my childhood. It was grappling with and expressing these feelings that led to much of my understanding of myself and to the memories of when I decided so many of the lies that I needed to get rid of. It's a difficult dichotomy to understand that although the desire will not be fulfilled, expressing it comes with its own reward.

Thank you, that you would be honored to witness this is profoundly moving for me.

Thank you. I just don't want you to be too hard on yourself. The truth is that I still very deeply desire to know my T better (in all sorts of ways Wink) and I want a relationship beyond therapy where I can know him fully in the worst sort of way. If I am perfectly honest, part of what is driving me forth, is that it can be painful to be so close to him knowing that those desires can never be fulfilled.

I understand why the answer is no, but that doesn't stop me from wanting it. Big Grin Part of why I think I stayed for so long was the feeling that I would be ready to leave when I didn't feel this way anymore. Now I understand that it's not going to change, but that is just all the more reason to leave. I once told my T that I loved him and loved being with him and why would I want to leave all that? and his answer was "But how hard is it to be close to your beloved and not be able to know him?" The desire to live a full life, to know fully and to be fully known can only be answered by going out into real life. I can't have what I want with my T but he has taught me how to have a close, loving, intimate relationship with someone who will not be limited the way he is. I'm betting on my husband. Wink

wow, ag. that is awesome that you are where you are, bittersweet, i know, i feel it for you just reading your post. but, you are where we are all trying to be, so, go forth and prosper, my friend!!

it is such a poignant and unique relationship with a t, one that someone who has never done 'prolonged' therapy could ever truly understand. i know i would have never understoon before my journey in it began. and you have such a good and strong t. i know about trying to peek around those boundaries, and at times, i feel i have, and really, all that did was wet my appetite for more boundary peeking...which begins a game one really doesn't want to, i am glad yours has promised to hold strong til the end. even the last day hug. wow...a real stickler isn't he!! Smiler

i know it is good, but also very sad. yes, a chapter has ended in your life, but the 'book' is now so much better!!! so, congratulations.

a t friend of mine assured me that 'don't finish until you are reallly through, and, that i will know when it is time'...btw, she assures me i am NOT done, we just had lunch and i keep her 'lightly' posted on my deal. but she says i am SO MUCH better than a year ago when i began. i digress, but, back to you, ag. congrats. savor the last few appointments. finish your list, and i am so intrigued at the questions you asked him and his replies.

glad you are back, but, don't forget to 'take' some here, too...and many best wishes on this new season of YOU!! jill
Big Grin Wow!! Big Grin Yippee!! Big Grin


Well done AG! This step isn't just a gift to you - it's a gift of hope to me.

I feel you are ready too - and if you ever need a "reunion" with your T, then I know you have the courage and insight to take that step too.

Pat yourself on the back AG - and thanks for taking us on this journey with you.

Big hugs
I'm OK Big Grin
Thanks so much! Your T is right, as hard as it is to believe when I finally made the decision it was because I just KNEW it was time. It amazed how quietly the decision came in the end after all my agonizing. And thanks for the offer of support, I'm going to need it (see further down in the post Smiler)

I'm OK,
Your post just put a huge grin on my face. Thank you so much for your unbridled enthusiasm, it really brought the celebratory part of this to the forefront for me. And it just means so much to me that you can find hope in my work. Makes it all worth the pain. Smiler Big hugs back.

Be patient and compassionate with yourself. This is incredibly difficult stuff to heal from and can take a VERY long time. The fact that you can now stare it square in the face is a undeniably important accomplishment. But I do know that the pain is breathtakingly painful sometimes, I'm sorry this has to be so hard.

Blanket Girl,
Thanks so much! I'm looking forward to learning more of your story too.

Heavens woman, don't you DARE apologize! It's amazing you showed up at the party at all considering what you're dealing with right now. It is incredibly generous of you to be so happy for me, thank you. And thank for saying I have amazing courage but it pales next to what you have shown in facing your healing. ((((DF)))))

I also wanted to post just a bit of an update. I have stayed very steady in my decision. I still feel very clear that I'm doing the right thing, no matter where my feelings are at any given moment. At times, I'm feeling very happy, and excited and curious to see where I go, but at other times it can feel very scary. I'm about halfway to my next appt with my T (I saw him last Tuesday and I see him next Tuesday) but when I woke up this morning and dragged myself into the shower, I realized I felt very numb. I haven't been sleeping all that well, and when I do, it's a very heavy sleep and I don't feel very refreshed in the morning. I had a long talk with my husband about leaving therapy and how it felt the night before which had helped, but I know myself well enough to know that "numb" is NOT a good sign. So I slowed down, took a deep breath and held still to let my feelings come closer. I think that I am grappling with the reality of leaving. A huge sense of loss overcame me, the grief of losing my T. I stopped trying to fight it and ended up sobbing most of the way to work. By the time I got to my office, I still wasn't all that calm, so I called my T. He called me back really quickly (which is usually true that time of day, I called after he's at the office but before his first appt of the day) and I told him that even though I wasn't all all regretting my decision or changing my mind, that the loss had hit me and that it hurt. That I just needed to connect with him. He told me he understood and we both just sat while I cried and then I finally told him, I really didn't have anything else to say. He again told me he understood and not to worry, that we could talk about these feelings, and that I shouldn't feel trapped. I told him thanks and we got off the phone. Connecting with him helped calm me down but I spent the day rather sad (and typing this is bringing some of it back.)

It's such a odd feeling. Because on one hand, I have been remembering so many moments of connection and remembering times that my T has demonstrated just how well he knows me. I can deeply trust that he carries me with him and that I will stay with him when I leave. And I know that I will carry him with me when I go. He has also made it very clear that this isn't the end in the sense that he is still my T and will continue to be available. In some ways, the situation boils down to the only real change being that I just don't know when I'll see him again. But other then that, our relationship is unchanged and still very much present.

But as much as I tell myself that, I also can't avoid feeling like this is such a major event, and knowing that it's going to be bittersweet to walk out his door at the end of our last appointment. And that I'm mourning my loss now. Grief is the price we pay when we love, but it was more than worth it. Even knowing, and feeling this pain in leaving, I would do it all over again. To have experienced such a deep, intimate, healing relationship, to finally know what home feels like, to have someone stay once they knew all of me has just been incredibly powerful.

To quote Lord Tennyson "Better to have loved and lost, then never to have loved at all."

As always, thanks for listening.

AG - I think what you are doing is great. I can't even imagine leaving therapy at this point in my life. I have never really been so dependant on someone than I have my t in my life. I know that it will come to an end but I can't even think about it. I do hope that when the time comes I am brave enough to handle it like you. Congrats on your courage!

Once again, your post brought tears to my eyes. I know this is such a bittersweet time for you and the truth is that you are right in that grief is the price we pay for love. The two of you will always be in each others hearts and connected even if you aren't physically together anymore. It sounds like your T is willing to be available in any way that you need him and I'm pleased to read that he was able to sit with you on the phone while you processed some of that grief. I know this will continue to be hard. Please keep updating us as you feel comfortable and able.
Hi, AG...I've missed you. And I see you are moving always forward...can I hang onto your coattails, please? Thinking, praying for you during this time, AG...there isn't much more that I can possibly say. I once asked my T on email if we can be close friends in heaven someday. I think you and your T will be, no doubts there.

BB!!!!! I have SO missed you too! I'm so glad that you're back, and it's wonderful to hear from you. Please don't worry about how often you can be around, we all know how that can be, my own posting has been erratic in the extreme. We know that it's other demands on your time, not a lack of caring that cause it. Thank you so much for the prayers. As the day looms closer, it keeps getting just a little sadder and a little scarier. I'm seeing my T Tuesday morning, and every fiber of my being is acutely aware that after Tuesday there's only one more individual session (we have a couples session the week in between my individual sessions).

I love what you said about being friends in heaven. I have thought of it many times. I believe that heaven is a place of perfect happiness where all sin and sorrow have passed. If that is true then there will no longer be any need for the boundaries between us and I will at last be able to fully know my beloved T. I look forward to it. I must admit, that sometimes when the thought of not having that here on Earth gets too painful (as it still can) I cling to that hope.

Looking forward to catching up with you!

Hi AG,

I'm new to this forum. And I haven't started to really work on my transference issues yet. But I found your last post so sad and wondered if you were really ready to leave therapy if you were experiencing such a sense of loss? Is the end of therapy supposed to be so painful and scary? If so, I'd better jump off the boat now!!!
Hi AG,

So glad you replied. I tried to read through as much as I could so that I would have a thorough understanding but i must confess that I find it all so confusing. I've been seeing my therapist for 3 years and I keep complaining to him that I haven't learned anything ... I read all over the internet that they are supposed to be helping us identify patterns ... and I still haven't identified any patterns .... he just basically listens to me about my daily life ... which is really getting boring .... and so I think he must not be introducing this stuff to me because I'm just not capable of getting it ... that intellectually there must be something wrong with me or we would have made more progress by now ...

- not having dealt with my own transference issues yet .... one minute I think I understand it and then the next, poof, it's all gone and I'm back to square one .... I've just started imaging that I'm living my T's life ... seeing clients all day long and teaching 2 classes to graduate students .... and realizing what a small, insignificant part I play in his life and how painful this is for me to acknowledge .... I don't want to go back to him because I feel so insignificant but on the other hand, I'm so freakin attached that I can't imagine leaving therapy ... I felt so good after the next to last session that I told him in the last session that I have to learn to live without that feeling ...He said I don't have to learn to live without that feeling .... I also told him I was way too dependent on him and he tells me he doesn't think I am .... but I can't seem to work through this ... I feel so angry that he doesn't share with me and that I am an open book .... I'm freaking out and don't want to go back ... I don't feel safe with him anymore .... He hasn't done a thing ... it's just me ... I want to bolt .... I feel as though there's nothing to hold onto ... nothing for support, no railings ... does that make sense? I'm hoping that when I really am ready to leave therapy that my life outside of therapy will be so good that I won't miss him .... Maybe that is unrealistic after reading all of your posts ....
Hi AG,

Thanks for the link. It's all very interesting. Not sure if there is an erotic component ...sometimes it feels like more of a need to be taken care of ... a parenting type of thing ... sometimes erotic but when I really ask myself if I'd be happy with my therapist if in fact we did take up a life together, I always answer no, that he's not my type .. The thought of me rejecting someone never occurs to me ... I always have that longing, the unrequited love feeling, I guess ...wanting what I don't have ... and rejecting what I do have. .. I watched the foreign israeli clip of the woman confessing her feelings so honestly and directly to her therapist ... but she was gorgeous and probably doesn't get rejected too often!!! I surfed the web for the next therapy session but could only find 1 second clips ... However, if I'm not mistaken, I saw her and her therapist making out in one of those clips! So much for helping her work through her transference ... Probably like everyone else on this site, I just wish the pain would go away. Some days are better than others. Some days, I close down and my functioning seems like it's at its minimum ... I have four kids and work part-time for my husband ... so in a way, I guess I can indulge myself and close down but on the other, if I had a real job, maybe I wouldn't be afforded the opportunity to close down and I would keep going ... .... and after three years of therapy ... it would be nice to be able to see an end in sight! Or maybe "feel" an end in sight! Whatever the case may be!

I understand from all your posts that you've taken on extra hours at work .... your posts are so eloquent!

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