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I had an intense but really good session with my T this morning. I got really triggered at my last couples appointment because when we were working through a conflict my husband and I had, I realized that I had reacted from an old pattern related to some stuff that has come up repeatedly in recent sessions. While thinking it through and fighting off getting too triggered, I also realized that it was very related to the fact that there has been a very strong erotic attraction to my T recently.

I've talked to him about being attracted to him before and we've definitely spent a lot of time working through issues in our relationship which usually turn out to be my issues about the past working their way out through my relationship with my T. And for a long time it has felt like my feelings for him have been strongly paternal. I'm very uncomfortable about being attracted in a romantic/sexual way both because of my background of sexual abuse and oh yeah, he's my T and off limits. I also worry about an erotic attraction getting in the way of therapy. The paternal thing is actually a pretty good fit for therapy because although the theraputic relationship is an "odd duck" to quote my T, its closest to a parental one.

So as scary as it was, I went in and talked to him about being triggered and working my way through that, and how it related to my feelings about him. I told him that the erotic pull has been very strong lately and we spent the rest of the session discussing my feelings about being sexually attracted and how that plays out in therapy.

He was perfect. He make it clear that he had the boundaries covered and I was safe with him, that this was just one more opportunity to examine my feelings. We talked about how uncomfortable I can be with feeling desire because on a very deep level I believe its wrong no matter what the circumstances and that this was a chance to have a healthy sexual response within a safe relationship where it couldn't be acted on. He was really calm and accepting, didn't get embarrassed or uncomfortable in any way. He reassured me that it was important to discuss, that it was actually kind of flattering but he really didn't think it was anything special about him.
We talked about the whole transference versus "real" feelings and he has a great take on it. They're feelings and real ones. And obviously we've traced some of them back to my past and I talked about how he has provided some things I have been looking for my whole life, a sense of home, security and safety and why wouldn't I be attracted to that? But we also were both able to recognize that I could also be attracted based on things I would find attractive in anyone. So there was no sense of "this is just transference, you don't really feel this for me" nor was there "but of course you're in love with me, I'm really wonderful." I really couldn't have asked for a better response in any way shape or form. This was decidedly NOT a comfortable topic but he made it a lot easier to discuss. He also complimented me on being brave enough to come in and talk about it.

OK, so with those rave reviews, you ask, why is the topic "Losing my grip?" It's been terrifying me ever since. I cannot believe that I said what I did to him. I mean, I sat across from him and basically told him I wanted to sleep with him. And I think I've been trying to deny that I have these feelings for him in any depth for awhile so I'm feeling so stupid. It feels like this can only lead to pain. Its one more time I can long for something I can't have and I've done enough of that. I don't want to feel this way about him. And part of me is just like give me one good reason I shouldn't be running as far and fast as I can. I can't see this ending any way but in a lot of pain. I deeply understand that it would be really horrible for anything to happen (not that I believe he has any reciprocal feelings for me, and if by some far flung chance he did, I'd NEVER know it) and incredibly damagining for me, emotions are irrational and its not stopping me from wanting it. Which just feels pathetic and stupid because NOTHING CAN HAPPEN. But I know I've been doing really good work with him, I have come so far in the last year and a half with him and have really seen a lot of growth but for some reason this feels like I ran smack dab into a brick wall.

I mean, what was I thinking? Why didn't I keep my mouth shut? How much of a hypocrite am I considering I'm always telling everyone else to talk to their Ts about their feelings? It just feels like, I don't know,its just kicking up a lot of pain and a lot of fear. And because of Thanksgiving I don't have an appointment for two weeks, which isn't so bad right now because right now I'm not sure if I ever want to see him again. And why can't I do this melt down IN the session. Why do I wait until I walk out?

Sorry, I am just spewing all over the place, I just really needed to rant.

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sounds like you had a really good session. i am jealous of your really good relationship with your t. i think it's awesome that you seem to be able to share anyhting with him. he sounds really understanding--and smart. like he told you, he has the boundaries covered, so i don't think you will end up getting hurt here, just maybe it will be a little hard sorting through these feelings and figuring out where they're coming from. but remember, he is there for you and will help you work through it. you don't have anything to be embarrassed about. you're doing what you're supposed to do--feeling the emotions--and he is doing what he is supposed to--be there patiently with you while it all gets sorted out.
as for the 2 weeks--i am jealous of that too!lol!

I'm not entirely sure what to say, 'cause I'm one of the new ones here, and of course I wasn't there, but it doesn't sound to me like you told him you want to sleep with him. That is, it doesn't sound like you talked about actions, you talked about feelings.

I'd also want to say that it's not pathetic and stupid to feel totally attracted to someone who's given you "a sense of home, security and safety" - like you said, who wouldn't be attracted to that? I mean, I'm not even into dudes, and I'd sign up for that!

I know that when I go back and think think think think rationalize think rationalize think over what went on in session, I always feel like a ridiculous n00b because I was _feeling_, not thinking, and I hates the feelings, I hates them (all). If only I could be rational, I think.

Just posting to let you know I heard you; feel free to toss the n00bthoughts into the bin if they're not helpful or whatcha need right now. Smiler
Longing is so incredibly powerful. it won't be ignored and focusing on it makes it worse. It makes us so vulnerable and uncomfortable. The longing, the desiring of being special to someone who is special to me has always been the one thing that cuts me to the quick every time I think of it. It is also the hardest thing to admit to especially if the object of my longing is ridiculously unattainable. How I have pounded and pinched and tore myself down in my feeble attempts to stop wanting certain others to feel for me like I do for them. There is no hope in this longing, no comfort. You are right there is just a lot of pain. Pain we must endure until the light comes. I'm learning that no emotion will be denied its proper place and duration. Trying to "nip things in the bud" only puts it off temporarily. Emotions seem to have to "run themselves out" and we hold on the best we can even though it may only be by our fingertips.

I hope you can take some comfort in your bravery and integrity and honesty. I can hardly say two words about how I feel about my T and it is nothing as touchy as sexual desire. But I feel shame none the less and even when I get those two words out, when I am alone again I am horrified that I exposed myself like that. I have always equated silence & invisibility with safety. Saying anything out of ordinary is risky. And let's face it, your conversation with your T today was definitely out of the ordinary so it is logical that there is emotional backlash and regret. Try to remember that this is the old AG reacting to the new AG's courage to speak up because if we don't get that stuff out it will keep us prisoner.

You are brave and wise and amazing. Your emotions right now make you think otherwise but I know everyone who has posted here will agree with me. And at least this is between you and your T who has proven himself again and again that he is capable and willing to help you with whatever you throw at him. Take heart, AG, this too will pass.
Thank you all so much for your responses, you have no idea how much you've helped me. Being understood and having support makes it so much easier to get through this stuff. I have stopped bouncing off the walls like a ping-pong ball. River, I think you were right, it was an emotional backlash in response to an out of the ordinary conversation.

Wynne,what you said about talking about feelings instead of actions was incredibly helpful, I realized that you were right, I didn't tell him I wanted to have an affair, I just told him I was attracted to him. There really is a difference and I didn't cross that line.

River, I am deeply humbled by the way you see me (although I think 15 minutes with my husband and kids would probably modify some of your opinion Big Grin ). Thank you so much for saying that to me. And your understanding of the pain of longing helped me get why this is so intense. And you're right, my T can handle anything I throw at him, he really is a remarkable man, which is why I could even go anywhere near this topic in the first place.

AJB, sorry! I forgot that there are longer waits than two weeks!

Incognito, thanks for the support, but what happened in your session that it was so frustrating?

Since you had to listen to me ranting, I thought it would be nice to update you. Smiler I had a bit of breakthrough this morning. I've been pretty freaked since I talked to my T about the sexual attraction. In some ways, I think I'm finally admitting to myself that I really do want him in that way sometimes, and it really scared me. That I was, or have, fallen in love with him and all I was going to experience was pain and loss. Really made me want to run as fast and hard as I could. I was journaling last night to get down as much as I could remember about the appt and my T's calmness and acceptance came back. Then when I got up this morning, I got on the scale and I had lost 47 lbs and the pants that I put on didn't fit me when I started and now they're getting too big.

It hit me how amazing it is that after struggling my whole life with food, that its finally under control. That was such a stronghold in my life and I believe its really been broken. And its because of my T (don't get me wrong, I know I've done the work I needed to, but I couldn't have got there alone). And it hit me, am I nuts thinking about running AWAY from this man? After how far I've come with him and what he's been able to help me do? My life has become exponentially better since I started working with him. and then I realized that I really didn't give him any new information on Tuesday, we just discussed it in more depth than in the past. And that I'm scared of myself and what I'll do, but I don't need to be, because my T is watching those boundaries and has told me I am safe with him and can trust him. And I can, I know I can trust him. So its swung back over from being in acute pain about what I can't have to being really grateful for what I do have. Its still so new, knowing that I can really depend on him, that the relationship really does go this deep and I can trust him.

Thank you all for being here for me while I bounced off the walls on my way to calming down and being able to take this in. It was good to have somewhere to go with all this. Big Grin

Oh my River, I just read your post here this morning and I have to say that the longing you describe is totally resonating with me. It picked me up, twirled me in the air, and gently put me back down. I’ve beat myself up for it too, over and over and over again. But I am learning it is ok to long for love and it is attainable, but in a slightly different angle than we realize it needs to be. You know what I mean?

Keep going River you are definitely taking bigger steps than you realize. You are leaping like a gazelle! -But you can still call them baby steps if you want to. Wink


That is so wonderful! I am very happy for you. You totally deserve to feel good about yourself and your accomplishments. Therapy is HARD work and sometimes we just want to quit, so you are an inspiration to all of us to keep pushing on! Big Grin

That's an awesome post; thank you so much for sharing the whole go-round with us. I mean, you could come here just to vent, and then not let us hear all the good stuff. Smiler

I was journaling last night to get down as much as I could remember about the appt and my T's calmness and acceptance came back. Then when I got up this morning, I got on the scale and I had lost 47 lbs and the pants that I put on didn't fit me when I started and now they're getting too big.

I really relate to this; I fight weight quite a lot myself (obese is a category I've been in my whole life). Over the summer, when I didn't leave the house, I put on about 40 pounds: I don't diet, and I mostly maintain a stable weight by not owning a car, biking everywhere, and doing a kind of mixed martial arts (yeah, I know. But really!) Not going out? It all goes to the... everywhere.

Since I've been in therapy (and going out), I'm started to take it back off. Being happy - or having something to depend on - makes it sooo much easier. I still haven't gotten back to everything that I was doing before, but... baby steps. At least I can face traffic now. Smiler

And that I'm scared of myself and what I'll do, but I don't need to be, because my T is watching those boundaries and has told me I am safe with him and can trust him.

I also wonder if you give yourself enough credit with this. You seemed to take the 'action vs. feeling' distinction I tossed out there pretty much to heart. Are you _really_ worried that you'll _do_ something? Or is it just the rollercoaster of love and trust?

Many thanks for your post. And if anything in here isn't what you're looking for, chuck it in the bin. Smiler
I think you're good for me. Smiler I think the trusting myself has more to do with the fact that the issue I've been struggling with lately is my "voluntary" involvement in some of the abuse in order to get what I needed. I understand that I really wasn't culpable and as a child you're hard wired to do whatever you need to do to keep the attachment so its not a real choice but my emotions (pesky little things) say otherwise. I also realized that I hated myself for being so weak and giving into my needs. Again ridiculous. So having an attachment figure that I feel this strongly about evokes the feeling that I'll do whatever I need to do to keep the relationship. But you're right, I really don't think I would do something that easily. However, I am aware of how strong the pull could be because of how important my T is to me. Of course, when I expressed this to my T, he told me that nothing would be expected of me, and that I didn't need to hang onto him so tightly to keep him there. The relationship and his presence are a gift and freely given.

And I wonder why I have strong feelings about the man.

I think its also about the fact that I've been fighting off the awareness that in addition to the trust and safety and security I find with him, I do find him physically attractive. That there are things about him that have nothing to do with my past, that I really think I would find attractive in any man. And I'm human enough to know that given the right circumstances, I could probably make a bad decision. That I would really regret. So its good to know that he won't take advantage.

Thanks, I appreciate you calling me on that. Very gently. Smiler


Your approach to feelings with your T reminded me of a lyric from a Josh Ritter song - the rest of the song is vaguely inappropriate (and possibly triggering), and it's only a 1:30 bonus track, but the line is:

"You know you're asking too much to be held and not touched,
but somehow that's just what you do."

I think we ask this very impossible thing of our Ts all the time. And sometimes, just sometimes, they manage.

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