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(I apologize in advance for the length of this but yesterday has thrown me for a complete loop.)

Hello again everyone.

First, I want to say what happened with Mudd seriously affected li'l one in that she completely retreated from everything this past week. No temper tantrums, no tears, nothing. Utter silence. That is so not a good sign on many fronts. You see, she was just beginning to become more vocal and playful and letting me know what she needed - and I was getting it. Up until last week, it's been quite an interesting/joyful/excruciating journey in teeny weeny baby steps. I'll take those!

Then Mudd. And so, the silence began once again.

While I've been reading everyone's posts, I didn't feel safe enough to write on the open forum. And, certainly not li'l one. If the adult can't figure out what's what and who's who, how on earth is she supposed to figure it out? I felt I sorely failed her.

This brings me to this weekend. After what happened with my adoptive parents last night, I decided to take a chance and come back and share with the people who HAVE been trustworthy and extremely caring of both of us.

To make a very long story short, after my brother died, it's only been my parents and I. A nucleus of three. Up until this past Jan, we were extremely close. What changed? Unfortunately I had to take the steps necessary to have my dad examined by a medical professional for his short-term memory loss. This also meant him losing his license, albeit temporarily. My mom doesn't drive, so he's their wheels to independence. They're both 87.

I thought I was being the responsible (and loving and caring) daughter by taking those steps. I was concerned not only for their driving safety but everyone else's. What I didn't anticipate was my mom's vicious backlash. Suffice it to say, I did not feel safe by the time I left their apartment that day after mom confronted me. Who is this woman??? It was a side I had never, ever seen before.

It has taken me (and li'l one) many months to adjust to this new way of being. But we've also learned how to stand on our own two feet. T has been a godsend, especially given the fact she also adopted her daughter at a few months old.

This all brings me to last night's call from mom. She wanted to know if, because I haven't been calling as much, I still wanted to be listed in their wills, etc. She also wanted to know if I would be able to handle any medical emergencies where they're concerned or if I'd start drinking again.

She then when on to ask if alcoholism was ever discussed in my therapy. If so, then the answer is yes. This is news to me. As I've written elsewhere on the forum, they've always told me both my parents were killed in a car accident, that I went to an orphanage at six months old until I was about two and a half, a young couple tried to adopt me for 6 months then took me back and and then I came home with them. Mom said she never, ever told me that. That she never would. The "new" story now is this: My biological mother was extremely young and was married to a musician and they both drank. They supposedly left me at the hospital when I was born because they couldn't care for me. Apparently, I was put in six foster homes and was possibly abused in one or more of them. I only went to the orphanage because no other foster home would take me because I was too hard to handle.

To say I feel utterly and totally confused about my beginnings would be a gross understatement. She obviously has no idea how this messes with someone's head. It's even more apparent to me I cannot believe word one of what she says.

Again, I'm sorry for the length of this but I decided to come and share this with people Big Kid has come to trust these past few months. Because it felt good to be able to finally do that, I do not want to shut down altogether yet again. Please be gentle. How do li'l one and I deal with all this?

A totally confused Kid
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I am so sorry, TK. I can only imagine the confusion and distress this must be bringing

It is not fair of your mum to use emotional blackmail, dangling the possibility that you might not be listed in their wills because you've not been calling and also thoughtless to tell you about this big change in the story of your early history. No wonder you're thrown for a loop.

It's horrible when people and situations abruptly change. Has your mum ever acted that way when she's felt betrayed or she felt you did something wrong before? Or is this completely new behaviour? It sounds like you had to make a really difficult decision about your dad's driving. At the end of the day, their safety and the safety of other road users was at risk. I cannot see how you could have done it any differently.

I am so sorry L'il One has retreated inside. One thing to keep hold of is that if she was beginning to express herself, she may venture out when things have calmed down. It seems you've done a lot of hard work to understand each other. Are there any things you can do to let her know you're still there for her and that you're doing your best to help keep her safe, even if she doesn't respond?

Hug two

I'm glad you took a risk to reach out to others. I hope you are able to get some of the support you need here.
TK & LO -

I only have a moment, but I wanted to make sure I sent a great big hug. Also, I just want to say how proud I am of you for being so brave. Even after all the freaky stuff went down with mudd, you are here reaching out. Do you know how incredibly brave that is?

I'm terribly sorry that li'l one has taken all of this so badly and that now you are dealing with the atrocities of your mother. I'll come back when I have more time, but for now...


Giant hugs to you and Li'l One. I am so very sorry for the anguish, pain, confusion, and turmoil all of this has thrown you into. Like everyone else has already written, everything you are feeling is absolutely understandable and I am so glad you took the risk to reach out for support and encouragement. People here do care about you, that is for sure.

There is so much complexity to your story--so many facets and nuances--but several things struck me and I thought I'd throw out some things here.

In thinking about your parents and their age, and the loss of their independence, it seems your mom is definitely trying to make you the scapegoat. Certainly, it is hard for elderly parents to lose their independence, mobility, and sense of control in their lives. Having parents and in-laws at that stage, I have seen the frustration that they feel, as well as the deep loneliness with all the losses. As we step in and responsibly intervene to make sure they and others are kept safe, it can feel to them like we are stealing their very independence from them. My DH and I dealt with this with my MIL, who passed away last summer (2012). After 2 accidents and almost driving over two pedestrians, we would not let her drive again. She was very angry at us for a while, but we just didn't trust her to be able to be safe. She, however, was not retaliatory or hurtful, though she did try to guilt us for doing what good, caring children do for their parents.

Your mom's retaliation of the threat of withholding the will, as well as the extremely hurtful re-making of your early history is so wrong, and I can see where it is truly playing with your head. How could she be so cruel and hurtful to you like that? Though it may not feel like any consolation try to remember that this is about her stuff and not yours. This is likely about her own pain and the anger that she is feeling inside, and you are the one she is projecting it on to.

The problem is that her sudden shift really plays into your own fears, and especially the fears of Li'l One. In secure attachments, babies and little children (and big ones, too) have a sense of predictability and that their parent or caregiver will be there when they need them. They expect reliability and consistency. In "Coping with Trauma" (Jon Allen), something I was just reading, really relates. He says that, "confidence in the accessibility and responsiveness of the attachment figure hinges on two factors: your expectations about the responsiveness of the attachment figure and your view of yourself as worthy of responsiveness".

In all this, confidence and trust relates back to whether or not we really developed secure attachment patterns, or else, learned that trusting only seemed to lead to disappointment, hurt, and pain. The problem is the confusion that got played out in that sometimes our attachment figures were there for us, which makes it even more bewildering because we were forced to live with unpredictability and uncertainty. The end result is that we aren't often quite sure who or what to believe because we just never know what the outcome will be (at least that is my own personal experience and something I am grappling with right now in my own journey).

I wonder if in all this that you have shared--between the let down with Mudd not being who she said she was, and then the huge let down with your mom over such integral aspects of your life--has obviously pulled up some very painful, destabilizing experiences that Li'l One lived through? No wonder she would high tail it inward and run for safety. She is likely terrified and unable to know what might happen next.

I think what Mallard shared was really right on and that is that you ARE and have been doing some great work, and that you are going to be there for her and keep her safe. Li'l One retreating is not at all abnormal when she gets bewildered, not to mention that YOU, as adult, are also bewildered and probably feel like the wind has been knocked out of you! Being in that position it can feel like you don't have the ability as adult TK to help Li'l One (I know since I have been there so many times). Maybe as you get your own breath back again, you will be able to hold her and love on her and let her know that no matter what, you are going to respond to what she needs.

Hang in there Hug two
So sorry to hear what your mom said!
I'm adopted, too, and have had stories switched on me. Mom has said, "now where did you get THAT story??!?"
Uhhh... you, mom. I remember ANYTHING related to my birth like it's yelled through s megaphone compared to anything else, and I'm PRETTY sure I'd remember why I was given up!

Anyway, I'm sorry for what you're going through. You ARE brave, like was said above. Try to stay focused on who you ARE right now - and doing exactly what you're doing - reaching out as needed.

Hi Starry...thank you so much for your message. It means a lot to know someone else on here understands where I'm coming from and can relate. Why do parents do this to their kids? They truly don't understand what their words do. I'm sorry to know you've gone thru this too. I really don't understand what purpose it serves anyone. They don't understand the damage it does.

May I ask how you've handled it? Not prying, just curious and glad to be able to talk to someone else who's gone thru it.

Again, thank you for your post. I've been reading them all but am still trying to wrap mmy head around everything that was said.

The Kid
Just wanted to provide everyone a quick update on how today has been.

I was initially going to hibernate so I could try and make sense of some of this. But, I know that's not the best thing to do so I forced my *ss out the door. Didn't know where I was going, I was just GOING! Even though it didn't prevent thoughts of disbelief, it helped distract.

I have an appt with T this coming Wed afternoon, so the timing is good. I'll be very curious to know her thoughts. (Sent her a summary of what I wrote here.)

I don't know what I'm going to do re finding out the facts or how I would even go about doing it. That's going to have to wait until things settle and I get my head cleared. Based on what I heard last night from my mom, I'm wondering if I'm not dealing with more than one parent having mental health issues.

As Amber said, there are quite a few complexities and nuances, etc, involved. Some I understand, some I don't. To be told something totally different than what I have been all these years, is the most confusing thing. Not knowing how you came to be and the circumstances under which you were adopted is beyond comprehension.

I just want to say a heart-felt thank you to everyone for their kind words, support and caring. I was going to try and answer everyone individually but I can't think straight enough right now to do so. So to B2W, Starlight, Mallard, Smilingpenguin, Hollow, Catalyst, Red Tomato,
Amber and Starrynights -

The Kid

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