I really like you too
I have found it to be very benificial reading the forum, as it has given me comfort in knowing that I am not alone in the way I feel and experience things. I have not found it harmful or triggering in a bad way at all. I feel sorry for people struggling here, as I know how it feels and resonate so much with that.
To really be honest, I don't know if all my time, money and effort has paid off in therapy. Yes there have been breakthrough momemnts and things have come to light while being there, but in general, most of the time I don't know what the hell it is we are doing. I can't tell you of one specific issue that we have really dealt with in all this time. It's been a toss salad of issues and emotions. The worst being the attachment to her, which drives me insane. She says that if I didn't need her, then therapy would be meaningless. And I agree. I've never seen anybody else, so I can't compare at all.
But in the same breath am to afraid to agree..
I don't know if I could go somewhere else. We live in a small town and what if she finds out? I don't want to hurt her feelings. She just seems like some army commander sometimes - yes sir, no sir...LOL I would still like to know what kind of therapy she uses? Why won't she answer? She has a D.Phil and is extremely intelligent to say the least and gives great attention to detail - maybe I am just boring her right now during our sessions..
Big hugs to all of you for being so great in responding