When I discussed the transference with my T the other day, he said something interesting: "It makes sense. For an hour of week, you get to talk to me and connect with me emotionally in a safe way, and then in your mind, when you're away from here, you can interact with me in any way that you want." That got me thinking. If I had the choice, would I really want to interact with him in all the erotic ways I dream up? Probably not. So why do I obsessively fantasize about it?
I think there's probably more than one answer to this (or just a deeper answer than this; theories welcome), but I think maybe part of it has to do with real feelings of tenderness that I've developed for him. Touch is my primary way of expressing and receiving feelings of love, but that's not an option in this situation. And other than simply telling him how I feel, I haven't hit upon any other outlets of expression - at least none that I've allowed myself to pursue out of respect/fear of boundaries. Maybe the obsessive thoughts are something of an outlet where I can play out my affection without consequence. Except for the consequence of not being able to stop digging at this particular hole.
Any insight into this and what I should do?