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I am almost at two weeks on my new meds (Lamictal) and one of the things I was told to watch for was a rash. Well, I had a massage this morning (have had many, many before) and am noticing a rash on my hands and torso.

I took a shower (warm water, not too hot) to wash off any massage lotion that hadn't yet absorbed, noting that though my belly wasn't massaged, it was also covered in red bumps. I wanted to make sure it is not anything that my massage therapist used (even though she's used the same stuff as long as she's massaged me.) Otherwise, NOTHING has changed since starting the meds. Nothing.

Is it even possible for meds to give a rash reaction this soon? Last time I reacted to a med it was at week 3 when the rash hit and I had to stop the meds. This is only like 10 days of meds.

Any thoughts? I am covered from feet to neck in little red bumps. They don't look like the pictures of the lamictal rash I found on google though? I don't know what to do!
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I wish I could give you an educated answer, but I think you should pose this question on a medical community forum. I also think you can call your pharmacist and doctor and they should be able to tell you.

I don't know where you live, but changes in weather can cause rashes, so it is possible it is a reaction to spring allergies.

Or perhaps you have eaten some food that caused the rash. If I eat produce grown in Mexico, I get bad rashes. (pesticides)
Thanks LG and DF. Nothing has changed - no eating changes or anything (I'm really, really a picky eater!) I am looking for an online med community (good suggestion!) and will also leave my P a message - I just don't know if he checks messages on the weekend. I know my T does, and if it doesn't start to subside in a few hours, or my P doesn't call back, I'll call and leave her a message.

I am definitely NOT taking the meds tonight Frowner It was finally starting to kick in! The same thing happened to me back in December with Zolaft - a rash popped up after three weeks, just as I was starting to feel a little relief.

This is so not fun Frowner
I called my P, and as I've never called him before, I didn't know how quickly he'd get the message and call back. Lo and behold, he called back within 8 minutes - wow!

He said to run up to the store and get some benadryl and follow the directions on the package. He also said if it doesn't get any better with the benadryl (in a few hours) then I have to go into urgent care or the ER. If it gets any worse I have to do the same.

He's going to call me back later on to check in, and to schedule another appointment so we can move on to the next med - which will mean med #4 in 5 months (first one had an allergic reaction, second one didn't work, this is the third one...) Why is getting healthy (mentally and physically) so much frickin' work?!?!

(((((DF and LG))))) Thanks for your support!
Hi gang...

I am less itchy thanks to the benadryl (taking my second dose in a few minutes) and the rash has stopped spreading. It is still there, though, but will hopefully be gone by morning? If not, benadryl seems to be a good thing right now!

My P actually called back about an hour or so ago to check in, and to schedule me for Thursday. That means, unfortunately, I am med free until then, which scares me a little bit. But, taking it one day at a time, one hour at a time, one post here on the forum at a time!

It IS frustrating, this med thing. I know they will help me once we find the right one, I just need to find it soon cause I'm hanging on by a thread these days...

Thanks everyone, for your support and help on this itchy endeavor!

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