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Hi Puppet...I'm sorry you find yourself in such a difficult place right now. It must be very unsettling to be unemployed and trying to find a therapist that fits your needs. It's hard enough to find someone good when you can pay for them and have more freedom of choice.

I just wanted to note that I see my T during the day.... on my lunch hour. He is so booked that I would never get an evening appointment and this works out well for us. So, it could be possible to find a daytime T and then continue to see that T during your lunch hour when you do get a job (assuming you don't need to travel a great distance).

The other thing I wanted to acknowledge is that the appointment making T was unprofessional in handling your call and her comment was uncalled for. This may have no bearing on the T that you actually get to see but I'm sorry she made you feel so judged and uncomfortable. I would try to keep an open mind because you may end up with a T that is really helpful to you... and if not... you can just walk away before becoming too invested in the relationship. I saw 5 Ts before settling with this one I have now. I was determined to find someone who met my needs and if it didn't "feel" right, then I didn't go back.

I wish you the best in your search. Please keep us updated as to what happens.

thank you TN! it's really good to hear someone else acknowledge that the referral T was unprofessional and hurtful with her comment.

yes, i will go and see this T first and try to keep an open mind. i think it's because I'm so worried about it and what happened with the referral T that it made me so doubtful and mistrusful of this T as well. it might be that this T will be for just a few sessions to sort some things out in my head and then I'll hopefully know where I'm going and look for a long term T later.

how are you able to handle going to T in your lunch hour? what do you do if you had a bad session and then you have to get back to work? i admire your strength to be able to do that, but i dont think i could handle it. even before therapy, i am normally so unsettled and need some time to myself.

i hope this T is working out for you. i have read your posts in the past and you deserve a T who is professional and is there for you.

Hi puppet

I am sorry that things are so hard for you at the moment and that your 'big adventure' hasn't turned out the way you hoped it would.

I agree, the person who you made the appointment with you was extremely unprofessional and insensitive and I hope you don't let this put you off getting the help you need. I understand things might be difficult with therapy when you are in full time work but it sounds like you are in need of some support now so I hope this helps to make things clearer for you even if it is only temporary.

Good luck in your search.

thank you butterfly!
that's life i guess, things never turn out as you plan / hope for, but its not all bad and I don't regret my decision (most of the time). i'll just see how i go from here and try and look after myself.

yes, it's so unfair that unprofessional people like this are qualified and work in this profession and they sometimes do more damage than good. maybe her job was to put off a lot of people because they get a lot of calls? I think i disliked her attitude from the beginning and I'm a bit angry now that I didn't say anything to her then, like 'what do you mean by that?'

thank you for the validation!


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