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Hey all! Smiler

Im new to this so im not really sure how it works, but i thought id let you guys know about my feelings of life...

Life for me at the moment is quite hard, upsetting and confusing at times... Im going through something that im not sure how to over come it. I think the main reason is all about me being very ill for the last couple of weeks, and being ill has put me into a very hard situation...

Can anyone tell me what they have done, when and if, they have been in the same situation?!
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Hi Dog,

Welcome to the forums Smiler I am still pretty new too.

I am sorry that life is so upsetting and confusing for you. Sorry that you have been ill for being in the same there anyway you can explain a little sounds like the illness may have got in the way of something?

Hoping you feel better soon.

Hiya, Dog, and welcome...I'm sorry to hear you are feeling so ill.

As for your questions, can you elaborate a bit more, if you are comfortable? I know I've felt life is very hard sometimes, and it can be upsetting and confusing. Most of the people on here have gone and got a counselor when they felt overloaded and like can no longer cope, so that is one thing you could try...? Also, it is important to have a good support network in place (ha,ha, I'm one to talk) when you are low, so anything you can do in that direction, getting some extra support, from firends, family, or social programs of sorts?

Hm, I hope some of this helps...if you are comfortable, keep posting...this place helps a lot with support as well, just to talk about how you are feeling with people who have been there.

Get well soon,

Hi Butterfly and Blackbird Smiler

To let you guys know a bit more about my situation.

Well... with me being ill, my friends, and my work mates have all kind of stopped talking to me. It has seemed that they have moved on... My family are the only people that i can actually be around, without anyone teasing me, or saying anything about me being ill. But the fact is im always ill! I have now become the sick person, thats always sick! Im over being sick all the time; one reason is that im sick, and no one likes being sick. And the other reason is that everyone says something about it and stops talking to me. (By the way, im still at school) :/ But it gets worse... because i have been ill for ages, the school wants me to do year 12 over 2 years, because they say i'll fail this year and that im never there. But there is no hope im doing year 12 over 2 years, i hate school and i cant wait until it finishes! I just hope there was a way that i can pass this year, and not be as sick for next year so i dont have to do year 12 for 2 years!

By the way, thanks for helping me with your messages. They have helped alot! Im glad i have people to talk to about stuff like this, other then those around me. Smiler

Dog <3
Hey Dragonfly,

Thanks so much! That meant alot Smiler Im sorry to hear that you have gotten sick for most of your life, but its good that you have managed to find people who love you, for you! Big Grin Regarding my situation, i have just spoken to my school and i have an extension on all my assignments and exams. So i now have same more time to study and complete them, which is good. I just hope it'll be good enough to pass!

By the way i love that quote!

Dog x
Hi there Dog (doggy? Big Grin) its good to have another anmal-friend here Smiler

welcome, sorry for comming late though, you have found a great place to get support! I am so sorry to hear you are sick. Its good that you school help you with the extention, and i too hope your health will allow you to reach your goals and able to pass!

Its good to have you here, welcome Smiler
Hi Dog and welcome. I'm sorry to hear you have been ill. I hope you are able to complete school with the extension.
I had an accident about 10 years ago that changed my life. I lost my job, all of my friends. I was very lucky that I had a loving supportive family. My condition is permenant. I started therapy to come to terms with my accident and my childhood trauma. Things are better for me but I still hit some rough patches. I'm grateful that I can work. Hang in there and I hope things work out for you.
To Frog, Starfish, Preppie Girl, Blackbird and dragonfly.

Sorry about the late reply but i have been really busy trying to catch up and study for my exams. I am really glad i have found a place where i can talk about my life and feelings without being judged. Also to have wonderfully people like you guys to help me through everything! Smiler

The answer to your question BB, no im not getting bullied at school, thank god! :P I actually really enjoy school when im not SICK! But i do get hassled about being sick all the time which does bother me from time to time but i get over it. But sometimes it gets to much to handle, and thats when i start hating school!

P.s Thanks for everything everyone! x

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