Hello back again. Lol Mayo is that you being impatient? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this issue as well. And I’m sorry DF you had to delete, I thought you said some interesting things.
Yaku, my thoughts about this aren’t specifically based on an emotional/physical divide, more of a gender divide. But the way you describe being drawn rather to men than women for the nurturing physical affection fits me exactly. I seem to have this pattern of seeing men as the accepting nurturing caring ones, and women as the colder judgemental hostile morally righteous ones. Probably based on childhood experiences but also reinforced throughout my life too, not all projection.
I’m pretty sure it’s all tied up with sex – as in, physical closeness equals sex and vice versa, and I’ve obviously fallen into the classic trap of equating physical closeness with love. Physical affection from a woman leaves me stone cold unmoved – I don’t have any experience of caring touch or emotional closeness with the female figures in my childhood so it doesn’t mean anything to me emotionally. It was the male figures in my childhood who did the hugging, tickling, holding, showing some concern for tears etc (but only up to a certain age – after that nothing.)
I’ve seen a mix of gender Ts, mostly women (female Ts outweighing male Ts by vast numbers statistically) and for a long time couldn’t make up my mind whether one gender or the other was a better fit. ALL of them scared the hell out of me emotionally (like you’re describing with the Pdoc you saw) but in fact I always felt safer and more comfortable exposing vulnerability to male Ts than female ones. I always felt that the females just didn’t get it, didn’t have the openness and acceptance of my feelings that I experienced with male Ts, especially with negative and angry feelings.
My last but one T was female and was the first to openly offer and in fact push physical touch – which totally freaked me out but made me think, hm if I freak so much about it then it’s obviously something I ought to go into. She also really pushed me to go to tears, something I’m really uncomfortable with and the combination of being expected to cry and expected to accept physical touch (hugging, sitting close to me, hand holding etc) just flipped me out – too much exposure too much vulnerability too many of my survival defences going into overdrive… But I also experienced her as not genuine, that this whole touchy feely thing was a put on, a façade of assumed maternalism revolving around her need to experience herself as a kind caring giving T and not based on what I needed at all. It rather confirmed my prejudices about women generally, that the image of women as understanding, caring and nurturing as propounded in our culture is pretty much a con. (No offence intended to anyone here, this is pretty obviously my own projections/transference, but it’s my current reality.)
So I then saw a male T and interestingly, the major thing that put paid to that therapy was the fact that I found him creepy, that I just couldn’t bring myself to even imagine being emotionally exposed to him because I was not only not physically attracted to him but he made me want to cringe as far away from him as possible, and that was entirely based on my perception of him as physically repellent to me. (Never mind that he was a very kindly man and very accepting of everything about me.)
So I finally woke up to the fact that for me to trust a T there had to be some spark of physical attraction, such that I wouldn’t feel like vomiting if I had to imagine physical closeness (which I’ve come to realize is inseparable from emotional closeness for me). Which told me pretty clearly that I needed a male T because I was never going to feel either physically attracted to or comfortable and safe with a female T exposing emotional vulnerability, nor would I even want to (at the moment anyway.)
Dunno how to explain it any better without getting into icky details of sexuality, though it’s not really about sex at all – just the confusion in my mind between emotional/physical intimacy, trust, and the whole weight of cultural conformity (even though I burned my bra at 16
Hm not sure if what I’ve been saying is very much to do with your situation Yaku, as I know it’s really important to your healing to be able to have safe touch with your T, whereas for me it’s rather the knowing I could if I had to, but I don’t really want it in reality. I think I would totally spin out if the option of physical closeness with my current (very new, male) T came up, I would feel very very threatened. Nice in fantasy but definitely not in reality. At the moment anyway.
But thanks for the topic, this is something that has come up really strongly for me recently and I’m glad to hear other’s views of this gender divide.
For what it’s worth Yaku, I think you are taking huge strides forward and though you might feel sad right now about wondering whether there is anyone you could ever feel truly safe with, I reckon you’ll get there with your T before too long. I just read your other thread about how this week has turned out so well for you, and want to say how wonderful it is that your insurance is now going to pay for you to stay with your T, that must be a huge relief. Now you can really get to work on that safety issue.