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Well, today was my last appt until August and it feels devastating and overwhelming. Li'l one's been triggered since the weekend at the thought of T's upcoming vacation. It wasn't until T asked if her pain is so bad that she'll most likely always be inconsolable that it dawned on me that's exactly how she feels! It's no wonder words or actions haven't worked. There simply aren't any.

The amount of pain she's been carrying all these years from losing both her biological parents when only a few months old, is way too much for someone that little to handle. And, so is the utter and absolute loneliness she endured while in the not-so-nice Catholic orphanage for two years afterwards. When I think of it in those terms, I think I now have a better understanding of why she can't be comforted. How do I feel now that I'm home? I want a drink sssooooo bad. Just to numb the pain and loneliness if only for a few minutes.

It feels like I've just been thru major heart surgery but they didn't bother to close me back up. Like, let's REALLY let her suffer. So, if everyone will let us, I'd like to post here this next while to help get us through...
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Hi Kid...I think it's a really good idea to keep posting here and talking about how you are feeling while T is away. I really cannot understand people who are T's and P's and who feel it's okay to take 4 or 6 weeks of vacation at once. I almost feel that it's unethical to leave patients for such a long period of time to fend for themselves.

I am sorry this is so hard for you.

((TK)) the summer vacation is sooo hard. I absolutely dread it.
There are no words or actions for that little one. She needs her time to grieve and know her pain and ever so slowly begin to heal. It is a horrifically agonsiing process and I completely understand feeling like someone has commenced major heart surgery and left you on the operating table with the aneasthetic and pain medication switched off.
Please do keep writing here you will find heaps of support. And try to be gentle and kind with yourself. This is probably some of the hardest work you will ever do in your life.
Hugs xx
It was an extremely difficult night of inconsolable tears and so much pain, it goes to my core. It feels like there's a huge black hole where my heart is. Now, I have to try and put my adult hat on and get myself thru an extremely busy day at work. Thank you all for your hugs and kind words. I live alone and lead a pretty emotionally isolated life, so I'm still getting used to "talking" and sharing on a forum. Please know your kindness is helping.
It has been an extremely difficult day for li'l one. Because it's the end of the work day and we're about to head home to a house empty of people, the panic is setting in. This is not a pleasant feeling and we experience panic just seeing colleagues leave the office parking lot. As we've been working on some of the heavier duty abandonment stuff with T, it only takes the tiniest of things to trigger panic attacks now that she's gone. This is sorely testing my sobriety and am remembering why I drank copious amounts of alcohol. Li'l one and I are in a bad place tonight but your messages do help a little.
Li'l one feels frozen and just wants to hide under the covers. She knows T is leaving this weekend and she's dreading Friday (tomorrow) afternoon. There have been times today whenever T pops into her mind, it hurts so much she can't breath. I feel it to my core. Did I drink last night? No, but I did actually dream about it, thinking "'s only one drink - it won't hurt me...". Now that it's summer and the outdoor patios are open, I just want to reach over and down a pint of ice cold beer. It won't hurt anymore... I'm trying...

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