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Going through a very painful time at the moment. At times I feel I am about to lose my mind.
Managed to get to T today. Sat falling apart. Explained how bad I feel through dripping tears.
Yet again I feel I'm wanting T to jump into it all with me. I told her I can't seem to bridge the gap between my desire for love and the proffessional relationship.
T said but you have people in your life that love you, your children, your husband.
I said but that love isn't enough. T said I think it feels flat, the love you desire feels 'exciting/alive' because your mother would keep you hooked by offering a tiny glimpse of what could have been possible, but never allowed you to fully have it so you were caught up in the dynamic of being tantalised with the hope of getting something more.
It's that which you still chase, but love was never really there, you actually are getting more now than back then.
She added, you can't ever get her rejection of you reversed. You look for that kinda phantasy love repetively in the hope of changing it. The fear you wake up to is how it must have felt as a baby waking up with no one there.
The emotional pain was unbearable in session, I said how can reliving these experiences be good? T said, we need to put words to them so we can put them in their right place, the past instead of you living as if its happening now.
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(((Melba)))) Though it might not comfort you to hear it, I want to tell you that your courage in sharing these feelings with your T leaves me in awe. I'm sorry for your intense pain; I have felt something similar but have not found the words or the courage to experience those emotions in T's presence. I think it is your courage in feeling those emotions, and unfortunately your suffering through those emotions in her presence, that will heal your pain.

you actually are getting more now than back then.

I needed to read this, and I may need to read it over and over before I can accept what is available to me through my T and therapy. So please know that your ability to express your pain so purely here may help others like myself to heal too.
Thank you for sharing yourself and your struggle. I'm sorry for the painful road you are traveling right now. (((Melba)))

I had a similar session today, not as intense as yours, and about fear. I am afraid of everyone now because of how I had to live in fear for the first 20 years of my life in order to survive. I am frustrated that after so many years of therapy and many positive experiences there and with other people in my life I still live in fear. T told me it takes a long time to heal from trauma that deep and I will have to constantly remind myself that the person I am dealing with now is NOT the person who I had to be fearful of back then.

Your T's words were very kind and wise. They may not ease the pain right away but they will eventually.

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