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Do you live in the same town as your therapist and have you ever run into him? Do you know where your therapist lives?

I read a story once where a lady said her therapist happened to live in the same neighborhood as she did and the therapist asked her not to drive by her house, although it was the shortest way out of the neighborhood! She also asked her not to walk by her house because she didn't want to bump into her. I think she eventually changed therapists.

One time I ran into my therapist and I totally ignored him and then felt bad and apologized for being so rude. I just wasn't expecting to see him out and when I did, it caught me by surprise. He said it was fine, that normally he waits for his client to initiate the hello.

We live in the same town, so just knowing that is kind of odd, although he disclosed that information.

Just curious what your experiences have been.

Thanks! T.
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I ran into my T at my gym, which also has an extensive physical therapy department, which she was sitting in. The first time I saw her there, she didn't see me and I turned around and went home before she could. No way did I want to run into her outside of therapy.

I then saw her there around 4 months later and this time I really needed to work out. So I went to the door of the room and got her attention, said a couple of super dumb words and left. We talked about it at my next session and I told her I was sorry if I made her feel uncomfortable but I felt really awkward. She told me she understood and she would be uncomfortable if she ran into a client at her gym. Basically told me not to worry about it. Next time I see her there, I will just say hi and wave, then just go work out. She is pretty laidback, so I will try to chill when I see her there. Easier said than done.

Yeah, in most cases therapists will wait until the client acknowledges them before saying anything. I've seen my T around town many times, because the "core" of my town is within about a 5 mile radius, although there are several thousand packed into that area.

She even came to this performance that my choir was giving as a portion of an overall concert. I don't think she knew we were singing, but anyway she was there with her husband and walked in and there I was, standing there holding programs and handing them out, so there was an awkward (to me at least) hey to her there. We had a reception afterward and I felt so guilty about it, but I didn't talk to her or say anything (and this was in a very small area with only about 15 or so other people around). I didn't want to deal with questions of how I knew her if someone asked. I never talked to her about that, though. I know she's been to other choir performances before, although I didn't actually speak to her at the time, but she made comments about it in session.

I've also run into her at a restaurant once and said hey. And then there's been a few other times. So it happens fairly often.

But, I don't know where she lives. I don't even know if she lives right in town or not. With how condensed the town is, I'm sure she is used to seeing a lot of clients around.
I live in the same small town as my
T, about 80000 people, and under
2 miles from each other. I've not
bumped into her yet but it's bound
to happen some time.

She has said she doesn't acknkowledge
clients unless they speak to her
first as she doesn't want to make
it difficult if they are with someone
at the time. If I was with W and I
saw T I probably wouldn't speak to
her but if we were both alone I don't
think it would bother me to see her.

I dont know how much we would say to
each other or how I would feel as it
hasn't yet happened.

Luckily I have no reason to go near
T's house other than for sessions as
we are on opposite sides of the town.
T and I live in the same small community and see my T around at least every two weeks, usually more often. We always wave, and stop to speak briefly if we come face to face. About two weeks ago, the same day as a really difficult session, I saw him, and was positive he saw me. He didn't acknowledge me. I was devastated, wondering what I did wrong. It took everything I had to ask him about it at our next session, turns out he never saw me and apologized profusely for the hurt and confusion.

We did discuss ahead of time how we would handle the chance meetings and if it would bother me to be acknowledged out of session. I told him honestly that it would bother me more NOT to be acknowledged.
My T is in an adjacent town, though he does teach at a university in my town. (not the same as H's). In general, I highly doubt I'd see him out around town, but we do see each other several times a year at church conferences, and when we make eye contact, he just smiles. The last conference, many of us had arrived early to have dinner there first, and lo and behold, in he walked, and came right to us! Then he actually sat down in the last remaining seat at our big round table - just two over from my H!! I confess, I wanted to just sit and watch him, but controlled myself. Wink We didn't really acknowledge each other beyond a hi, and everyone else knew him as well, so conversation went on as normal. But I couldn't believe I was basically having dinner with my T!! (his W, a wonderful woman, was running late, else she would have joined us as well.)
(No, I am not ashamed to say I didn't regret her delay...!)
I am usually fairly chatty but was quite tongue-tied for the remainder of the meal, which he later told me he had noticed, hehe. Heck, I couldn't even eat, let alone talk! Cool

Such dynamics, eh?
Big Grin
Omg Starry that was cool beyond words Big Grin

T lives in another town, I've never run into him and doubt I ever will. But occasionally I do minor shopping before or after session near his office and I'm always worried that I see him then.

I think I'd be mortified if I was grocery shopping and saw my T, I don't want him looking at my basket, it's such a personal thing lol! I would love to see his though Big Grin
My old T that I just ended with does not live in the same town as I do. However, she does live in the same town as one of my closest friends so I often end up there if we go out. We went out a week ago and I didn't run into old T and I never have unless I'm in the downtown area (where her office is) and then I have run into her, but that doesn't happen often. My son likes a store there so every now and then we go. I do know where she lives though I don't really care.

My current T does not live in my town (that I know of) though we are in the same metro area. I've never seen her out of the office. I have no clue where she lives and I don't want to know. I'm actively avoiding learning anything personal about my new T as I knew too much about old T (mostly that came directly from her).
CD and Eliana - it WAS pretty amazing! CD - no way would I have hid; I was fascinated with this dear man! (a bit of ET at the time, too!)
Big Grin
What was mortifying though was that the reason I initially started seeing him was for an ED, and now here I had to eat dinner with him!?! I just had a green salad, (which I could no longer eat!) and he kept looking at my plate. I was sure he'd say something at our next session, but he just acted like he didn't notice.
Pretty awesome...!
(I told him everything later and we both laughed over it).
Yes, T and I live in the same city. I've run into her 4 times out of the office in the last 2 years (I've been seeing her for 2yrs and 3 months now). I'm surprised I haven't seen her more out and about since we live about 7 minutes away from each other (by car). Two of those times we ran into each other we just said a quick hi or a nod, but didn't talk. The other two run ins were chit chatty and involved a semi hug and a real hug. That was incredible! I loved that! The last run in turned rather awkward after a few minutes. I stood frozen and didn't quite know how to end our conversation or what to do next. I was having a bad night and so was T, so we were both in an awkward place. In a little over a month I anticipate running into T again. She is involved in a community group that runs an event that I usually attend, so I'm sure I'll see her there.
I haven't seen T out and about but when we knew each other years ago and were doing therapy and working together - we were always careful and we trusted each other not to say anything about therapy when in another role.

I asked T to come and look at my new house (we haven't moved in and it has no furniture in it). I had talked about it in therapy and it will come up again as I don't want to leave my current house. My T said she would love to and she came earlier and spent an hour with me at the new house. Hubby and kids were there too. It was nice, natural but a bit bizarre. I kept forgetting she was my T.

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