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BB you posted just as I was writing this reply so want to add first that I’m sure Jill didn’t mean that people on this forum were fake, but that she was feeling sad because she was doubting herself about being able to make friends here. Please don’t you start doubting yourself or us and especially not your T - it’s all real and genuine (((( BB )))).

Jill it sounds like you’re beating yourself up for believing anyone here could like you? Please correct me if I’m wrong I’m trying to read behind your words here. I’d just like to say I’ve had more support and help and good feelings in the last few months from people on this forum than all the rest of my life put together. (Which hasn’t stopped me profoundly doubting my right to be here and take so much!) Don’t feel bad about it, it’s as real as you could get and something really precious.

And as to the thread topic - I’m a girl (funny I find it hard to say ‘woman’ never been comfortable with that word though age wise I am a LONG way from anyone ever describing me as a girl lol). How about female.

I don't feel the acceptance or the friendship offered here is fake or pretend.

Thanks for that BB- I fully agree. You guys are absolutely wonderfully and fully supportive. (a guy wouldn't say that) I am a female- but I am pretty sure that was obvious.

Ag- the reason I asked is (and I knew you and strummergirl were female) because I am never really sure who I am talking to. Sometimes I try to imagine - visualize the real person -gender, age, life situation based on what I read etc...
that's all- more just curious.

Monte- you made me laugh- Big Grin

And BB- for a split second- I was shocked! Eeker

STRM- I am not a girly girl either. Not my style.

Thanks all- my suspicions were correct- I am speaking to mostly women. How about Jones? Woman - is my guess- but not 100% sure.
Thanks for that LL you have a keen insight. I am hoping you are right.

Your post showed up after I had posted eventhough it is listed before.

Jill- keeping what LL has said in mind, we really do honestly try to help each other here. It is amazing to me how much LOVE i feel from everyone. You being new- might need more time to exerience that.
Hi all,

I just wanted to say that I definitely think that things can feel a lot more fake in the beginning, but once the helpful, caring, and loving nature of everyone here takes hold and sustains, that is when you really start to reap the benefits.

BB, I hope you don't feel bad for posting. I can completely understand why you would find the post triggering. You can't be blamed for feeling a certain way, and you can't be blamed for being honest about it.

Hugs to you all.

Oh, and I am female. Smiler
I obviously missed something that has now been deleted, but I just wanted to say that this forum has the most amazing group of people that I've ever run across on the internet. The support and camaraderie that I have experienced here has been amazing. It definitely doesn't feel fake and in fact often feels more "real" than my IRL friends because most of them don't "get it" and I spend so much time faking being "ok" with them and I don't have to do that here!
LL and all, i'm ok, i know y'all are real and nice and care and understand...perhaps some part of me is wanting to test that, like a child, to see if i can push y'all away...but y'all seem to stick.

crappy day, schizophrenic sister trying to pull me under a bit. hard to keep my distance, but i don't have it in me these days to support her too.

just lots of resentment and anger and anxiety out the whaazoo!!

thanks for your kind words, mayo and LL and all!!
Hi Everyone, I have been reading these posts and i totally agree that eveyone is friendly and helpful, and when your lost you can always find an answer. I am so glad i found this site and it is helping me, i feel really behind a few of you, but knowing what may come in the future is very positive. I too wondered who was who, you guess from my name i am female, with a touch of child every now and then, Yeah i guess i am normal after all!!! Razzer
Hi all,

So who is gonna admit to being a girlie girl?

Well here I am - your 'verging towards quite a girly girl' now that you ask! Big Grin

Great questions and answers - love it. And yes, the support here is amazing, got me through a difficult time the last 2 weeks, so thanks you guys. And big hug (((smiley))), hang in there, sometimes all you can do is read for a while, but come back when you can,

Aw thanks you guys, starfish has returned from chilling out in the beach and trying to get her (girlie) head around the implications of living with memories as they become reality. Have been following all the posts here, which have really helped to make me feel connected to the real world when I seriously thought at times that I wasn't and could never be again perhaps. But life always seems to go full circle, so reality eventually catches up with the rest of my brain and life settles again....until I have to look at it all again maybe Eeker

Oh by the way I casually asked my daughter if she thought I was a tomboy or a girly girl -'oh definitely a girly girl mum, but not too much'. So I guess that is confirmation Big Grin, anybody joining me?!!


Aw thanks for the generous offer, not sure what my husband would say about the kitty cat nightie, might take a bit of explaining!! Maybe I'm not so girly girl as that, never succumbed to a sparkly nightie.......maybe that's where I've been going wrong all these years!! See starfish off shopping tomorrow......

DF I read that you'd been away, so big welcome back too. (((DF)))


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