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maclove, i did read your words, just am still trying to figure out which of the herbals competes with wellbutrin. i won't do anything until i figure it out, and i haven't had time to search it out.

idk, i feel pretty crappy today. wellbutrin isn't magic. what is. this life seems so hard at times, and i make it so much harder.

thanks for your words, maclove...jill
sadly, i think this wellbutrin 150 is jazzing me up too much to sleep well, and the lack of good sleep is making me spiral. six hours a night for a nine hour a night girl doesn't work! i am so sad to leave it, sounded so good. i know effexor was tolerable to my system, whether it cuts the depression, i don't recall, that was pre-therapy, so...

anyway, i know this is a process, but i would sure love to strike pay dirt on meds and t's. altho i think dbt gal is good.

and topamax? no way, with the hair loss...that would depress me more.

remron was tolerable...very groggy in the morning, and i questioned the anti-depressant lift...dang, what gives??

but, i am grinding my teeth, or clenching, all the time, poor sleep, can't eat then i get nauseated with the meds on an emptyish stomach.

do you taper off? i think i'll put a call into p, altho i am sure sick of spending money for all these $100 15 minute med checks.

i sure hope 2011 is a better year.

Hi Jill
I just wanted to tell you about my experience with Welbutrin XL. I'm on a 300 mg/day dose (I'm actually taking the generic) and I have absolutely no side effects at this point and it does a really good job keeping me stable. I really can't tell I'm on it but it provides a bottom so to speak. There's only so low I go and then I stop. But the reason I'm writing is to tell you that although I experience no side effects now (and I've been on the drug for over 10 years) the first few days I took it (3-5) I was a total zombie. I mean, so wiped I could barely move, and right about the time I thought no way this is NOT going to work, I got wired up. Felt like I was drinking pots of coffee and couldn't sleep the way you described. Again that went on for about 5 or 6 days, then I settled out and have been fine since. It's takes time for the dosage to climb up in your bloodstream and for your body to adjust. I don't know how long you've been on it. I also had the advantage of my older sister (who is VERY similar to me physically and we often react the same way to medications) started taking it before me and had done well, so I had reason to hang in. Hope that helps.

Oh, one more thing, do NOT go cold turkey off of Welbutrin. Did it once between refills and NOT a good experience. You need to taper. I would definitely call your doctor and get instructions about weaning off it.

thanks ag. i have been on 150 for about two weeks. yesterday i was so wired and my jaw so clenched that i vowed i would wean off. today i took half (75) of the 150 and feel much better.

my body is very sensitive to meds (all except sleeping pills, which lunesta 3mg will only carry me 6 hours while i am taking wellbutrin)...anyway, today feels good. i may try this dose for awhile, maybe i need to build up more slowly than the usual start at 150. she thought optimally 300, but i was so wired i couldn't take it another day. and not spinning and talking fast, but the main sensation i felt was the clenched jaw and irritability. today, i feel pretty even, altho i always have this "love feeling" when i try i new a-d as my hopes are so high for it to work, that it 'does' for awhile...placebo effect, i think a tic tac would convince me.

glad to hear it has been so good for you!! ten years, that is quite a stay! and you sleep well on the 300? i was too afraid to up it as the 150 had me gone. and i am a wretch with poor sleep!!

we'll see how the 75 does sleep wise tonight! i am encouraged that at least i feel normalish today.

love that ee cummings line, i reread it everytime i see it. hope one day i find that person...maybe that person is husband would certainly qualify.

thanks, jill
I think I'm headed back onto an antidepressant. I've taken one before, for just a few months, and then didn't need it anymore... that was a few years ago.

But now, I'm sliding downhill... and I can't seem to get out of this deep sadness and loss of motivation that is plaguing me...

it's hard because i'm feeling this way very much in response to recent events, so i keep thinking, "just gotta get through this and i'll be ok..." but the events are adding up and i'm sinking and falling behind very fast...

my doctor is gone, abruptly, and so i'm searching for a new one... fast...

i just can't keep sliding or even staying here. something's gotta shake and get better.

i've tried 5-HTP before and that helped, maybe i'll give it a try again in the meantime.

jill ~

how's it going with the wellbutrin?
jane, i tell you my opinion, if it worked, why not. don't know what you were on before. i have tried a slew of them and now the wellbutrin, 75mg, which 'normal' is 300, but 150 was too aggitating.

how long did you notice it took for the 5 htp to benefit you?

jane, i know you have some stuff going on, and i wish you help with this. i do know wellbutrin is handled well by many and this loss of motivation could be benefitted by the stimulating aspects of this drug. just my perspective, but, i used to look at ad's as a crutch, a 'cheat', but, at this point, whatever. i am not in childbearing years, so, there is no harm to anyone other than my liver, and my liver has had a pretty easy life so far. so....that's my take.

again, how long on the htp to note an effect? and how much did you use? jill
jill - thanks, that is encouraging and helpful to know.

I have decided, I am going to start it... It's lexapro - "small" dose of 5mg. I tend to have strong responses (good and bad) to small amounts of meds. There are drawbacks, but it's been ok enough to go on and off of before...

and at this point, heck, yeah, meds might be a crutch, but if I'm hurting and limping, crutches help our bodies do the rest of the work to heal...

I before the lexapro, my doctor tried me on effexor - and like the reaction you had with wellbutrin, I couldn't take very much before it just made me irritable and aggitated... then my hair started falling out, and it was dramatic, my doc said she thought I lost about 2/3 of it, stil growing back in... grr... so I guess I worry about that kind off the wall reactions to meds, but I've done ok with the lexapro before... so here goes to hoping it helps the rest of me heal...

How long before I noticed any effect of the 5-HTP? About 3-4 weeks. What's hard with some of this stuff is if the effect builds up over time - then it's harder to notice the difference. I had to look back on my DBT cards to notice when - and when I started taking it I made a note of doing so. There may have been lots of things that I was doing that helped. But, when I stopped the 5-HTP, I kept doing the rest, and I noticed quickly that I was feeling worse anyhow, so I think it did help. It wasn't a night and day difference, but it still was a difference that helped me do other stuff more effectively to help me feel better.

I took about 1/2 of what the bottle said to take. (sorry, I can't remember how much or find my notes - grr.) So I didn't take much. The amount though probably really varies for people - as well as the effect.

Are you taking 5-HTP? is it helping you?
5 HTP took 3-4 weeks for you? That’s interesting. I could always feel it after 20 minutes from the first dose. It did build up in my system though because after about a month I could tell that I felt more stable even if I was a little late on my dose. But I would take it, 20 minutes later I would feel a little bit lifted (I describe it to my T that it must be how normal people feel- not different, just not depressed), and then 5 hours later I could feel it ware off and I would start getting extremely irritated and all I could do was lay on the floor till I took another dose.

My bottle says a max of 200 mg a day so you might have taken 100?
agh, it may be a coincidence, but really crappy day on the htp, and yes, i know one day isn't fair to judge, but how do you put something back into your mouth that made you feel sick all day. maybe it wasn't that, but, back to 75 wellbutrin today and ok. can you believe my impatience? i can't, but, whew, a bad ride yesterday.

been reading alot today, and got some things done that i had been avoiding doing, procrastination and perfection to get it right prevent me from doing so much and that leads to unsurmountable anxiety at times. and yesterday was one of those times. so i hit it today, and got a few things, scary things i needed to do, begun. so, treated myself (imagine that!) to an afternoon reading in the nice weather on my back porch...of course a self help book, can't totally relax, but, it was enjoyable and did seem to help me focus a bit on what i need to focus on (that WILL achieve my life goals) and to cut out the stuff that i do that i feel i OUGHT to do (be social, MAKE everyone like me, say yes to stuff i don't want to do, etc.) that just clutters up my life and keeps me from doing what i need to be doing, what fits my value system, etc.

i find i can do 80 things well and enjoy doing them, but i find i spend so much time trying to do and enjoy and get better at the 20 things i hate...while 10 may be chores i need to do anyway, somehow the other remaining 10 are things that eat me alive...y'no, being social with people you really don't like, who make you nervous because they are so different than you, but somehow you (me) idolize them because they are so delft at their apparently (better than mine) social life.

dang, the social scene, for this introvert (despite how much i post here, i am an introvert and recharge with alone time) is really hard. YET, i spend so much time trying to 'fit' in that i don't do the things i really enjoy. t thinks i am a perfectionist, and need to relax and focus on what i enjoy and accept some of the stuff that is hard for me as i am 'good enough'....

not in those words, but, that is the jist, i think.

y'no why?? coz mama focused on those things in me that WEREN'T good enough, so now, i have picked up the whip, and i do it for her. EEWWWHHH, i HATE my ya ever get over that?? not that i, right now, really want to.

anyway, taking wellbutrin 75 tomorrow, and the sleep at night is a bit better....


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