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Firstly want to say I’m REALLY sorry I haven’t been replying to all the threads that I’d like to (and there are so many) - can I give everyone a big supportive hug for now and tell you I’m thinking of you all and sending lots of good wishes from lurkdomland.

Wanted to give an update on the continuing saga of LL and the forty Ts. (Well ok it’s ‘only’ been 25 to date but I’m allowed a little poetic licence.)

Right now I’m feeling ok (as ok as it’s possible to feel given the crap in my head) so the latest on what went on between me and psychoT is more like just a bad memory at the moment.

It went like this: was having big problems trying to decide whether the work I was doing with psychoT (called that because he works psychoanalytically) was actually helping me, because seeing him was plunging me into a lot of very intense black stuff that started to feel quite dangerous to me. I seemed to be spending all my sessions trying to work out why he wasn’t doing any of the things I anticipated that a psychoanalyst would do, and therefore really unsure that the way I was seeing him wasn’t maybe a whole lot more to do with the image I had of his being a good T rather than the fact that he actually was a good (or even competent) T.

At one point when I talked to him about how dangerous it was getting for me, he suggested that I take a break - (I wrote about this in another thread). I seemed to be doing nothing in sessions except feel angry and frustrated at him for not being there, for not seeming remotely interested in anything I was saying, and for constantly talk talk talking all the time instead of hearing what I was trying to say. And was feeling like I was having to deal with all my feelings and fears entirely on my own with no understanding or even concern on his part.

Mostly I hated it, hated the long drive there, hated his coldness and the way he quoted big chunks of text book stuff at me instead of responding to what I was saying. But a big part of me realized that all this needing and fighting and demanding and criticizing that I seemed to be doing all the time WAS the therapy and that the thing that really got to me was the fact that he seemed to take it all - finally here was someone who not only put up with all this negative resentful critical stuff that I came out with, but even told me that that was what I needed to do, that the work actually did involve going with whatever was coming up for me in the moment and if that meant endlessly moaning about the long drive there, or constantly confronting him about not giving me what I was asking for, so be it. And he had been insistent that the basis of the therapy centred on what was going on between him and me (transference). So I felt safe being able to criticize and complain and pull him up on what I thought were things he wasn’t doing ‘right’ - safe in the knowledge that he wouldn’t take it personally, that he’d see it was all part of my own internal set up. I was getting to the point where I felt sure enough of him to not only accept he was there for me, but that I actually wanted to keep going further with him into expressing the bad me - it was starting to feel SO good believing I could be accepted for just being me.

So I’d come away from a session feeling yes finally I think I’ve found the right T, and the right ‘method’ that was going to let me express all the crap and bad stuff that I’ve been desperate to have heard and ok’ed. At the same time I was very aware that because his method was totally unemotional and his stance one of cold unconcern, I ran a big risk of pushing myself over the edge and having to deal with the fallout entirely on my own.

I decided to take him up on his suggestion of having a break - so I could go and see a humanistic T (gestalt/psychodynamic) whom I’d already seen once when I thought I was going to quit with psychoT after the changing chairs session (also rabbited on about this in another thread.) Because psychoT was (seemingly) giving me something I did need - the sense of acceptance of my negative feelings and demands - I was getting emotionally hooked on him, but at the same time felt I needed to try and find a T who would be more emotionally available to me because it was really scaring me knowing that if I went into the pain that is behind all my anger, I’d be having to deal with it without any emotional support.

So we agreed an open-ended break and I said I would probably be back within a week (though I didn’t tell him I was going to be seeing another T) and I left feeling like I really really didn’t want to take a break from him at all, but that in order to really commit to working with him I needed to get a perspective on whether I could deal with the stuff that would be coming up for me without having any emotional support from him. And I had become much clearer about one of the prime things I needed from a T - to be free and safe to get angry AT a T and know that that was ok - and I thought that a gestalt/psychodynamic T would not only be able to handle that easily but would provide the emotional support missing with psychoT.

Ugh this is getting long, and boring, sorry. I saw gestalt T for three sessions and got progressively angrier and angrier at her because amongst other things she flatly refused to ‘allow’ me to get angry at her - fine to feel angry about anything and anyone else, but not about her. Lots of other reasons I didn’t like her but that’s another story. And I’d realized anyway even before seeing her again that really I just wanted to stay with psychoT - that what he was giving and the way he kept himself out of the sessions was exactly what I needed.

Bleh. So there I was totally committed now to psychoT and naively assuming I could just walk back into sessions a week later. Hahahahahaha boy I should have known. LL’s law reigns supreme. Even before I phoned him to leave a message asking if I could come back, I was getting these really bad feelings about his not wanting me back. I put it down to my own paranoia. So I left a message and didn’t hear back from him. Left another message two days later and still didn’t hear back from him. You can guess at the way I was feeling - went all the way from outrage to black fear and back again. The sheer intolerable state of utter powerlessness... and that inner certainty that I wasn’t going to hear back from him. And the fact that emotionally I’d committed to him, had let myself experience getting something I desperately needed and was like - I NEED to be with this guy, I’m desperate to be back with him - and he wasn’t responding.

So I phoned up another T whom I’d already contacted at the same time as I was first getting in touch with psychoT (she had been going on holiday and I ended up seeing psychoT in that time so I never got back to her) and made an appointment - luckily! - for the next day. That first session went really well and I drove home feeling a whole lot better than I had done for weeks - and there in the letterbox was a letter...

Wow did I flip out. Even now that I’m feeling ok the memory of how that letter floored me makes me want to run away and hide - it was just horrible. It was from psychoT and it was just two short paragraphs and I’m going to quote the sentences which made me re-experience in the space of a few minutes all the rejections and abandonments and judgements of me-as-bad-and-unacceptable of my entire life.

He started by thanking me for my message. Then says:

I know it is only just over a week since you ended our work, but I am afraid that I currently do not have any spaces available. Nor can I see any becoming available for some months.

In between trying to keep breathing because of the sheer force of the feelings that hit me when I read those sentences, I was absolutely furious that he’d resorted to lying about his reasons for not taking me back. I was caught between two totally opposite sets of feelings and it was really spinning me out big time.

The second paragraph in the letter was giving me a website address and telling me to see if I can’t find the name of a psychoanalyst in my area. And that was it. And that was the end of me for a while.

I was so devastated - old patterns old feelings old fears and beliefs all coming home to roost. And all my fault, of course, because I’d been so negative and critical and demanding blah blah and of course that’s not acceptable and of course he didn’t want me and was pleased to be able to get rid of me and it gave the lie to the trust and faith that I was placing in him and made me re-experience all over again how could I possibly believe that anyone could tolerate me I am so bad. Given my track record with Ts it gets a bit difficult for me to maintain any sense that it’s not something terribly wrong with me that I can’t seem to find or keep a T.

Later I realized that I was glad that he’d come up with this pathetic and obviously untrue excuse and glad that he hadn’t given me the usual cop out spiel about ‘not being able to help me’ (read ‘doesn’t want to’ rather than ‘can’t’), because this way he’s shown me exactly the kind of person he really is - weak, cowardly, dishonest and basically, a lousy T.

I still know it was my fault, and it’s really knocked me back in terms of believing that a T can take my negative feelings. At the same time, and this is why I can feel relatively ok about it all - I’m glad I gave him the chance to show what he was really like, that he couldn’t be trusted at all - and I now know that my fears were totally founded - that had I continued working with him sooner or later his cowardice and inconsistency would have done some serious damage - really bad damage because I would have continued getting more and more emotionally committed, to a fantasy image of a good T that existed only in my head.

I’m also feeling ok because the new T I went to see, whom I’ve seen twice more since, is fantastic. And that’s not something I’ve ever said before lol. So I’m feeling pretty confident that I can finally get down to doing some serious therapy with a lovely woman, and for that I have to thank this jerk of a psychoT for giving me the boot because if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have found her and I’d still be going through hell trying to make sense of the therapy with him.

So sorry for this post being SO long - when I was really going down during the last few weeks I just couldn’t post at all, and now that I’m able to post again I don’t feel anywhere near as bad about things, so really this is more of an update to let you guys know what’s been going on.

Lol also I thought it would make a nice change for me to post that I’ve found a therapist I really like - after all the dramas and complaints I’ve posted about all my other Ts. (Shh touch wood, I’m so freaked out by Ts not working that I’m really terrified this T will send me away too - so I had better not take anything for granted Frowner

Thanks for bearing with my posting such a tediously long message.

Original Post

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Excuse the brevity of this as I'm meant to be elsewhere BUT had to say a couple of things. Firstlt I am so pleased that your new lady-T makes you feel so good in such a hort period of time, that you think she is fantastic is praise indeed!! Lampers you are a seasoned T-susser so fantastic is wonderful Big Grin I really really hope that you will confident to trust and share with her.

I think I said before that there was something about you writing about psych-T that made me feel he was not the one for you. You came away always a bit down trodden so early in your relationship, that there was more about you having to understand him, than about he trying to understand you. I think his letter just shows his inadequacies and I think you are well shot of him....but I am sorry that he hurt you with that inadequacy but was pleased to read that you can see that it was about him ultimately NOT you.

Thank you for filling us in, I really look forward to reading more about your new T,

Dear Lamplighter,

i am glad i finally understand alot more about what happened with psycho(f**up)T and your latest weeks. I am schocked about the way he rejected you...No wonder why that mail (he didnt even had the guts to call? ..jerk..) would send you right back into old black holes.. Oh, so sorry for all the bad treatment you`ve got.. BUT, as you said, (creds to you for being so positive in all this) all things seems to lead to bettter ends... So you met this great new T. I like her. I like that you like her, and i like that she makes you feel better. You SOOO DESERVED to met your current, fantastic (can i also say its great to see ou describing a T in such positive terms?) woman.. Its so good news LL, and i cant wait either to hear about the process and you posting about impressions and thought you`Ll have from the therapy work you will do... I bet you two woman together gonna produce some great wisdom and insight when working together. That would be great to hear about. Most of all i am glad you are ok now, and feel ready to just start the therapy-work.. Sound like all the worst part is over though, and that it is better times ahead of you lamps, and lots of light and support will be here too! Oh, and LL- no need to apologize for not posting, we can "sense" you here in the backround..that helps ..thanks also for writing this, it was so upclearing and great written too. (yeah, you know i am your fan, love rading all your mega posts!)

ps: The way you have dealt with, accepted and figured out about all this, and reflect are really amazing. I would have given up the searching after 5 therpist, yet you have worked so hard and reveals a great GUT when managing to not give up after 25 of them... Thats awsome LL, and it says a lot more about your strenght IMO, than what you fear are a sign of error about you that no T would work with you. Their loss, really..
((((hugs to LL))))
Hi LL,

I don't know if we've formally met but I've seen you post here and there ... I hope you don't mind me offering you some words of solace .... My heart ached for you when I read your account of your therapy with psycho T .... It just seems from reading all these stories on the forum that there are so many therapy failures ... It sounds like he just didn't get you .... and your new T does .... So glad you kept looking because apparently the rewards are great ..... but finding the right T ... seems to be crucial ....

Part of the problem is that all of us have trouble with trust issues .... and it seems as though you were picking up signals that you were ignoring ... one of the things my new T told me when I went to him was that I should feel better after our sessions and if I didn't, I should call him .... (I think things have changed now) but anyway ... it gave me a benchmark on how to feel .... because with my psycho T I was on the roller coaster ride that is sounds like you went on ... you felt awful but you thought it was part of therapy so you were putting up with it .... maybe he just didn't get you .... they know all this stuff via the textbook but applying their knowledge and developing any kind of skill to promote healing in real life .... that's another story .... I bet it's not the first failure psycho T had .... Anyway ... we go to these people because they hold themselves out there as healers and they do have special knowledge and training but some are going to be better than others ... as in any profession ...

Kudos to you for not giving up!!!! Thanks for sharing your story with us ... it's always a learning experience for me ....
Dear LL,

I am unfortunately out of energy and time for posting right now but I just wanted to stop and say I read this, and I'm so sorry about psychoT and I APPLAUD your being so brave with him - I'm furious that he did that to you but I also hear that you got powerful things from going *in* there, and I see you still forging forward, tucking away the uncut stones from that work in the hem of your coat.... I too love the sound of the new woman - would like to hear more about her.

more soon, much love,
Hi LL,

I am so sorry to hear of the way that psychoT handled this...I can't imagine how that would feel. I am really pleased that you learnt of his ability to let you down now rather than later but I know that it doesn't make it hurt any less.

I think it is great that you have found this new T whom you really like.

Hearing of your strength in being able to find yourself another T gives me great hope and makes me realise how lucky I am in the way in which I ended with my T.

I'm sorry you weren't able to post and get some support when you were feeling really down.

LL it's good to see you here and sharing your experiences but I certainly understand that it's very difficult to post when you are in an emotional place of hurt and betrayal. Please do not worry about responding to all the old posts here, I am just thrilled that you have found such a good T and that you are happy and comfortable with her. This is such good news!

I'm sorry that you first had to endure the pain and betrayal of psychoT. I know how much you wanted that to work out and how hard you tried. I cannot believe his behavior in sending that awful letter (well maybe I can as I was the recipient of an awful termination email) to say that he had no openings and would not have one for months. I know how much that hurt and I winced just reading about it.

I do agree with you that it was better to find out now rather than a year down the line when you had so much more invested in the relationship. Now you have this lovely new T to build a relationship with and to work on the things that have troubled you for so long. I really look forward to hearing about your sessions with your new T and how you are doing. You have been such a wonderful support to me during my crisis and I'm just thrilled that you have had some good news yourself.


I can't respond as much as I would like, as I have a foggy head tonight. But, I wanted to say your post was really good, and not to long and WOW, that would have really have bothered me and made me go through the roof if I had received a letter like that... ugh, so many icky things wrong with all he did... made me mad just reading it! shiesh. T's. Sometimes they are really wacky.

I really loved your analysis of it all - you have a lot of good insight into what happened.

and it's really amazing how you have hung in there despite it all!! Way to go LL!!!

In the vein of all "all things happen for a reason" -- you are experiencing a great outcome.

But I am still shocked. How cowardly and unprofessional of psychoT. And it just makes me afraid of being set up for this kind of behavior down the road. Is this something we should talk to Ts about? But I guess there is no guarantee that it wouldn't happen anyway.

Sometimes I feel like half of what my T says is his way of keeping me coming back. And then you hear stories like this. The therapeutic relationship feels like an accident waiting to happen.
LL, i just want to add something i`d like to say. Probably you wont allow me to apologize for this though, but i would like to say that I am a bit sorry that I - in my eager to "find you a great T" i so quickly cheered so much for psychoT, in the beginning. All of the "go for it" posts, might have contributed further to your confusion regarding psychoT.. and therefore also maybe you defied some of your own instincts, regard to psychoT. *If* so, i apologize. I was wrong about him, and i am therefore also very glad that you now have found someone that does seem like a good T for you. You have obviously succeeded, to maneuver through all of this,(praise, praise!) the last few weeks- i am sorry though that this is "bad memories". But that doesnt make it less hurtful, - you should have been spared for that hard lession IMP. Learning or not. Have a good day, my friend. Its great to have you back! Looks like everyone here on forum can agree to that!
LL, oh, i wish i could help, but i just have a huge hug, and empathy at the hurt of being mishandled by a t.

all i can say is, better sooner than later.

the words you had to read though. i am with you, i would much rather someone be kind, but honest, than to fabricate a story to try to be nice....that leaves my imagination too far to run.

and i know, at least for me, this is a hard time of year to begin that search. but, as one t told me, and i have said it before...change is good, it gives everyone a fresh eye, and a t is supposed to pick you up where you are, and the prior history does not have to be months of getting to know you. you DO know what is left in your 'bag', so to, dissolving some of the issues that have resolved, is good. in fact, i think i progressed some on my own, and some issues...forgiveness of my abuse...are things that, at least now, don't need to be my focus.

actually, i wonder what my focus needs to be???!!!

so, just be kind to yourself in the process, and i pray a good t will reveal himself.

psychology today has a good list (altho my wretched t3 came from there)...and calling around and interviewing a few on the phone before the first appt is good, too. also, special skills, like dbt, have their own therapist resource. and, i am all for trying two out, for a run, and seeing where it goes.

hang in there!!!!!!!!! and so sorry you had to cross paths with a loser. jill
Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement (SO much appreciated!)

I’ve got another session with new T tomorrow morning so will post more about it all afterwards (being supremely superstitious at the moment and don’t want to tempt fate by saying anything right now.)

Also running out of time tonight so will come back later and post proper replies to you all. Thanks again for the amazing support.

Oh and Frog - please don’t feel bad about having encouraged me with psychoT - your words were so valuable to me, and there is no way anyone had of knowing how it would turn out with him - my fears and doubts about him were in large part due to my own paranoia and projections - nothing in the way he was towards me gave any indication that he’d pull the plug the way he did - so don’t blame yourself for doing what I actually needed at the time!

Be back later

LL...hi! Just posting my support, and hoping that your session goes well. I'm so sorry about the dreadful letter you got from psychoT! I can't put enough frowners on here....feel just awful about the way it's turned out.

I relate to that feeling of not wanting to jinx stuff by posting will leave you in peace, until you feel ready!


Sorry to be so late to this thread but just wanted to say that I am glad you have finally found a therapist that you think you will be comfortable with. You have showed such courage and perseverance in searching for someone you could work with, who could help you heal (and have suffered some real jerks along the way. I am speechless at that letter from PsychoT! Mad )
I totally understand you being superstitious at this point, I hope the session went well and am looking forward to hearing about it. Smiler

Back again!

Starfishy I remember you expressing your reservations earlier about psychoT - I think you picked up on something I was discounting - that there was nothing positive about him almost right from the start. I got a bit lulled by him when he said once that most people going into therapy start off feeling quite positive towards their T and are able to establish a relatively trusting relationship before they hit the negative feelings about their T and therefore they can better deal with it - in my case he said I’d gone straight in with the negative stuff and there wasn’t the trust established yet. (Lol yeah and now I know why!) Thanks for the validation of my own doubts about him.

Frog thank you for the praise - you always find lovely things to say to me - I love it!

Liese I not only don’t mind but really appreciate your words of solace - it’s helped me a lot to hear that others also see pscyhoT’s letter negatively. Your T’s comment about feeling better after a session - I’ve heard others say that too - but I wonder if it isn’t misleading in some ways. I spent a lot of time after sessions with psychoT feeling so bad and was really expecting to come away feeling at least hopeful, that I thought I was doing something wrong, and that he was doing something wrong, and that I was really so screwed up that it wasn’t possible for me to ever feel better... A big part of why I stayed with him was that I ‘adapted’ to what I perceived as the psychoanalytic method and so stopped being anxious about not feeling better or more positive after sessions. (Which I don’t think was a bad thing - lol it’s that I think I had a clearer idea of how psychoanalysis was supposed to work than he did Big Grin ). I wonder how it affects you with that as a benchmark though? What happens if you leave a session NOT feeling better? Do you think that it’s possible to always finish sessions feeling better? I’m just wondering because if I remember rightly your T is CBT and maybe the focus in CBT is more on finding positives in sessions than on digging up past pain and feelings?

Jones thank you for your fury on my behalf - that means a lot to me - despite all my rationalizations and excuses and defensiveness about his letter - it really really really angered me - and I always have problems feeling justified in being angry so it’s good to have my own fury validated. Thanks for taking the time to post to me.

Butterfly thanks for your kind words. I read that you are considering taking the plunge back into therapy again - I want to wish you the best with that, as I know how hard it is starting all over again with a new T and it must be infinitely harder for you having just come from a really close relationship with your former T.

Aw TN thanks so much for your support in this. For sure when I got that letter I thought - now I have some tiny idea of just how awful TN must be feeling - beforehand I could imagine how it was for you without really knowing the feelings - now I could start to feel just how devastating what your T did to you was. Amongst other things It’s the total bafflement of someone going from perceived good intentions to total rejection just like that - no warning no indications. I was lucky (?) in that I didn’t really have time to develop many strong feelings for psychoT (though I was certainly beginning to attach) so I really shudder to think about the hell you went (and are going) through. You’ve got my support all the way.

JD thanks for your kind words too - and especially as you’re slap bang in the middle of dealing with all the things your trip has brought up for you. Hope you are getting yourself a bit more sorted now you’ve been back a few days.

Drifty that’s exactly the way I now think - once I used to believe that a T was a T was a T and was just - there - for a client. I now believe that establishing a good working and trusting relationship with a T is not something to be taken for granted, and even then there’s no guarantee, no matter how many reassurances a T gives, that they won’t pull the plug at some time down the line. It’s a big risk, but I guess one we have to take if we want to get anywhere.

Deepfried thanks too for the hugs - very much appreciated.

And Jill I think I shall adopt your description of my T - a loser! Yeah, no matter what, I can’t help thinking that the way he handled this (or not, as the case was) is a big indication of the type of person he is, not just as a T. I’m well out of it. Hope your dbt gal is still coming up trumps for you.

Beebs and AG, thank you both too for your support and validation of my feelings about psychoT’s letter. It has really helped me to hear your thoughts on it as I’m always in danger of seeing his point of view and discounting just how hurtful and cowardly his action was.

Once again, thank you everyone it’s SO good to come here and really be heard.

Going to do a separate post about new T - today’s session was pretty amazing, SHE is pretty amazing and I think I can set aside the superstition for now and say with some confidence that FINALLY I have found the right T. More on it in another post.

Hugs to all


Just read your new post. I hope I'm not hijacking your thread. I was actually pretty traumatized by what happened between you and psycho T that I was going to talk to my T about it this last week but I don't want him to know I'm on this forum. I don't know if he'd read it but just in case. There's so much pain in therapy and none of us seem to be able to read ourselves well or other people. I'm so horrified that Psycho T did this to you. Is my T trying to get rid of me and I'm not reading the signals? Oh and yes his training is CBT but I am of the opinion that he must really blend his style because true CBT is short-term. I've been with him for 3 years and he just told me that I'm welcome to stay as long as I want, that there is not time-table.

I just wanted to respond to what my T said about feeling good. When I found him, I was in pretty bad shape. I was escaping from, I hope you don't mind if I borrow your phrase, my own psycho T. She was psychodynamic. My head was really spinning. So, he told me I should feel good and if I didn't, that I needed to call him to talk to him.

Now I've learned that there are different stages of therapy. The first stage is the supportive stage. This is when your ego is too weak. And basically, they just support you until you are feeling stronger. Things have been difficult between me and T for a couple of months with everything coming to a head 4 weeks ago.

So now I need to know, is pain normal? Should I still feel good when I leave therapy? Should I feel bad? I felt like I had to go through what I went through to make progress in therapy but a lot of it was at home by myself. I will ask on Monday.

I told my T this story when i first went to him. It was a spring day. I walked to work in a new pair of sneakers and got a blister on my heel. So I had to work barefoot all the way home. The sidewalk was hot. I walked a 1/2 mile up a hill to my apartment. When I got to the top, I looked across to the other side to cross the street when I noticed the whole other side of the street was in the shade. I got HUGE blisters on the soles of both feet. I never even looked. I just tolerated the pain. So I am someone who needs a benchmark =- at least until I get healthy.

I am so happy that you found someone you like!
What happens if you leave a session NOT feeling better? Do you think that it’s possible to always finish sessions feeling better? I’m just wondering because if I remember rightly your T is CBT and maybe the focus in CBT is more on finding positives in sessions than on digging up past pain and feelings?

hmmm...I don't know, LL, and Liese, I struggle with this T has a thing on his website that has been burned into my says that relief and renewed hope should be experienced in every visit! Eeker Frowner And T is definitely not CBT. So I continually, of course, think "what is wrong with me, that I don't?" Man it used to freak me out and make me feel so guilty. T would ask "how was this session for you?" And I would just freak out inside and freeze- do I be honest and say that I feel really sad, or do I lie and say I feel wonderful thank you, T? Will he banish me for not pleasing him with my positive response to his own "effectiveness/wonderfulness?" as a T? I still struggle with this's hard to be transparent without seeming ungrateful. Mostly, I feel very grateful lately...but I do sometimes have that niggling doubt that I'm not being authentic, but trying to "please him." Gosh, I really hope not. Frowner I wish I had his total and unequivocal permission to feel like crap after sessions. Roll Eyes I don't think I can really pursue that anymore though, it's too "floaty."

I think I've shared all these things with him, by now- and T seems to be much more accepting that I may not neccessarily feel better after every session lately- his humility here- that's gone a long way towards trusting him with my real feelings and not worrying that I "should" feel a certian way after talking to him, or that I "should" be getting better on a certain timetable. arg, it's just hard, I don't know what I'm trying to say.

i'm looking forward to read your new post!


Oh Liese that story about walking on the hot side of the street - yeah that makes it pretty clear that having a benchmark is important for you. I can understand too why your T would have said that if you weren’t feeling good you needed to talk to him. I remember you posting before about your T being CBT but incorporating a lot of other stuff - and you did explain he knew about attachment theory - so it sounds like he is eminently capable of going into the deeper stuff with you.

I’m curious about the stages of therapy you talk about - I’ve never heard of that before and wonder if it doesn’t originate in the CBT approach? I’ve always assumed therapy is a three steps forward two steps back (sometimes many more!) kind of thing and doesn’t flow linearly so it’s difficult to imagine specific stages. I guess it might depend on what a therapist envisages as a kind of framework for specific clients. Lol it would be quite nice to have a T who had some sort of general overview or structure for therapy - I have to admit I started to get fed up with the obvious lack of framework or even a sense of knowing where the therapy ought to go, that many of the Ts I saw seemed to show.

About whether the pain is normal. Hm well I can only really say for me - I actually expect to feel a lot of pain, specifically as a result of therapy - but it’s got to make sense to me on some level - that is, somewhere in me I have to have a sense that whatever bad feelings I’m experiencing are meaningful in some way, either in terms of understanding more about me, or in terms of being able to be brought into the therapy itself. I can’t see any value whatsoever in feeling bad for the sake of feeling bad.

I’m sorry that what happened with me and pyschoT was traumatizing for you - it certainly did my head in and all! I didn’t at all expect it (though feared it) and as far as I could tell he wasn’t giving me any signals about wanting to get rid of me before that letter. I guess by now I’ve learned that even Ts can’t be relied on totally - I used to naively assume that they could. Maybe that’s not so bad a learning thing - as it mirrors real life in that respect. But who needs it?????

Liese I hope you can talk to your T about all of the things coming up for you and I hope that talking to him resolves some of the fears you’re experiencing.

Thanks for your good wishes

Beebs I wrote the reply to Liese before reading your post - hm so your T maintains that you ought to feel better after each session too. No wonder you’re feeling that something is *wrong* with you if you come away feeling like crap but at the same time feel under pressure to reassure him that he is helping you and making you feel better. That’s quite a bind. (For what it’s worth, I don’t think your T would get annoyed or be disappointed if you told him that actually you don’t feel so great - wouldn’t that be part of feeling good, the freedom to be able to say how you ARE feeling and have it accepted?)

I have to say if a T said that to me I would probably get really pissed off if I didn’t feel better, because I’d read it as meaning this particular T is pretty confident that he/she has some sort of special technique or way of being that somehow guarantees a client will feel good after each session, so I’d be sitting there waiting for this magical technique that was going to make me feel good, start working. Lol I’d first get pissed off with T and then I’d start to believe that yet again there’s something so wrong with me that I’m not feeling good when T promises that’s how I’m supposed to feel. Hm too many shoulds in there.

I know FOR SURE that a lot of my stuff is about being able to get in touch with the bad feelings, so I wouldn’t expect to feel good per se - I would just accept that feeling bad is necessary to the healing. So I would end up having to *make* myself feel good by avoiding or pushing away any and all bad feelings, simply because I’d have accepted that T says I’m supposed to feel good after sessions therefore feeling bad is somehow *wrong*. But that’s me and my inability not to be heavily influenced by what other people say is the right or correct thing to do. Maybe for others it’s a really useful thing to be told?

Good for you though Beebs for having hung in there and getting to a point where you feel you can now really trust your T. You’ve worked really hard at this relationship, and it sounds like things are starting to go well for you with your T.

(((( Frog )))

I’m happy that you’re happy for me! Thank you Smiler .

It’s funny I’ve been writing and deleting all day a post about new T - I don’t have a problem at all writing moaning posts about bad Ts, but for some reason I’m finding it really hard to write about good new T. Have no idea what that is all about Confused .

Anyone got any clues about that? Anyone else find it easier to write about the bad things that happen in T than the good things? I thought I had so much to say about this new T yet when I come to write it, I just can’t get the words out. Feels almost as if I’ll be exposing some raw needy pathetic unacceptable core me, as if by writing how wonderful new T is, I’m somehow revealing bad things about myself. Oh this does not compute, I don’t understand it at all Frowner

I’m finding it really hard to write about good new T. Have no idea what that is all about Confused .

it makes total sense! Sometimes, the good things(that we might not have expected either)in our lifes, that we`d like to hold on to and "protect" in a way, makes us much more speachless and vulnerable, when having to express the thankful feelings. I think its just a very human thing, really.
I hardly ever manage (in therapy), to express love/warm feelings regard to people i dearly appreaciate.

It reminds me of a quote, that says something like, That its hard to find the words for what we value hhighest and love the most, those things tend to make us feel awe and humble.

Happy that you're happy. You seemed to have handled the whole thing (psycho T) really well. Although, I don't know what you went through when you weren't posting. Maybe you suffered alone?

Definitely so much easier to write about the bad things. At least for me ... But I'd love to hear about her when you decide you want to share with me. Is this your first woman T? How many men and how many women T's have you had? Do you tend to do better with women T's?

Yes, there are stages of therapy. I don't know how I came across it but I google everything that pops into my head and read everything I can find. I noticed that my T would make comments, like, "you are taking more responsibiltiy for yourself" and i became fascinated with how they know where we are by what we say to them .....

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