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So, my baby is due in a little less than a week. As the time for his birth approaches, I find myself reflecting on the differences between this pregnancy and the one I had with my daughter about two years ago.

When I was pregnant with my little girl, I wasn't in therapy, although looking back I see I really, really could have benefited from some. I was so nervous and stressed about things that happened during the pregnancy and whether or not I was a good enough mother. If a nurse snapped at me or fussed at me for something I'd be crushed for days, weeks, sometimes longer. I ended up having very mixed feelings about how the birth of my daughter went, which exacerbated my case of the "baby blues" by a good deal. I thought I made all the wrong decisions during labor and that I was a horrible selfish mother, etc. I loved her so much, but I was convinced I didn't deserve her and that she should belong to someone else, anyone else.

I knew that support was important during pregnancy and the postpartum period, and I tried to reach out to the people in my life-- my mother and a handful of close friends, and although I think they all meant well, I didn't really have sufficient or good support. It probably has something to do with unmet attachment needs, but it was like nobody could really give me the encouragement, reassurance, and comfort that I needed. I tried "processing" the birth with a few people, but no one seemed to know quite what to say.

With this pregnancy, things have been so different. I have established a secure enough attachment with T (which we have successfully repaired after the rupture I was posting obsessively about awhile back) and she's been able to meet a lot of those needs for me. One of the things I like most about her is that her style can be very affectionate, almost motherly. She's really good with the re-parenting and nurturing side of things.

Anyway, when a nurse has fussed at me or hurt my feelings, I've talked about it to T, and somehow she makes me feel better. I don't worry about it for so long or so much afterward. I talk to her about my babies, about the things that are going well in the pregnancy, and the not so great side of things. She's always interested, affirming, and encouraging (well, except during the first trimester. I remember thinking her attitude towards Baby then was a bit odd, which I never did quite figure out. Things changed as time passed, however).

Anyway, I'm not nearly as freaked out about the approaching labor because I feel I have her in place as emotional support. I know that I'm going to have this baby, and then I'll have a nice talk or several with T about it all. I hope I don't fall apart post partum, but knowing that she's sort of "there" for me if I do makes me feel less nervous about that possibility.

I realize though, that I'm moving into this last week of pregnancy having T sort of in the role (in my mind at least) as a mother figure or at least a good, older friend, and that in reality she is a paid professional, so that feels a bit weird. Of course I know she won't be "there" for me in the sense of visiting me at the hospital or my home the way my real mother will. . . but she'll be contact-able, and we're going to have regular phone sessions for the first few weeks post partum and then transition back to our regular sessions when I'm up to it and it's feasible. So I feel I have her there as a net for me, emotionally, and that is a very safe and positive feeling.

At the same time, this is taking my maternal transference a bit out of the symbolic realm and making it more of a literal, concrete "thing" in my life. As positive as it seems, part of me is saying I'm in fantasy land and need to get a grip, lol. On the other hand, maybe this is a really good step, therapeutically? Aren't you people on here always talking about the healing potential of "leaning into the transference"?

Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts. Don't worry about hurting my feelings if you think this is extreme, I'm going nutty and need a warning. Smiler
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First, congrats on your soon-to-be here baby! A new blessing in the world Smiler

Second... I can relate. I have an upcoming procedure coming up that I'm pretty freaked out about. I very rarely, if ever, have wanted T to be my mom. Might sound strange, but I know that if she were my mom, she couldn't be the incredibly supportive T that she is. Anyway, with this procedure coming up, I wish, more than anything, that T could be the one there with me to help me through it. My parents can't be, and I don't want them to be, in all honesty. But it is so lonely waiting in pre-op all alone, which I did last time. If I could have anyone in the world with me this time, T is the only person I'd want. I guess I'm seeing this as a good thing, kind of the way you described your pregnancies - you've got that attachment, the connection, the positive relationship that you've built. T has even been able to fill some of the maternal roles with you regarding your pregnancy.

I think, that when we've allowed ourselves to build that safety net of a relationship we have with T, it's inevitable that there will be moments of this longing. I see it as a good thing, though, cause it means we've connected with someone in such a way that we're able to be vulnerable enough to let them help us on that deep level.

Definitely don't think you're going nutty, at least no more nutty than I!

Wow congrats on the incoming (out going, I guess, eep!) baby Smiler I can't believe it's been 9 months - I remember when you first posted about it!

I'm so glad your T has been such a gentle place for support, especially with your struggles with the nursing staff. I'm glad she is going to be there for you after the labor and it will not be the same as before. Support is so important!

I'm glad she's going to be contact-able and... you'll also be able to carry her in spirit even if she won't be directly there it sounds like the two of you have forged a very sweet relationship.

I've never been through labor or had children but I very much want them some day... I'm so excited for the child you're about to receive and that you're going to have solid support postpartum. I'm sorry the transference has kicked up, but it really makes sense that it would at this time because... those people in our family are the people we'd EXPECT to be there with the support, and knowledge... and they fail us sometimes. Transference is... I think... a central part of the work in therapy, so I don't think it should be labeled as 'good' or 'bad' but just what it is and it's okay. Try not to judge yourself too much and go with it, talk about it... you'll figure it out Smiler I hope you can find it okay to rely on your T during this time... whether it is transference or not... she's here, you need her and I think it's okay. That's just me though!!

Hey HIC. I have been waiting to hear about the baby as I had been doing mental calculations when it was due. So excited for you. I had been wondering how you were going.

Many years ago with one of my kids - I actually saw my current T all thru pregnancy. She even came to see me in hospital so I relate to this.

I wasn't that attached to her at the time and we hadn't done any trauma work - just stuff on ante and post natal depression and anxiety.

Your T is doing a beautiful job. She is using your pregnancy as a wonderful therapy opportunity to help you, support you when you need it and to reinforce your bond. She is just lovely what she is doing and you will benefit so much from it.

I say - take whatever you can from her and enjoy her with whatever she can give. You need people at this time to be that motherly, nurturing person and I think it is great that your T is doing it.
Room2Grow, Catalyst, SD, and Dragonfly,

Thank you ladies sooo much for the kind replies and support. I appreciate the lovely things you said about my T, and the encouragement to go ahead and accept the support she is offering, since it is there and I apparently need it.

I wish I could write more right now and reply more specifically to each of you. Unfortunately I am a bit pressed for time, as it H's birthday and my in laws just unexpectedly called to announce they are coming over. So now I need to clean my house, lol. Roll Eyes

Anyway, I love you peoples!

Hugs all round,

Last edited by heldincompassion
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to update and let you all know that my son was born over the weekend. SmilerWe are both doing well. He is a beautiful and good tempered little baby and I am enjoying these first few days of bonding with him so much! It's amazing how the experience is enhanced by all the reading and thinking I've done about attachment (cuz of my own issues) over the last several months.

The birth was uncomplicated and relatively easy (well, as births go, lol). Really it was a beautiful and healing experience in so many ways. I had amazing nurses, plus my wonderful doula was there, and I was able to pull off the "natural unmedicated childbirth" which I had hoped and planned for (which was important to me since the meds I got last time really messed with me).

And I did kind of carry T with me through the labor. . . I found my mind drifting to her during some of the more difficult contractions and thinking, "Well, after all I will probably live through this and be talking it all over with T before I know it." LOL. Good times.

And actually, we have already had our first phone session since the birth. It was great. . . I just chattered about everything that happened, and about attachments with my kids, etc. We touched on a few other issues regarding my daughter and some of my ongoing therapy stuff as well. It was just so good to talk to T. Even though since the weekend I've been more riding a high than experiencing anything like the baby blues so far, establishing an attachment with a new baby has sort of kicked up my attachment/transference issues in a way that's made me feel a bit untethered, lacking in equilibrium, and all over the place, so to speak. So it was good to touch base with T. It felt very stabilizing and I'm already looking forward to our next phone session. Meanwhile, I've got plenty to keep me busy and occupied, lol.

hic... Congrats on your new, healthy baby boy!! (I'd put some good smilies in here but I don't have access to them on this computer)

I'm glad to hear it all went well and that you are feeling good and even had a phone session already with your T!

Enjoy the new baby and the bonding experience. It's good to hear that it's been easier this time because of all that you have learned about attachment.

Wishing you all well...
I am so, so, so happy for you, Hic. You've done an amazing thing. With my first child I had no meds until time for emerg C-section- not my choice though- so I am in awe. You chose this. You are amazing- you are in control of your own body. I really honor that! Your baby will benefit from your sacrifice.

I think you are an amazing strong woman, and your vulnerability to your T, and to life- and all it has to offer- shines right through, too. There is something very special about that, yes.

Big hugs,


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