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Those of you who have been following threads in coffee talk may have noticed that trees, live oaks specifically, have been on my mind a lot lately.

This is partially because Tuesday night I had had this dream about my mother attacking me while I was standing outside underneath the live oak in my child hood yard. I stood up to her, in the dream, and she fled back into the house while I remained alone under the tree. It was one of those dreams that felt very powerful, even though there was not a lot happening in it. I took the live oak in the dream to be a soul image, and from there began musing about trees more generally as symbols of life, strength, growth, and immortality.

I emailed the dream to T on Thursday morning (so, yesterday) and we had a mostly nice session a couple hours later where we talked about the dream images and their meanings and relevance to my life right now. As always, T made some connections and brought in some things I hadn't thought of, and pushed the emotional ramifications a bit further out. I felt it was a fairly productive conversation.

There was a part in the session, though, where I felt I annoyed her and so I was anxious about that afterward. I posted my thread here (in coffee talk) and then later impulsively emailed her a live oak picture I had taken while on vacation a few months back, and wrote positively about the session. . . and I just said a few things about how the picture was a good image for the session and the dream, and signed my email with a smiley face and my name. It was a short email, a couple lines, but it made me feel better and more connected to do this.

Well, this morning, I was still feeling a bit antsy about T (yes, I know, I have issues), so I checked her facebook (which is only partially private) to see if she had posted anything like, "Wow, my clients are so annoying. Can't stand them."

Instead. . . I found T had posted pictures of a live oak being planted! But. . . this was something she had posted on *Wednedsay*. . . so, before I emailed the dream, before our session, before I emailed her a picture of a live oak, which all happened on Thursday. Now, I actually had the dream on Tuesday, but T had no way of knowing that.

I have goosebumps. Eeker
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See how gorgeous? What's not to love? Smiler

Significance, mmm. . . well, they get very big, very old, and can be quite breathtaking when they are all sprawling and hung with Spanish moss, as they frequently are. I think they grow better in the South and so are more predominant here and somewhat iconic.

For me personally, they are evocative of a constellation of things-- the values and concepts I mentioned in my original post, also romance, poetry, and mystery.

Hope this helps. Smiler Come and visit!

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