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I know kashley had a similar thread not long ago, but I wanted to broaden and expand for my own situation ((kashley))

I've hated my job for a very long time, I make almost 50% below what I should be for the job and experience level I have. There are three reasons I've stayed at my current company for 8 years: the insurance company (though the coverage sucks), it's convenient to get to and the ability to work from home.

A company in my area and in a relatively convenient location for me to reach, with the same insurance company I have now would pay me almost 45% more than I'm making now AND the benefits would be better for the exact same job in a similar industry. No brainer, right?

Well...I'd lose my ability to work from home (permanently or for some time, I would need to find out about working a compressed schedule though the nature of the department I'd be in usually requires 5 day a week availability). This means I may need to make other arrangements with my Ts (if even possible, and truthfully it may not be - I love these woman and it makes me sick to think of leaving right now and starting work with a new T).

It's worth it... right? Or am I foregoing what may be amazing healing? Is money really more important than the relationship I've taken 2 years to barely form? Perhaps in forming it... the next one will be easier? I've let my therapy prevent me from doing a number of things but this... wow! There are a lot of jobs out there now that the economy has improved a bit this would be so valuable. This is quite of of the way of my Ts offices which would make going there after work a 1-2hr commitment.

Has anyone else limited what they do in order to honor their healing? Or at least taken a second thought? I finally have the energy and the desire to live enough that... I'm realizing this job is killing me faster than therapy is healing me. I just can tolerate how I make a pay check anymore especially knowing for every $100 I make it could be $150.

I'm not sure how I feel, I mean... obviously I may not get this job but I think even the act of applying for it has volumes to say. Just hoping I can talk this out from a few angles so I can sort out my feelings. I want to avoid telling my Ts I'm applying for now so I won't spend my sessions planning contingencies for a bridge that hasn't been built yet (I'd force it, not them because when I'm anxious I need to plan for every possible scenario or I'm a walking panic attack).

Edited to add: After research, they do allow working virtually so perhaps it can work out.
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Hi Cat... I think it's wonderful that you are considering this move and that you can make much more money than you have been. I know your current job is stressful and your boss is not so nice. Yet, I do very much understand putting off a life change so you can stay with your Ts. I have sort of done the same thing. I have resisted applying for any new jobs that will take me too far away from my T. I can only see him on lunch hour and I cannot do that if I work more than a few minutes away from his office. It literallly takes me 5 minutes to get to his office now.

What i have done is contacted HR to review my salary and make an adjustment because I am terribly underpaid. My higher manager is an idiot and he is not cooperating at all and I may have to take further steps but I am waiting things out for now.

And for now, for me personally, I need my T and I need to heal more than I need a new job. I have been through too much in the last two years to lose him and this relationship now.

What I can suggest and encourage is that you ask your Ts if something can be worked out so you can continue to see them. I would also say to at least apply for the job.... you can always turn it down but it will be good practice for you to interview and see what is out there and how valuable you are to others. I am thrilled to see your growth and your strong desire to heal and to live fully. This is real progress that needs to be recognized. you have come a long way.

Not sure that was much help but I'm here to support you in whatever you decide to do.

Dooooo it Wink

Especially with the edit to say that you can work virtually.

I'm not sure I'd be ready to back out of therapy all together at the moment, but I do know that 6 months ago - I HATED my job and made a decision to make a huge change... And I've never looked back.

It did require some balance and change on behalf of my appointments with my T... But she was thrilled for me and happy to make it work. In my case, my T offers one night a week and one weekend day appointments though..

Fingers crossed - Hope it works to your advantage. Everyone deserves to be paid what they're worth.
TN - I wanted to talk to T2 about this (T1 on vacation) but we never got to it today I was a freaking mess. But T did read me a passage from a book that in one part of the passage mentioned summing up the energy to do a number of things, one of them was looking for a better rewarding job. It's a long shot but Im definitely still going to apply. I don't know if I have the energy to talk about it right now in therapy. Today I got home and slept 4hrs after my session. We'll see if I can ask them. I'm sort of going through this very intense period of really hitting some pain (which my T who almost never swears said it sucks and feels like shit).

I respect that you know at this point you need your T more than you need a new job (and I've read about the really awful things w/ your job right now). I wish I knew with conviction either way but I'm sort of throwing this job out there and seeing what happens. Thanks so much for talking this through with me and I agree it is a lot of progress at least even acknowledging how much I hate it hehe Smiler


Yes! I am going to do it! Especially after I did research online, they are also posting for a supervisor (or a more senior member, I suppose) of the same team I'd be joining. Part of their job description is coordinating with virtual employees which also bodes well. Polishing up the resume right now and have put out a couple requests for references.

I'm glad your T could coordinate care for you! I know T1 is a very 9-5 GTFO and leave kind of T she works I think 4 days a week most of the time and 3 as often as she can. She has a random day off in the middle of the week. I'm glad she has such a nice schedule it just might not work out for me Smiler We'll see... if I get an interview I'll ask about what we can do.

When do you ask about this stuff? In the interview when I can ask questions I guess I will ask their policy on remote working, explaining I've worked remotely 6 years. Should I mention I have day time commitments during the week or wait until they possibly offer the job? I'm thinking wait for sure one of the reasons I'm specifically looking at this company is because of the insurance they contract with but... might not even need that if I can't see my Ts. Blargh!

I'm getting WAY ahead of myself but it's not JUST this job... it'll be other jobs once I get a taste for the hope of getting out of my situation now.
Just wanted to update that I did submit my resume after securing a number of great references.

I wrote my T (even though I saw her today and will see her tomorrow because... that's me - oh actually I wrote her twice because after I was about ready to fling myself out a window while I was having some post-submitting it anxiety). I wrote her one of those "please don't write me back emails" and am hoping we just won't talk about it tomorrow. Too overwhelming.

I had to do it today or I just knew I wouldn't. I want to destroy myself right now. I'm not sure if it will work out I just feel like a bad person even trying. *deep breath*

But it's okay. If I hear back, I hear back... if I have an interview, I do... if it works out, it does... if not..then not Smiler
Aw, Cat...I'm so glad you've applied! Here's to hoping you get an interview! You are NOT a bad person for wanting a better job. Everyone deserves to enjoy what they're doing and be paid fairly for it. You are not excluded from that. Smiler

I can definitely relate, as you well know. I absolutely needed a job and therapy absolutely had to come second or else I would have been unemployed! Yes, it is very scary, not knowing what's going to work out with therapy. Very scary. But even though I wish I could be in a situation where I knew I could continue seeing T each week, I also know I made the right decision in taking this job. Your T will understand that, too, and she'll understand the time requirements of the job. I can't give much advice at the moment, though, because I'm just seeing T for the first time today since I started work and I still have no clue what's going to happen.

I hope that you can negotiate working for them virtually. That would be fantastic. Keep us updated on how it goes! I'm really glad you applied. Smiler

((kashley)) I'm sorry it took so long for me to reply. Thanks for the well wishes on getting an interview. I ended up being able to tell my T I applied but asked her that we not talk about it. She's good at respecting that stuff I just had to write it out, so I didn't let it eat me up.

How did your stuff with T? I hope you are able to work things out also and yes... I'm excited at the opportunity to work virtually! We'll see!
I'm glad that you were able to tell T but also set a boundary around it!

I'm going to try and swing going to a session during my lunch hour. T expressed some concern about me having to pull it together so soon, but I really don't have a choice. I don't have another session until a week from Monday, so we'll see how it goes.

Again, keep us updated!

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