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We are experiencing so many different and difficult feelings lately about being adopted. We feel like we deserve to always be alone, always feeling like the odd one out. No matter how much people try to tell us otherwise, we don't believe it when they say they love and want the best for us. Why would they? We don't know who we are. We don't know our history. We don't know who any of our family is. We don't know who we look like. We don't know who we sound like. We don't know any of our origins. We feel extremely confused and lost and so very much alone. It doesn't take much to trigger panic attacks. It doesn't matter where we are or who we're with. We actually suffered one at the office last Friday and had to leave. Everything feels overwhelming and just trying to decide what to eat for lunch is exhausting. We feel like we deserve to feel this way. No happiness, no comforting, no joy...only to stay away from everyone because we're not worthy of anything more.

We're sorry.

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No need to apologize for expressing your feelings, my dear. I'm so sorry your pain is so deep. My heart reaches out for you in hopes that with support here, your loneliness can be soothed a little. The deep ache you feel in relation to your adoption is very much understood, as are your questions about self and wanting to know who you are on every level. I want you to know that when I read your post, I saw an individual expressing emotion that takes
extraordinary strength to do. So, as you begin to explore this journey of self, I hope you will remember that you first and foremost started with a characteristic that is enduring; strength. That's a part of you we have all seen.

Much love to you today. Please be gentle and kind to yourself.

Of course you do TK, of course you feel this way. I hear you, every word. It must feel very scary to not know the answers to any of the questions. My guess is that you feel abandoned both by your birth family and now deceived by your adoptive family that all of this is even more intense for you. It makes your beginnings all the more confusing.
Thank you for all your kind words and warm hugs, FA, RM and SP. It truly means a lot.

I feel like I'm in mourning about something I don't fully understand. Today, especially, has felt like it has 100 hours in it. All I find myself doing is hiding under the covers and crying til I feel like are no tears left...and then I cry some more.

Again, thank you.

The Kid

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